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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. A friend of mine recently married a wealthy Thai lady. 3 years age difference and within a similar social-economic bracket....

    It's a very normal and natural relationship...

    IMO - If folks date within their means i.e. similar education, age and economic levels there will be a higher chance of relationship longevity and success.

  2. I have a friend who's expenses are.......

    Sin Sod - B400,000 (Wife from Bangkok, a Masters Graduate, Father connected (dept. Prime-Minister and various Politicians attended wedding).

    Wedding Costs - B1,400,000 (everything including rings etc)

    Envelope money - +/-B1,000,000 (money received from guest's)

    He's not sure if he's getting sin-sod back or not (they're still on honeymoon and It's not polite to discuss the return of sin-sod before hand).

    The couple have been given 1 Rai of land in Bangkok (est. Value at +/-B15 million).

    I think that puts a B1,000,000 request for Sin-sod well into its perspective.... (oh... and the guy is a Westerner).

  3. A close friends son is having an operation today. I gave one to him (my friend - Thai) for his son as I understand that Thai's believe that it can offer some form of protection.

    I had a blow out in my car a few months ago. Following this, my girlfriends (now my wife's) father gave me an amulet. I don't wear it but keep it in my car glove box.

    I don't believe in the power of these amulets and would never wear one but understand that for those who do so giving and receiving of them can offer comfort.

  4. Why not? His post is no more stupid than dozens of other posts made here every day. In fact, it's probably fair to say that the "ignorant <deleted> without a clue how to behave in a foreign county but blundering through regardless, unshakable conviction in my superiority over the locals still intact (thanks for asking)" post is pretty much a staple of Thaivisa.
    How to behave in a foreign country? What's your suggestion? **********

    I do not behave the way I do because I'm Australian. I behave this way because of my natural character. As for people steriotyping, you few are doing it right now, and it's kind of funny. You're blaming my behaviour because I'm foreign born. You're no different than most Thais I was talking about who see me doing something bad and add another tick to their boxes of bad things "ALL" fawang do.

    I do not see why I should not behave as I normally would when in any country. I was just as likely to get locked up back in Aus for the stupid sh*t I done, being in Thailand makes no difference. What is poor, however, is you guys go to some foreign country and think you have to bend yourself in half to cater for other peoples insecurities. Why? Well, "why" when you never did it back home?

    The fact I have white skin and speak English has nothing to do with how I do/should be have. Don't try and pretend it does, or you won't be helping along any of the Thais this thread was made about who seem to brand us all in steriotypes and blame out culture for things we do rather than us as individuals.

    I see the point you are making in your post.

    However, anti-social behaviour is poor form no matter what country you are in.

    IF however someone carries themselves respectfully and mindful of others while in their home country, I would fully expect them to behave the same way here – So on that point I agree.

    I also agree that we shouldn’t have to bend over backwards or bow down to do a little ball licking – Simple manners and consideration is always good enough anywhere.

    As for using the excuse that you behave like an ass in Aus so its acceptable here because that’s your normal character and you are an individual who doesn’t wish to follow the masses, likes to stand out from the crowd and is proud of their individuality..


    I’d offer that with that attitude it might not be long before you are having to do exactly that.

  5. After having 3 tailored suits in Bangkok over the years I've gone back to off the rack (Boss, Paul Smith, Givenchy, Ferraegamo), fortunately I'm a very average shape for suits (i.e. 6 ft tall, 85 kgs) so I have no real issue to a quality fit as I like it.

    Suits from the tailors recommended on this forum have been nothing more than average (Raja's, Narrys etc) and I've seen my friends suits too.

    I have not found a decent tailor in Bangkok - I thought I had in Raja's, but a few months on the suit has not lasted as expected.

  6. They should remove them all - Zebra crossings present a huge danger to unsuspecting tourists and are quite simply lethal.

    In Thailand they are road paint without any point at all - Given the attitude of drivers in Thailand, its far safer to let people and tourists negotiate their own way through the traffic on their own terms.

    I do feel especially for the elderly when trying to cross the road. And I hate it when I stop to let them cross and motorbikes and cars continue to scream past me.

    if you do stop the bloke behind you wont.

    Agreed - Stopping out of consideration actually makes it more dangerous for people crossing the road and I've nearly been the cause of an accident by simply allowing people to cross in front of me...

    It's something that I have learnt while driving here - As politely as I would and like to drive at home, I'd create confusion and accidents if I drove with the same consideration here. People expect you not to give way and drive accordingly.

  7. They should remove them all - Zebra crossings present a huge danger to unsuspecting tourists and are quite simply lethal.

    In Thailand they are road paint without any point at all - Given the attitude of drivers in Thailand, its far safer to let people and tourists negotiate their own way through the traffic on their own terms.

    I do feel especially for the elderly when trying to cross the road. And I hate it when I stop to let them cross and motorbikes and cars continue to scream past me.

    I sometimes think that this issue shows the true colors of the character of Thai drivers - In a nation widely well considered for its image of politeness and welcome, the consideration for other people is a complete contraction to the reality once people in Thailand get into their cars.

  8. Isn't it also something to do with 'That Gladys Althorpe' who never buys her own ?

    From a Boddingtons (beer) advert in the 90's. At that time a lot of beer was being marketed as 'sexy' maybe some of that has been inbuilt.

    IMO - I depends where the first date is. What is attractive is the independence of a lady, but not to the point of it being ridiculous and ordering pints of Guinness in a French restaurant.

    There is certainly nothing wrong with a lady ordering a pint in a pub if thats what she enjoys.


    Forgot to add. On our second date (which was actually valentines day) - I took bottle of 'Singh beer with a Bow and Ribbon' as a present because thats what my girlfriend was drinking when we first met - So, maybe its true.

  9. My Experience (In and Around Bangkok)

    (1) Honda vs Minivan (bus route).

    His fault but no insurance, fat guy comes in and pays off the police, I’m told its my fault. I refuse to accept blame.

    The case is taken to a higher department at a different police station. I’m told 50/50 and its better that way cos my insurance will fix my car more quickly than trying to get money out of the other party.

    Result: My insurance paid my costs only – Minivan company cover their own costs.

    (2) BMW Vs Merc

    Express way – the Merc changed lanes and struck the side of the car. The other party clamed we swiped her. We claimed she hit us after changing lanes. The Police took our side after looking at photos, car position and lane markings.

    Result: Her insurance paid out (but it was very clear decision).

    (3) Range Rover vs Taxi.

    His fault but again no insurance. I told him to leave before my insurance gets here and involves the the police.

    Result: My insurance paid my costs only.

    (4) Range Rover Vs Nissan Cefiero

    In a multi-storey car park she tried to over take me while I was parking. Her fault, she says it was my fault. Threatens me with the police if I don’t accept 100% blame. I don’t accept 100% blame and we agree to sort it out at the police station. I call a 'Friend' who advises that as it happened in a car park (private property) unless someone is hurt police will not get involved. My insurance suggests 50% and I agree. She went to the police station I didn't need to.

    Result: My insurance paid for me, her insurance paid for her (I guess, I never saw her again).

    (5) Mercedees Vs Pickup

    Hit and Run – Pickup is gone in a flash, nothing that can be done (didn’t catch the number).

    Result: Insurance pays out.

    (6) BMW vs Motorbike.

    BMW turning right (with indication), motorbike overtakes and strikes the side of the BMW. Motorbike demands cash. Driver calls the police and insurance.

    The motorbike is charged with the car costs. Although realistically he can’t afford this so the insurance pays out.

    Result: Insurance pays car costs only.


    Who Pays: Unless a clear blame can be identified – insurance normally pays for our own vehicle.

    Licence: Although I do have a Thai Licence (recently obtained – based on advice given in this forum) I’ve only ever been asked for my Int’l licence.

    However, based on many others experiences getting a local licence is recommended.

    First class Insurance will always cover your costs.

  10. Sounds like a switched on Police man being opportunistic...

    Many of us don't carry our passports and as I understand it the law is to be able to produce it within a 'reasonable' time frame. It appears this policeman was very ready to extort a foreigner.

  11. Thanks lomatopo, those were my exact same thoughts! However, I am reluctant to throw them away because a number of them are pretty new and I did pay quite a bit for them... so I figured I'll store them away until I can find a good tailor that can do such alterations at a reasonable price.

    So do let me know if any of you have any specifc recommendations, thanks!

    In the bottom of Emporium, parking lot level, is probably the best shop in town for alterations. Level 3 I think, at the back near the lifts, cant remember the name.

    I'm also looking for shirt alterations. bkkjames, is this shop you described in Emporium an 'over the counter shop' i.e. where do they measure you up for the alteration etc ?

    I need a couple of shirts 'slimmed' - taken in at the back to prevent them bunching up at the front when wearing a suit....

  12. Road education in General - Thats for Pedestrians, Motorcyclists and Cars.

    I see people walking down the Soi in the middle of the road total oblivious to a car coming up behind them (don't they care for their own safety).

    Just yesterday while turning left I had to slam on by brakes (and nearly got rear ended) as a motorbike driving down the pavement shot across the road.

    Sorry so say this - but I have very little regard for motorcyclists when they behave like this. The lack of regard many have for their own safety frightens me out of my skin.

    That said I guess there are many safe and conscientious drivers and riders out there but we only tend to remember the bad ones the following day.

  13. I suspect your tune would change if a drunk driver rammed into you head on

    It was actually a sober driver that rammed into me head-on four years ago. If she had been drunk, maybe the outcome would have been better for me afterwards, rather than the mai-pen-rai, he's a foreigner, too bad, should not have come to Thailand to have the accident? Either way, the front end of a car at 100km/h hurts just as much no matter what the driver has in their blood.

    Surely you can't be serious with that comment?

    Being drunk increases the chances of someone being involved in an accident. With more drunk drivers on the road statistically you are at greater risk of getting involved in the type of accident you have just described.

    Not true, there is no statistics on how much successful drunk driving goes on, the ratio could be the same as sober driving.

    Don't common sense and research tell us that alcohol impairs our ability to function? Surely we or anyone else are at higher risk of being involved in an accident after consuming alcohol.

    It's unmeasurable how many accidents are avoided through being sober, but if it were measurable, I'm sure it would be less.

    Drink driving is just one aspect. Personally I would like to see far greater driver education - Driving carelessly, dangerously and antisocially is a pet peeve and I would like to see this dealt with more seriously here as I believe this itself probably causes more accidents than alcohol (but again is unmeasurable).

    SeanMoran: That sounds like a terrible accident, it also sounds as though you were treated very unfairly. Fortunately all of those people I know are treated fairly when it comes to accidents etc.

    But once again it goes to show that driver education and penalties for those driving carelessly might help avoid situations that you faced.

    I'm not sure how far along the road to recovery you are, however, I wish you a full recovery nonetheless.

  14. When it rains it seems that the traffic is slowed down by a factor of 4…

    i.e. a normal 15 min journey takes me more than an hour. Earlier today after heavy rain my normal 15 minute drive from Emporium (at 6pm) took more than an hour….

    My thoughts on this are…..

    There is a switch that people over here seem to turn on when they get into a car. I call it ‘F$%k You’ mode.

    Not only don’t drivers give way, but I get the feeling that there is some subconscious form of competition where against all conscious logic letting people go or giving way to someone just doesn’t happen.

    Driving at Rush hour this subconscious level seems to be exacerbated by further competition of more cars on the road and thus people become even less inclined to give way and more inclined to block.

    As the traffic gets worse, acts of general kindness in giving way seem more rare than in times of traffic flow.

    Then the rain comes and the drivers subconscious upgrades from ‘F$%k You’ mode to ‘F$%k You even more’ mode…. And the traffic pretty much comes to a total standstill.

    To me it seems a case of Mob Rule… The mob’s (us drivers’) own worst enemy is the Mob (the rest of us drivers).

    The individual has the intelligence, but that is overcome by the fear that they will be the only ones to let people go and hence their journey will be slower than everyone else’s.

    I believe that TV adverts and some driver education could help a lot and the benefits of people spending less time on the road and more time at home or in the office are self evident.

    Regardless of the above – In simple terms when it rains traffic is a Right Royal Biyatch…

    Your thoughts ? What causes the terrible traffic when we get a bit of water ?

  15. first. gorgeous thais dont know how to cook!

    2nd 100,000 a month?

    3rd its not that hot......

    First - Yes they do, and some very well... Roast Lamb, hmmmmm

    2nd - 100k per month is not a lot and just provides a hand to mouth existence with a few luxuries (i.e. dining out, wine, car, nice apt etc).

    3rd - Its not that hot, but is very humid even this time of year.

  16. I suspect your tune would change if a drunk driver rammed into you head on

    It was actually a sober driver that rammed into me head-on four years ago. If she had been drunk, maybe the outcome would have been better for me afterwards, rather than the mai-pen-rai, he's a foreigner, too bad, should not have come to Thailand to have the accident? Either way, the front end of a car at 100km/h hurts just as much no matter what the driver has in their blood.

    Surely you can't be serious with that comment?

    Being drunk increases the chances of someone being involved in an accident. With more drunk drivers on the road statistically you are at greater risk of getting involved in the type of accident you have just described.

  17. For some reason I thought my tax was due up in November - So, at the end of October when I was pulled up for my tax being 2 months out of date I knew the cop was on the make hoping I'd just pay and go. It was quite amusing and I laughed, played along and argued cheerily that no way was it out of date.

    It turned out that my Tax was indeed two months out of date ! it cost me B100 to the Police Offer and my thanks for spotting it as I really didn't know it was out of date.

    I got my tax updated the following day (Valid for 12 months from the original expiry date).

    It is my understanding that IF your tax is out of date and you are driving TO the department of land transport then you will not get fined. However, articulating this little grey area of the law to a Policeman hungry for his bribe maybe easier said than done.

  18. A few days ago my Girlfriends cousin got pulled over for going through a traffic light as it turned yellow.

    She ended up in a blazing row with the BIB claiming they were just on the make for a bribe and that going through on yellow is not an offense.

    The wouldn't give her a ticket - they just demanded the 'fine'...

    Its my understanding that you should 'stop on yellow unless unsafe to do so'....

    (which in thailand means never cos the bikes and cars behind you are so close you'll get rear ended if you surprise them and stop on yellow !)

  19. The Jammers may be used by the professional car thief.

    Not many private cars use a GPS tracker (it seems no one on this forum does), so I would assume that any potential opportunistic car thief will not have a jammer.

    The idea of having a GPS tracker is to track the car in normal use (by the driver).

    Additionally it would be to locate the car should for whatever reason the driver decided to attempt to steel it.

    The fact that GPS Jammers exist is not reason enough not to get a GPS tracker which IMO is still a useful precaution.

    Anyone have any further info ?

  20. Not for the Banglampu area...

    But I have had veneers and teeth whitening a few years back at Tantrakit dentists in the All Seasons Shopping next to the Conrad hotel.

    After and excellent and professional service I'll head there again this month and take a member of visiting family.

    Teeth Whitening as common as it is should be at a good standard at any reputable hospital or private dentist practice.

  21. It serves it's purpose when I am in a rush - I eat which ever is most convenient or nearest.

    i.e. in a shopping mall then its KFC or McD. or Burger king. If its out and about, on the street somewhere then some street BBQ satay sticks etc does the trick.

    We could all live without fast food, but its also a convenience many of us sometimes use when time dictates.

    With regards to health and environmental issues - much of that is down to government and market forces...

    i.e. in the UK we can get a relatively decent Salad from McDonnalds, I've yet to find that here.

    Regarding litter, many of the containers are cardboard and more environmentally friendly than the old polystyrene boxes, biodegradable bags are available in the plastics market but the government does not push this. More can always be done to educate these companies and the consumers but generally it has to come from higher up.

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