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Everything posted by Badrabbit

  1. Yes I read it can be 7 days approx.
  2. I'm going to decrease the amount I am taking, I have been taking 4 50mg tablets 1 every 6 hours( 24 hrs) for over 3 years(I can't believe how stupid I have been) I will now go down to 3 50mg over a 24 hr period. I can't afford to get professional help so I have to do this on my own. I can't tell you how scared I am, the withdrawal pain is something I can not cope with. If it comes to it I will just continue taking them. Thanks for all the helpful comments apart from one that said " just stop" I wish it was that easy. This all started about 4 years ago, all of a sudden I got pain in my Abdomin, it was so bad I honestly thought my life was over, since then I have been on the tablets because I was scared the pain would return, many many tests showed nothing.
  3. I've tried to stop the Tramadol, I can't do it because the pain is too much for me, plus my legs won't relax, I can't sleep. I need an alternative to take which will take the pain away at the same time letting the Tramadol effects subside, comments say it should only be for a few days. I will ask in my local Pharmacy in the hope they can recommend something. Thanks.
  4. Pain was in my Abdomin left side, I've had many CT scans in the last 4 years, all have been clear, Doctor said "you have nerve pains"
  5. Tried to stop it's been awful, after taking 2 tablets I'm feeling better,. Thanks for the advice.
  6. Thanks,
  7. I've got my self into a big big mess, been using Tramadol since my pains started approx 4 yrs ago(I think) taking 1 50mg tablet every six hours even though I didn't have any pain (taking them to stop pain returning) people warned me as did the Hospital but I was so scared of the pain returning that I foolishly kept taking the tablets, I've not taken the tablets for 1 day now, im in terrible pain, my body feels like it's electrified, I don't know how to make myself better, I'm at my wits end. I know I've been stupid, the tramadol made me pain free. I'm not looking for a telling off just helpful advice as to how I can make myself better. Am I experiencing withdrawal, it's awful. My gf is with me so I am not on my own, this is not nice for her. Never thought this would happen to me, I'm 68. In my desperation I've taken 2 50 mg tablets to try and stop the pain, it's worked, not better just more bearable, how do I go on from now, I never want to take Tramadol again.
  8. Big bikes ate fine if you ride them sensibly, U turns are a big problem here. How fast was he going into a u turn to do that much damage.
  9. No
  10. I'm old as well, had a very bad night as I stopped taking the Tramadol, I went about 9 hrs without then the pain started back, headache from hell, took 1 tablet this morning at 6am it's now 10.15 the pain and headache has almost gone. I can't afford to keep going to Hospital when nothing is found, I'm happy to keep taking the Tramadol and be pain free, I don't like taking it but it's something I have to do.
  11. Yes no problem.
  12. Thanks for all the comments.
  13. Sorry to hear that, it's the best pain killer for me, not tried anything else though.
  14. Yes I've had 2 endoscopy and 1 Colonoscopy, nothing found.
  15. I've had many Ct scans all with contrast, no have not had my appendix out. I can not afford to keep going to Hospital for expensive tests especially when each time they say " we can't find anything, stay in hospital for tests" yea right I wish I had bottomless pockets.
  16. Yes I know, maybe it's better than pure Tramadol.
  17. I've been to many, one clinic said "it's the street food, I'll give you tablets" did nothing.
  18. I've got some of those so maybe I will try them instead of Tramadol.
  19. What's the problem mate, tests show nothing, Doctor guessing at sensitive nerves.
  20. I couldent tell you, I stopped drinking Alcohol when I started getting this pain, I don't smoke, I'm fine continuing with the Tramadol but if it gets regulated then it might become unavailable.
  21. No, the Tramadol works 100%. Hospital seemed to be okay with me taking it, Doc did say he would give me something that would last longer but I never went back.
  22. Abdominal plus lower back pain.
  23. I've read in the last few days that Tramadol is considered a dangerous medication, I've been taking Tramadol for the last approx 3 years, I only take 1 50mg tablet for pain, recently it's been 1 tablet every 6 hours, if I don't take it the pain becomes unbearable so Tramafol has been a life saver for me. I've been to every hospital on Phuket,had many many tests including CT scans, Colonoscopy, Endoscopy, X Ray's, blood tests, EKG's you name I've had it, Doctor says "we can't find anything wrong, it must be sensitive nerves". My GF is constantly worried about me taking Tramadol, what would be the best alternative for me to take instead of Tramadol?
  24. Thanks mate, sorry I don't understand that at all, thanks for taking the time and effort to explain.
  25. I'm over 65 but not married, my State Pension is approx 8000 GBP
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