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Everything posted by Badrabbit

  1. Okay, it made it back the last time so hoping it does this time.
  2. My tax office will not give me a clearence certificate, thay will not give me a TIN number, thay said "you don't need to file" Thay agreed my london fire brigade pension is not taxable in Thailand the same with my State pension, my Tesco pension is not enough to be taxed. My State Pension is 24,000bht my Tesco is 1,800bht per month, I'm 68 thay discussed this and said " you won't need to pay tax" Thay said "if you should have a problem get them to call here" This is all ridiculous, I've done as much as I'm prepared to do.
  3. I am so fed up with all this tax talk, I don't need to pay tax, been to my tax office 3 or 4 times they must be getting fed up with me, my next extension is Oct, I'm not worrying any more. DTA UK/Thailand,
  4. I'm sorted now well in my mind I am, tax office said " no point doing a tax return when you don't need to pay any tax" I've got two UK government pensions which can only be taxed once and in the UK, Tesco pension is so small it falls below the need to pay any tax, what thay have said is good enough for me.
  5. Has any one received one of these, got it today, eventually got it signed at Chalong Police Station. Cost 1000bht to send this back to DWP, surely in this day and age they should have an online form, oh well done now. Didn't know where to post this so it's here.
  6. Google is wrong. Wow. I believe Google but it does not matter as I wouldn't be taxed on 25k per month so all is good.
  7. I can do that, what is a tax clearance? Is it a form stating tax exempt? I only have one pension which is approx 1,700bht per month. 2 others are Government. I'm not worried any more.
  8. Are you surprised after reading all the comments, I actually believe some posters are agents trying to scare people into spending money, I have never seen a thread with so many scaremongering comments. I'll do what I have been told.
  9. Also the UK state is a Government Pension as it is issued by the department for works and pensions which is a Government department. If you think it's not use your friend Google.
  10. Maybe, I've been told I don't have to so I wont, What will they do send me to prison for 30 years.
  11. No point in me worrying then, my State and Tesco pensions come to approx 25,000bht per month.
  12. Could not give a to#× if people don't believe, up to them.
  13. I have 3 pensions, UK government state pension, London Fire Brigade pension(local government via government) Tesco UK
  14. What a ridiculous country this is, no one seems to know what is going on. I'm doing nothing as I've been told by the Revenue office that I cant be taxed due to the DTA that's good enough for me. I mentioned Immigration not the office, my extension is next October.
  15. Went to my tax office again, explained to them I get pensions from the UK, pay tax in the UK. Thay yet again said "due to the double taxation agreement you won't pay tax here" If Immigration should mention it I just show them proof of my tax payments.
  16. Can you say what was needed as my tax office say I would need documents from the UK confirming funds coming into Thailand.
  17. I've been here 17 years and have only paid tax in the UK, I can not afford to pay twice, I could manage a small amount so I will use this Expat Thailand to get a TIN it costs 7,000bht which for me will be trouble free so dont mind the cost, all they want is a copy of your passport and visa. My local tax office wanted documents from the UK in order to get a TIN, they said it can be difficult.
  18. Investigated or audited who do you think I am? I'm a nobody bringing in less than 1 mill per year, pay tax in the UK, this is a ridiculous.
  19. I would get a TIN but it's very difficult to obtain, documents from your home country, translated into Thai by the Thai embassy in Bangkok, authentication by your countries embassy, ridiculous.
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