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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. Just hired a driver this week for a number of reasons..

    1) Driving is becoming a pain in the backside, so is parking, I'm sick of taxi's (like my car, my music, my aircon, no 'you have Issan girlfriend?' conversations)

    2) Security for my wife (so she doesn't need to take a taxi at night when I am not there and she is meeting friends for dinner and wine).

    3) We like a drink and will not drink and drive (and don't want to take taxi's).

    4) We each have our own cars anyway, so a driver costs us B266 per day, not too far off the amount we'd spend on daily taxi's if we were to use them.

    5) The driver is very useful for running errands.

    6) Selfishly, I am not wanting to be responsible when a motorbike commits suicide underneath my car.

    We hired a driver on flexible time. B8000 per month (plus tips for over time if we are late PM).

    When I go out with friends at the weekend, my wife likes to go home earlier (midnight) and I like to stay out a little later. I can get a taxi home by myself, but I like to ensure my wife is home safely.

    We have the driver standing by from 10am, but that is also flexible depending on when we need him. The driver also owns a taxi, which he rents out to another driver, although I don't think this is reliable income for him and today I heard that he was going to sell the taxi and work just for my wife and I.

    We found him through a friend (after looking for 3-4 months). He used to be their driver, so its good to have him on referral.

    We have copied his National ID, House book, driving license for security and beyond that, hope he doesn't drive off with our car.

    If he continues to be a good driver he will have a job for life and we'll look after him.

    We're not sure what he does in the spare time - But he did ask for supplies to clean the car, he may get bored, but I'm told he's been a driver for an expat couple for 5 years before he worked for my friend.

    We'll see how it works out and hope for the best.

    If you have employed the driver and you bring a Farang will you not be held responsible also? I know it may sound a bit silly but this is Thailand.

    I very much doubt it.

    While driving over here I've had 3 accidents. Neither my insurance or I have been responsible financially or otherwise for damage to the other vehicle (in each case the easy solution was that my insurance just covered my car and we claimed 50/50, in these accidents no one was hurt).

    I can't ever imagine a situation where the passenger is held responsible for an accident, however, the Phuket incident is very worrying, then again that island is a law unto-itself and I believe that the guy in question was stitched up beyond belief.

    With a driver under my (my Wifes) employment, should an accident occur and he is held accountable we would have no moral choice other than to stand by him. Which in other words means we'd pay.

  2. Just hired a driver this week for a number of reasons..

    1) Driving is becoming a pain in the backside, so is parking, I'm sick of taxi's (like my car, my music, my aircon, no 'you have Issan girlfriend?' conversations)

    2) Security for my wife (so she doesn't need to take a taxi at night when I am not there and she is meeting friends for dinner and wine).

    3) We like a drink and will not drink and drive (and don't want to take taxi's).

    4) We each have our own cars anyway, so a driver costs us B266 per day, not too far off the amount we'd spend on daily taxi's if we were to use them.

    5) The driver is very useful for running errands.

    6) Selfishly, I am not wanting to be responsible when a motorbike commits suicide underneath my car.

    We hired a driver on flexible time. B8000 per month (plus tips for over time if we are late PM).

    When I go out with friends at the weekend, my wife likes to go home earlier (midnight) and I like to stay out a little later. I can get a taxi home by myself, but I like to ensure my wife is home safely.

    We have the driver standing by from 10am, but that is also flexible depending on when we need him. The driver also owns a taxi, which he rents out to another driver, although I don't think this is reliable income for him and today I heard that he was going to sell the taxi and work just for my wife and I.

    We found him through a friend (after looking for 3-4 months). He used to be their driver, so its good to have him on referral.

    We have copied his National ID, House book, driving license for security and beyond that, hope he doesn't drive off with our car.

    If he continues to be a good driver he will have a job for life and we'll look after him.

    We're not sure what he does in the spare time - But he did ask for supplies to clean the car, he may get bored, but I'm told he's been a driver for an expat couple for 5 years before he worked for my friend.

    We'll see how it works out and hope for the best.

  3. Just being nosey..

    Care to tell us what happened? who was at fault etc.... how you dealt with compensation for the family..

    I've been lucky but always figured it was only a matter of time before I hit a motorbike while driving at no fault to myself.

  4. Having only tried tailors in Bangkok, I can’t really answer for Pattaya.

    However, after trying some of the most highly recommended tailors in Bangkok I have come to the conclusion that you can’t find decent tailored suits in Thailand.

    When I want something of high quality, I am back to buying off the rack (Givenchy, Salvatore Ferragamo, Paul Smith - I am an average size so fit isn't usually an issue).

    For something of normal quality Zara and Next do a better job than tailors here and once you find an ‘off the rack’ suit that fits your body, minor adjustments can be made if necessary.

    IMO: Tailors here do make a decent fit, but the quality is never quite up to scratch and the suit doesn’t last past one dry clean. I’ve given up on Tailors in Thailand.

    I have a couple of friends who present themselves impeccably at weddings, functions etc, they too no longer purchase suits tailored in Thailand.

  5. IMO: Beautiful women and women who are less pleasing to an individuals eye are not prevalent in any greater or lesser number in any other country.

    Asking a Thai forum why they specifically like Asian women will clearly have skewed results. Some Asian women are beautiful in exactly the same way women of other nations, race, colour and creed are.

    I can walk down any street in any town or city worldwide and find beautiful women (in this case good weather plays a roll).

    Forgetting the PC line of ‘beauty is on the inside… da da blah blah’…..

    If I were to live and work in Africa – it’s quite likely I’d be married to an African lady rather than a Thai lady. I would have learned, or grown with the idea that African women are beautiful because that’s what the surrounding environment teaches me.

    Are we a product of our surroundings? In a certain tribe in the Amazon women sharpen their teeth to a point as this makes them more attractive to suitors.

    Are Asian women more attractive ? Or has modern society conditioned us to believe a stereo type that Asian women possess the traits men desire.

  6. Personally I enjoy the sound of the Muezzim calling the muslim to prey, as well the sound of my catholic bells, or the mantras of buddist monks.

    Is just a matter of tollerance.

    And I do too sometimes. And that is when I exercise choice and visit a temple and listen to the relaxing chants.

    The Op. and many others do not have this choice, like kids on 2 stroke motorbike screaming down the road at 3am, or Soi dogs barking the night away or the week long funeral that starts with loud music at 6am - the noise of Church bells, a Mosque or a Temple reaches far and wide to many who given a choice would turn it off.

    It's through correctness and respect of other cultures that we accept these 'noises'... but really when we think about it, is it really necessary ?

    It's ok to get annoyed with Soi Dogs or kids on 2 stroke bikes - but why is it politically incorrect to complain about the noise from a Mosque ?

  7. Like many, I enjoy peace and quiet - I find times of silence to be enjoyable and almost sacred - Especially here in Thailand where we get blasted with a cacophony of sound while visiting any commercial setting...

    And also we have Church bells, Chanting from the Wat's (with loud speakers), Mosque prayer (with loud speakers), political rallying on loud speakers (on the back of pickups), advertisements in supermarket isles.... Is all this noise really necessary ?

    People talk quite openly about many traditions being out-dated (especially in those such as the sinsod threads).

    Gone are the days when the whole village attends a wedding, People have watches, they can get to the temple on time... etc...

    Can someone make Peace and Quiet a sensitive religious issue, then it too can have its own rights and the politically correct can also defend our right to quiet.

  8. Children are a few years down the road for me...

    However, a couple of years ago I while looking after my nephew I witnessed a foul fruity stench. I'd told my sister, if he goes he has to sit in it until you get home. I couldn't let the poor little chappy's nappy slop about any longer as the wiff was simply too strong...

    It took me 30mins to change the little sh!t daemons nappy, I threw up violently, sticky brown plop covered my hands. I ended up holding him in the shower, jetting him down while desperately trying to avoid the splash back from his little bum crack... all the while he thought it was a great game....

    That was the first and last time I changed a nappy. I'm told it will be different when they are my own... I doubt it, but we'll see....

  9. Having recently got married I would suggest the following....

    You are a westerner, so wear what you would in a western country (summer wedding).

    I suggested this to my Sisters and Mother (and of course, no black).

    With respect we are not Thai, we are Westerners (English etc) and ought not to pretend otherwise.

    I have been to many weddings and always think that the Westerners; men and women, look daft when they wear the Thai style dress to formal or social functions. To the point when I see Western men in those Thai style white wedding outfits and think they look particularly daft.

    I would suggest:

    If the wedding is in the day time in the countryside (outside of Bangkok), a nice summer dress will suffice.

    If the wedding is at an International hotel in Bangkok (cocktail wedding), then a cocktail dress will be suitable.

    Or, somewhere in between....

  10. Then you take the completed and notarised form from your consulate/embassy to a registered translation service.

    They translate and send to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangkok where the original and translation are stamped on the back.

    The translation service will charge anywhere between 3,000 to 30,000 for the translation and ministry approval.

    Only pay a small deposit, you pay the rest when the finished documentation is put in your hand.

    Takes about 1 week to get the paperwork back and in your hand.

    A translation should not cost more than around 400 baht, the legalisation itself is about 800 baht.


    I couple of months back this is the process I undertook.

    1) Applied for a letter of Freedom to marry from my Embassy

    2) Collected the letter (following day)

    3) Drove out to Chaeng Wattana Rd to the Ministry of Foreign affairs.

    4) For B400 I had the letter translated - (a guy took the letter offsite and came back 30mins later with the translation)

    5) In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Thai Consular Affairs) - 3rd floor, tell them you want this processed in one day.

    Same day processing costs B800 and takes about 2 hrs.

    Those paying more than B2000 are getting Ripped off - I figure B800 is ok for the convenience of not having to do it yourself....

  11. In an Industry utilizing a large number of consultants in rolls offshore and onshore such as Drilling Supervisors, Geologists, Mud Engineers, HSE officers etc... PPE is not always provided by the Client, it's not at all unusual for the consultant provide their own PPE.

    None of the positions you have mentioned are "consultants", they maybe freelancers or contractors...but not "consultants"....let me guess Richard you are involved in the HR business ??.....This is like calling plumbers...Sanitary Engineers....crock of PC sh*t

    Definition of a consultant....someone you pay a lot of money to tell you the time on your own watch.. :D

    FYI...Once offshore where ever they are working, the facility concerned is obligated to provide the required Basic PPE free of charge to the worker....and I am not guessing this, I know this as fact, as I work offshore

    Perhaps the Exploration part of the industry differs somewhat from the production side.

    It's 19:00 hrs - thats $1500 please....

    I provide all my own PPE.

    Ka....ching.....more days more pays... :D ....great isnt it...getting paid to argue and take the p*ss on TV... :)

    Even greater being on a land job and not offshore ! Still no beer though.

  12. In an Industry utilizing a large number of consultants in rolls offshore and onshore such as Drilling Supervisors, Geologists, Mud Engineers, HSE officers etc... PPE is not always provided by the Client, it's not at all unusual for the consultant provide their own PPE.

    None of the positions you have mentioned are "consultants", they maybe freelancers or contractors...but not "consultants"....let me guess Richard you are involved in the HR business ??.....This is like calling plumbers...Sanitary Engineers....crock of PC sh*t

    Definition of a consultant....someone you pay a lot of money to tell you the time on your own watch.. :)

    FYI...Once offshore where ever they are working, the facility concerned is obligated to provide the required Basic PPE free of charge to the worker....and I am not guessing this, I know this as fact, as I work offshore

    Soutpeel, I'm in one of those positions mentioned above as a consultant - depending on the operation I could work for as many as 6 clients in any year.

    Perhaps the Exploration part of the industry differs somewhat from the production side.

    It's 19:00 hrs - thats $1500 please....

    I provide all my own PPE.

    One more point - I thought Freelancers work in the beers bars... and also often provide their own PPE.

  13. In an Industry utilizing a large number of consultants in rolls offshore and onshore such as Drilling Supervisors, Geologists, Mud Engineers, HSE officers etc... PPE is not always provided by the Client, it's not at all unusual for the consultant provide their own PPE.

    None of the positions you have mentioned are "consultants", they maybe freelancers or contractors...but not "consultants"....let me guess Richard you are involved in the HR business ??.....This is like calling plumbers...Sanitary Engineers....crock of PC sh*t

    Definition of a consultant....someone you pay a lot of money to tell you the time on your own watch.. :)

    FYI...Once offshore where ever they are working, the facility concerned is obligated to provide the required Basic PPE free of charge to the worker....and I am not guessing this, I know this as fact, as I work offshore

    Soutpeel, I'm in one of those positions mentioned above as a consultant - depending on the operation I could work for as many as 6 clients in any year.

    Perhaps the Exploration part of the industry differs somewhat from the production side.

    It's 19:00 hrs - thats $1500 please....

    I provide all my own PPE.

  14. 40 k seems cheap... But, the cop is obviously upping the ante... Time for your friend to step in and offer, his apology, his thanks, 20k and a bottle of whiskey before the cop pushes it up to 100k...

    OR as I'm sure some others will say - 40k and get it over and done with - and LEARN A lesson !!!

  15. B2000 ..

    Come on do tell... the guy was lucky whatever the cost, this could so easily have resulted in jail time. Hope he has learnt a valuable lesson... Never hit a cop when you are drunk driving !! :)

    On a serious note - He should have learnt his lesson - No drink driving - Simple to stick to if you are socially responsible.

  16. In an Industry utilizing a large number of consultants in rolls offshore and onshore such as Drilling Supervisors, Geologists, Mud Engineers, HSE officers etc... PPE is not always provided by the Client, it's not at all unusual for the consultant provide their own PPE.

  17. Paper hats indeed... Well the Driver anyway.

    Will the Yaris driver be charged with causing an accident ? i.e. were they parked legally - or does it not matter in this case ?

    In a similar way to that of a Phuket resident facing difficulties after a girl killed herself driving into the back of his car at 3:30am (A recent topic here in TV).

    Could you let us know where we can read about the Phuket incident, please ?




  18. Back on topic and ignoring the PC muppets..

    My Brother in Law is a fantastic farther and always cringes when I verbally slip up in front of my Nephiews.. the point was driven home by my eldest nephew; nearly 4 at the time saying... Oh bugger !! - We had to correct him to 'oh bother' !!!!

    My brother in law with his great sense of humor has taught his son famous lines from famous movies....

    On their flight over to Thailand a few years ago (Emirates) my nephew started off on his line of quotes..."You're only supposed to blow the doors off" (Italian Job), the brits in the seats nearby were chuckling away...

    I'm Michael Caine - Not a lot of people know that !!!! - More chuckles...

    When he commented... "Look, Zulu's everywhere, 1000's of em" (Michael Caine - Zulu).... people cringed... there were rather a lot of Africans on the flight, the folk in the nearest seats who were previously laughing were now staring 1000 yards into the distance out through the front of the plane...

    My poor nephew had no idea what he had said, but my brother in law had to somehow ensure he didn't repeat that unfortunate last line !

  19. They won't call you 'Falang' there... You'll be the 'Infidel'... !!!

    Joking aside.... Check the web, there may be forums which local expats contribute to....

    Personally I wouldn't worry about going there and imagine I'd find the major cities relatively cosmopolitan...

  20. Sounds quite competitive?

    Or is everybody thinking they can still cut it like they did 20 years ago? :D

    Glad to see it has taken off though for all the work the op has put in getting it off the ground,maybe i might pay a visit is it ok for a Berbatov type lazy bastard! :D

    Your alternative is closer to the truth. :) .........i'm still 20 years old in my mind, but sadly.........the body isn't following!

    20 years old in my mind - my greying hair and pulled muscles tell me otherwise. I'll be needing viagra just so I can stand up after a game.

    Are we on for a Mid-week game ?

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