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Everything posted by Badrabbit

  1. Yes I believe the UK has the double tax treaty so hopefully I have nothing to worry about but I still worry.
  2. Brillient. everyone is going to say "I have a very big one"
  3. 16 extensions and all by the book, pay tax in the UK on my 3 small pensions, so they want to tax me again, unfortunately I'm not in the position to leave so I will have to do what they decide to do in the future, doubt I would be able to afford 2 tax bills. Just done my new extension so I'm okay untill 2025. I don't have any bank accounts in the UK only Thailand.
  4. What an idiotic comment from I dare say an idiot.
  5. I'm in Phuket my bike is In thai name. Someone from another Province is interested, how is it done(paperwork etc.
  6. Badrabbit

    Tax advice

    Yes Mike, I've been unwell for a long time now, any little worry brings me down I'm afraid to say, I'm trying not to worry, thanks for showing concern.
  7. Not strange, he is just a nice man along with all his family, known him and the family for many years.
  8. I have never experienced this in my 16 years here in Phuket, everyone I have met has been very nice, even my Policnan friend is great, just walks into my house and sits down, has a rest then he is off, very amusing.
  9. Badrabbit

    Tax advice

    Can someone tell me where to go to get tax advice, I'm in Chalong. I get 3 Pensions from the UK, I pay tax on all 3 in the UK before the money is sent here, UK State Pension, London Fire Brigade and Tesco UK. I've been to the Tax Revenue office, no English spoken but they said "if you don't want to pay tax here then dont" now I'm even more worried. Hopefully someone knows of an office I can go to too get the advice I need. Thanks.
  10. I've never tried to stay under the radar, paid tax on my pensions for the last 16 years in the UK. Immigration the bank never gave me any paperwork regarding paying tax here, it's not ignorance I just never thought about it.
  11. I did go to my local Revenue office, they told me "if you pay tax in your home country you won't pay tax here"
  12. Less than 1 million per year.
  13. I pay tax on my 3 pensions in the UK do I now pay tax here too?
  14. Plenty of high speed idiots on the roads here, I'm sure it was great fun untill it all went wrong, no sympathy for the falangs, lots of sympathy for innocent people involved.
  15. Cheers, got the top box rack fitted today, have lost the ability to prop open the fuel seat which is not a problem. Getting the top crash bars fitted next week, hopefully they will fit. Had the 700cc back in 2015, can't remember what it was like, this 750cc is fantastic.
  16. Does anyone know if the 2022 is the same as the 2023 bike, can not find any accessories for the 2023, big wing don't do anything which is annoying.
  17. Plenty of transport testing stations about, pop in and ask them.
  18. Explained very well, I shouldent need worries especially about tax, tax has always been taken care of for me, now it seems to be a big worry, I'm just a simple person living off 3 pensions which are all taxed in the UK before being sent here, I need life to be simple in order to enjoy life, oh well carry on regardless.
  19. No problem, I'm not going to read any of this any more, it's all over my head.
  20. Tottaly confused I have not understood 1 comment, thought this was supposed to be simple or am I just thick.
  21. Oh what, I didn't understand one post, tottaly confusing now it's gone, must be something else I don't understand.
  22. Okay thanks, that's about what I thought
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