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Everything posted by Badrabbit

  1. Use an agent for what and how? never done it so how does it work?
  2. What does a Thai person need to show in order to buy a motorbike, obviously would need an income how much and how many months of statements needed?
  3. I'm in Phuket, I did use the combination method many yrs ago but only for a couple of months.
  4. I've been using 800k in the bank method for 12yrs now I would like to free up some of the 800k, what do I need to do too use income plus lump sum I.e 400k plus income/pension, could I use 40k income per month plus lump sum or does it have to be 65k income?
  5. I came here in 2009 on a non O, I converted that to the retirement and have had this untill this day, I'm assuming I don't need to show insurance which wouldn't be a problem as I do have it, maybe the insurance man assumed I came here on a non OA.
  6. Could you explain the difference between the two please, Insurance man told me I would need 3 million insurance which would include Covid cover in order to renew my Retirement Extension after the 1st Sept 2022.
  7. No mention of the required 3 million insurance or doest that not come into effect untill Sept 2022?
  8. Oh my god reading this forum makes me worried sick, 12 extensions latest one recently and yet again very simple, no problem as I make sure I have the correct forms and copies, bank letter and statement covering a full year, never a problem, always in and out within 10 or so minutes.
  9. So does a holder of the retirement extension for many years now have to have 3 million cover in order to renew there next extension?
  10. Same here never paid more than the 1900bht, of course you pay for the bank letter and statement which is a few hundred bht.
  11. 12 extensions and never had a problem, always check what is required before I apply, always have a statement that shows a full year. I've watched people turn up without a Bank letter and get annoyed when told " Go to bank and get letter etc" how difficult is it to check a few weeks before extension is due as to what is required!
  12. 2nd Pfizer jab side effects now much better, should be back to normal very soon.
  13. 65 with no problems, not everyone is the same I guess. 1st jab was fine.
  14. Had my 2nd Phizer jab yesterday afternoon, woke up this morning with big Headache, aching everywhere and very tired, hoping it won't last long.
  15. What would the cost be for 3 million covid cover in Thailand, if you already have 3 million Medical/Health Insurance would Covid be covered up to 3 Million in that Policy?
  16. Want to travel by road from Phuket to Cha Am returning about 8 days later, anyone know what is required in order to make this return trip. I am fully Vaccinated with Pfizer.
  17. Hopefully I just misunderstood and it it is for Covid, but he did say that I would need 3 million in order to renew my Retirement Extension in my case Oct 2022, if true news will follow if no news then its just hear say.
  18. Just been told by an Insurance guy that from Sept 1st 2021 all coming to Thailand will need 3 million bht cover. From 1st Sept 2022 you will need 3 million cover in order to renew your Visa/Extension. Not seen any news regarding this only the guys work emails regarding new law.
  19. Thanks, I'm having it out job done and cheap, I can do without it!
  20. I had my 1st Pfizer jab at Vachira recently, 2nd jab in Oct.
  21. I'm not joining the Army again I'm 65 lol
  22. They showed me a plate and false tooth(removable) for between 1500 and 2000bht, cheap alternative should I want to fill the gap.
  23. Well that has made up my mind as I don't like bad experiences, thanks.
  24. I've been told that Root Canal can be risky as it sometimes does not work meaning more expense, I'm 65 and not bothered about a gap which can be sorted cheaply with the plate and false tooth, it is removable.
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