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Everything posted by Badrabbit

  1. Could anyone give me an idea how much a 7 year old Z900SE would be worth. It's Immaculate(red and silver) like new with 15000kms it has extras, they wouldn't make the bike more expensive.
  2. Thought you was going to give a very difficult and impossible to understand tax post.
  3. I've now been told that the bike is in the wife's name(she is in Thailand and not far from me) I'm sure now the bike can be made legal easily, we have a Satalite transport place close by, its safe at my house untill the wife sorts it. Helping others can sometimes become complicated, I am retired with time on my hands so it's not a problem.
  4. Some of us me in particular have no where else to go, I'm unable to relocate this is where I live.
  5. Yes you are correct about working all our lives to get a pension, yes we pay tax in our home country, all I want is peace of mind if that should cost me approx 2700bht per month I would gladly pay it.
  6. I am completely in the dark about this new Tax on ex-pats, no idea if it will be scrapped or not, my 3 pensions add up to 900,000bht per year, with all the discounts I would get(I'm 67) I think it would go down to about 400,000bt taxable income per year (I'm probably wrong) but if I'm right that would be 33000 x 12 =400,000, which would be 2,750bht per month, I know its probably tottaly wrong, I'm just trying to convince myself I have nothing to worry about money wise, I would have no problem paying 2,750 per month tax If I have to. Is this tottaly wrong, I am a person that wants to do the right thing, peace of mind is everything to me.
  7. I'm not buying the bike back I'm just looking after it I guess untill they decide what they are going to do with it, my gf has banned me from helping too much as its really not our problem, I do like too help if I can.
  8. Yes bike has a plate and yes all was done correctly. Phuket.
  9. Well it's not my problem, it's down to them, I'm just helping them as much as I can.
  10. Well yes I do know that
  11. This is on a really nice Z900SE it was mine from new, I sold it to my friend but he then got a job abroad and the bike has been sitting under cover, think its 5 or 6 years old now, the other problem is he has split with his wife and she wont let the log book go, I'm now looking after the bike untill they decide what they are going to do with it, it's only done 15000kms.
  12. Yes I thought that but also thought someone might have the answer on here.
  13. I'm talking about the number plate, would you have to re-register the bike in order to get a new plate and number.
  14. If a bike is unused and not taxed and insured(government) how long is it before the registration expires.
  15. A friend contacted me as he knew I was worried about this Tax thing, he said. "Don't worry it's not going to happen, they have discussed it and it's not going to happen, they know it will drive a large majority of ex-pat's away to other countries" Hope its true.
  16. I was told by the Head man at my Tax office, "do you want to pay tax here" my answer "no as I pay tax in the UK" "you can pay tax here or your home country up to you" Is he right or not?
  17. I get 900,000bht per year Pension via 3 pensions which I pay tax on in the UK, with all the discounts i:e over 65 etc I wont pay much tax here if indeed I need to at all.
  18. "Cheapskates" I pay tax in the UK on my Pensions, I didn't think I would be required to pay tax again here, If I had been told that I would have to I would and wouldn't have a problem with it.
  19. I'm feeling better about this Tax thing as Mike Lister has kindly offered to help me understand it and hopefully how to do it.
  20. I guess most laws are ignored here.
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