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Everything posted by Badrabbit

  1. Sorry I'm just overly worried and concerned, still very confused as I'm old.
  2. As this starts this year I don't need to worry untill Jan/March 2025, I have no problem paying tax here, I live here so it makes sense.
  3. Is this all up in the air or is it 100% certain I and many others will be expected to pay tax on their pensions, in my case from the UK. My local tax office said you choose where you pay tax here or your home country, I pay tax on all 3 of my pensions in the UK. Yes I am a very big worrier, I want to do the right thing and avoid any problems.
  4. I'm the worrying type so yes I'm very worried about this. I went to my Tax office, they said "if you pay tax in your home country you won't pay tax here" I'm still worried.
  5. It's very very busy and nothing like a private Hospital, I've been and didn't enjoy the experience at all.
  6. I've been to Vachira and it is a nightmare place, I would never want to go back there.
  7. Yea thought that, the seat is okay but could be more comfortable, I'll see how it goes on my Jan trip.
  8. Has anyone changed the seat for an aftermarket one if so is it better than the stock seat. Seat is okay for local travel but I'm sure on a long run it will be very uncomfortable, the ADV350 seat looks alot better, will ask at Honda if the ADV seat will fit the Forza but I think it is different. Thanks in advance.
  9. Cheers, I will look into this but thinking it will be expensive.
  10. I'll be doing a 2500km trip this coming January so let's see how that goes, I met a man recently who was having the same problem, his bike had done over 25,000kms. I've only done just under 2,000kms it's great so far.
  11. Yes I've got a top box plus YSS G-TX rear suspension. It's fine, getting old now so big powerful bikes are out for me, Forza is great, plenty of power for me
  12. No idea the bike is very new, apparently all 350's have the problem, could be adjustments but the Video I saw was on a new Forza with no modifications, mine drives great so I don't consider it a problem untill it happens when driving with your hands on the steering. I'll keep my hands on from now on but have only taken them off a couple of times just to check.
  13. Anyone managed to sort this problem out? It happens if you take your hands off the steering which of course you shouldent do.. Honda say if its okay when you are driving its fine they also say "don't take your hands off the steering" Other than this the bike is awesome.
  14. No it has not been resolved, the pain has virtually gone, still feels a little bit uncomfortable but it's no where near as bad as it was, don't think the Hospitals had any idea what was wrong, the Hospital diagnosed me with Gastritis that was on me telling them that I had burning pain in my Abdomin, 99.9% no pain any more.
  15. I saw the Specialist at Phuket Bankok Hospital, no exrays have been taken, I went to the Dentist who said what you have said but said if it gets worse to go back to Hospital.
  16. I can fix my own punctures, I have a 12v power outlet fitted to my bikes, I carry a Mini air compresser, I carry a puncture kit, takes 5 mins to repair and lasts for years.
  17. Private Hospital quoted me, 30k Colonoscopy if you need Biopsy 10k then 20k for investigation of Biopsy
  18. For the past 5 weeks I have had a right side Jaw problem, at first it was very painful, Hospital told me to take Anti-Inflamatory tablets, I did this and after 1 day the pain went, the problem has not gone though, it cracks whenever I open and close my mouth, it just does not feel right at all, I have full movement but something is wrong, Hospital recomended an MRI if it didn't improve, is this the correct way to go about finding what is wrong? My Teeth feel numb sometimes.
  19. Will this help me, they say it will make me better.
  20. Dull intestinal pain of varying degrees, I know where the pain is, I've had Endoscopy, pain is not nauseating. I just want to control the pain as mist days I just want to sleep and not wake up.
  21. This was a local Clinic Dr, said" many farang get this" his tablets did work initially but now do nothing.
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