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Everything posted by Badrabbit

  1. I've had continuous pain for 2 yrs, 1st year I took Tramadol to control the pain(at least 6 50mg tablets over 24 hrs) they eventually stopped working, I've been to every Hospital on Phuket, CT Scans, Ultra sound, X Ray's, blood tests, Urine tests etc Hospitals say "can't find anything" local Dr says its Ameba Infection, his tablets do not work. Can I take 1 50mg Tramadol per day without any long term side effects, no one seems able to help me, International Hospital is 7k per night(30k deposit) you can imagine how much a week would cost with many tests trying to find the problem, I'm at my wits end, I sit in my house with my head in my hands scrunched up trying to bear the pain this is day and night. I took 1 50mg Tramadol 2 days ago and it worked after about 1 hour, I had 24 hrs of pain relief, I'm scared to take them everyday so can someone tell me if I can take 1 per day to make my life worth living.
  2. Where do I go to be screened for this, is it a simple blood test or do you have to go to a Special place.
  3. My Sister has Ovarian Cancer, she contacted me to show the letter from the Hospital saying that Siblings have a 50% chance of having the BRca2 Varient and they should get screened, could this be something to do with my Abdominal pain. My Sister has had an Ileostomy.
  4. It seems I could also carry the BRca2 variant as I'm a Sibling. 50% chance.
  5. My Sister has Ovarian Cancer, she had an Ileostomy, she told me I should get screened as it runs in families, could I have Cancer?
  6. Im just asking as I've had Abdominal pain for over 15 months, 1 Hospital says I have Kidney stones another Hospital says I have not, this Hospital also says I could have acute Constipation, my sister had the Colostomy many years ago but I don't know why.
  7. Has anyone had this procedure in Thailand, if so could you please tell me your symptoms which led to the procedure being done. Thankyou.
  8. Uk Citizens do not need an Embassy letter as told too me by Immigrstion(Phuket)
  9. Yes I will have the Bank Statement plus I will have all the Transfer Invoices.
  10. Yes in Phuket you have to show 12 deposits into your account, need to show Bank book plus all usual paperwork.
  11. Thanks for the info, I'm changing to the 65k method in October so wanted too make sure of the rules.
  12. What are the rules regarding this? Is it after 4 months you can withdraw half then it must be paid back 2 months before renewal, is this correct?
  13. Decided against the Forza Nitron, will get the standard one, I will also be ordering the NC750X(DCT) but can not get it untill September 2023, had the NC700X back in about 2015 and it was fantastic. No sign of Forza, Big Wing still say "3 maybe 4 months"
  14. I drove the ADV that was parked out the front, no forms they just let me drive it.
  15. Honda dealer was daft enough, they had 4 ADV350's I drove one on Red plates but only around the yard.
  16. Big Wing Phuket sell the Forza but not the ADV350, just stopped at a dealer who had 3 brand new looking Forza's for sale, 2021 7600kms for 175,000 thought a bit much I suppose he might take 165k. I'm not in a hurry so I'll wait for a new one.
  17. I'm tall with long legs the ADV was a bit cramped whereas the Forza was not, I'll stick with the Forza from Big Wing, there servicing is 2nd too none here and I trust them 100%
  18. Drove the ADV350 this morning, I don't like the sitting position and Instruments plus its a 7+ month wait too get one so I'll stick with the Forza which ever comes first Standard or Nitron.
  19. Thanks mate, Really like the ADV in particular the handlebar, I've got a long time to wait for a Scooter so plenty of time to keep changing my mind. I do think because of the Showa rear Suspension and the Showa front Forks the ADV is better value for money, I'll go Honda tomorrow and see if the waiting time is the same as the Forza.
  20. I've driven the ADV350 but only around the Honda Dealers yard, I didn't like it as much as the Forza, I had the old Forza years ago which was great so I'll stick to the new Forza, I've actually ordered the Standart Forza and the Nitron I'll buy which ever arrives first. If I can find an ADV350 I'll take another look as I've got along time waiting for any Scooter to arrive.
  21. I don't take any notice of the Moto GP stars, just hoping for some intelligent comments, went to Honda this morning and saw a standard Forza in Grey and thought "180k very nice" I will go for the standard Forza and put extras on it at a vastly reduced cost, Honda charge a fortune for accessories. It's a 3 month maybe a 4 month wait though.
  22. Plenty of time for that to happen, Getting the Forza is 100% its just the model that might change.
  23. Thanks mate, the only sensible reply, I'm now thinking of getting both, Forza Nitron( its expensive but I love the look of it) when it arrives and consider getting the CB500X next September, best of both worlds. Hopefully the Forza will be excellent as is my NMax, I'm sure the Forza will surpass the NMax in all areas, come next September I will either get the CB500X or a Jam Jar, we'll that's the plan at the moment.
  24. NITRON on Shopee big price.
  25. Thanks for all the comments, no deposit has been paid as the wait for a bike is between 3 and 4 months maybe longer, I am still undecided what to go for(I like Scooters) no I'm not wealthy so value for money is important so maybe the Nitron is over priced (Honda do charge alot for there accessories) probably better to go for the 180k Forza, although the CB500X is geared its a bike I have been considering for a long time, it would be perfect for my Fishing trips up to Cha Am. Plenty of time to decide. Seen Nitron shocks for 59k so they must be excellent quality.
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