I've had continuous pain for 2 yrs, 1st year I took Tramadol to control the pain(at least 6 50mg tablets over 24 hrs) they eventually stopped working, I've been to every Hospital on Phuket, CT Scans, Ultra sound, X Ray's, blood tests, Urine tests etc Hospitals say "can't find anything" local Dr says its Ameba Infection, his tablets do not work.
Can I take 1 50mg Tramadol per day without any long term side effects, no one seems able to help me, International Hospital is 7k per night(30k deposit) you can imagine how much a week would cost with many tests trying to find the problem, I'm at my wits end, I sit in my house with my head in my hands scrunched up trying to bear the pain this is day and night.
I took 1 50mg Tramadol 2 days ago and it worked after about 1 hour, I had 24 hrs of pain relief, I'm scared to take them everyday so can someone tell me if I can take 1 per day to make my life worth living.