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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. “The best massage places charge 2,000. Do you get anything special with that?”

    No.. If you like a Warm flavoured tea and some fruit – that’s your happy ending.

    From what I gather, any ideas of that nature would be deemed as highly inappropriate.

    I was even told a story by one of the TE team that a Japanese fellow has been banned from using his TE card at Spa’s for requesting that they only massaged his bottom cheeks !

  2. I edited my post above to make things a little clearer.

    I've been a member since May.

    As far as I am aware – the one free upgrade is part of the TG Gold card service – and thus is available every 2 years for as long as the gold card lasts.

    The one free with one full fare business (on the same flight) is only a good deal if two people were going to be on the same out and inbound flight and were going to fly business TG anyway. Its available every flight.

    I have a quote from an e-mail regarding program cancellation

    “Many prospective members had asked me about Thailand Elite program cancellation. If such case happens, the Thai government will reimburse not less than 1 million baht to all members”

    I’d only believe that after it happened.

  3. I have a Thai Elite Card.

    I don’t work in Thailand but I like to live here.

    For someone like myself, I have worked out that The Thai Elite membership will pay for itself with unhurried use in approximately 5 years.

    Alternatively – over 5 years it is 16,666 Baht per month.

    I play golf regularly and now also play on the better more expensive golf courses (Alpine, Navatanee) more regularly than that I otherwise would.

    I now nip out for a convenient and very relaxing massage once or twice per week which is something I never did before – having the card has definitely improved my lifestyle.

    Having the visa has definitely reduced my concern over visa issues.

    A lovely new BMW 7 is an unnecessary but very pleasant addition to the frequent trips to the airport.

    Fast track through the airport is no difference from normal business use anyway.

    And on return, the fast track option has been removed, which means we cannot go into the lounge and wait for someone else to deal with our passport. This is due to security (and not Thai Elite service reduction) and because the camera system at immigration has or is going to be re-introduced. Instead of waiting in the lounge we just go through the diplomatic channel; this is still fast track in my book.

    The buy one get one free Business class flights with TG is not really a bonus. The full fare flight is more expensive than 2 business class flights with the excellent quality middle eastern airlines (i.e. Emirates, Qatar etc).

    The one free Upgrade to first from Business or to Business from Economy is nice though.

    For one who has membership – I think the card is of great value.

    And I’ve had no disappointments so far.

    However, the one cloud that hangs over the Card is the risk that the Government may close the scheme.

    In this case we are assured compensation not less than the 1MB we paid. This is Thailand so I wouldn’t hold my breath for any compensation. But after 5 years (if the scheme lasts) I’m ‘quids in’ so to speak. Will it fail? it could. Will I have a lifetime visa? quite unlikely. Will it be economically viable for me? Maybe and I’m willing to risk it.

    Here is how I work it out…

    4 Golf Games per Month (4x 3000 baht i.e. at Alpine or Navatanee)

    4 Massage per month (4 x 2000 baht yes the best massage places charge this)

    2 airport trx (2 x 2000 baht – BMW 7 series)

    Total – 24,000 baht per month = 288,000 Baht per year.

    As an example – subtracting the services I have used.

    If it company fails in 3 years. I’ve paid 136,000 baht for a 5 years visa. That’s 27,200 baht per year or 2270 baht per month for a visa.

    This is why I’m not particularly worried….

    I’m not proud I have the card. I just saw it as frugally advantageous.

    For those who don’t have a spare 1MB its unfortunate that you can’t ‘try it before you knock it’…

    It is 1MB and its called an Elite card for a reason….lowering the price will increase numbers and lower the quality of service.

    My only disappointment is that while on return into the Kingdom, waiting in the lounge (for my passport to be stamped and my luggage to be collected) a beer is not available with the refreshments offered.

    Is there anyone out there who has the card who has been disappointed by any aspect ?

  4. Playing 2 ball on a week day at Muang Kaew Golf

    Walking from 9th Green to 10th Tee off.

    A 4 ball with golf carts and 2 caddies each drives past us in carts and approaches the 10th tee. (they have just jumped two holes and nipped in, in front of us).

    It was one of those afternoons where we had tee'd off late and had limited time to complete the round before darkness fell. We’d been held up in typical fashion by a couple of 4 balls in front of us, who at the 9th Tee had completed their round playing the back nine first. We needed to make haste to complete our round.

    A 4 ball in carts jumping in front of us without asking or even acknowledging our presence was rather irritating. Walking straight up to the tee and teeing up my ball ready for my drive, astonished looks were past amongst the group attempting to jump in.

    The marshal was very quick to arrive and I pointed out that I am not accepting a 4 ball to drive up and jump in front of us, particularly as we are mid-round.

    Very quickly the group were moved on and they just drove off to another Tee.

    Good Marshals are good, but all too often they let things like this slide and my round is often delayed heavily as a result.

    Is it me, or do other people get the impression that approximately half the people on the golf courses over here assume that because they can afford golf, think they are big-shots who can do whatever they want on a golf course ?

    There is also a flip side to this and there are many pleasant people out there on the courses and all we see of them are a polite nod while passing, or a brief how's your day chat at a drinks stop.

  5. Always hope for the ugly Caddy while driving, as hoping for a cute one always ensures I get the slow one with missing teeth.

    Tee’s in the right pocket.

    Coin in the left pocket.

    3 gloves per round.

    Always line up the writing on the ball in line with the shot (tee off and putting).

    Counter act slice, by pointing the little man out of they fly in my underwear (stops me thinking about slice!)

    Counteract draw – more change in left pocket.

    Never have wallet in pockets.

    Never wear a watch while playing.

    Phone always on silent.

    Do not accept calls from or call back the missus in the middle of a round.

    If a big night was had the night before and a beer cannot be tolerated, a shandy at a drinks stop is acceptable.

    Tap the club head on the ground before driving.

    If there is Sand close to a good landing spot on a drive, aim for it (logic is that I’ll never hit the target).

  6. As far as Night Clubs go…These are the places I and many of my friends have had fun hanging out for a ‘normal night out’ as we would do back at home.

    Mostly we get no extra attention, and are treated no differently from anyone else and do our best just to mix in and enjoy ourselves…Many a good night has been had.

    I’ve thrown age ranges in to give an idea (just my observation, may not be correct in the eyes of others).

    Not in Any Particular Order:

    1) Slim RCA: 99% Thai. 3 sections (Hip hop – Thai Band – dance/house) Ages: 20-30yrs.

    2) Route RCA: 99% Thai. 2 sections (Hip hop – Thai Band) Ages: 20-25 yrs.

    3) Astra RCA: 50% Thai. Good with special events (Ranging): Ages: 20 - 35 yrs.

    4) Prob Bar RCA: 99% Thai. Good (ranges of pop music): Ages: 20-35 yrs

    5) Escudo Thonglor: 99% Thai. (Hip hop) Ages: 23-33 yrs.

    6) Song Salueng Thonglor: 99% Thai (range – hip hop to live band) very crowded: Age: 20-30 yrs.

    7) Santika, Ekammai: 80% Thai (range – hip hop to dance – live band) Age: 25-35 yrs.

    8) Nanglen Ekammai: 99.9% thai (hip hop) 20-30 yrs (need passport).

    9) Escobar (next to Nanglen) 99.9% Thai (hip hop) 25-35 yrs (need passport).

    10) Booze, Thonglor 10. 98% Thai (range – hip hop to dance – live band) Age: 20-35yrs.

    11) Jet, Thonglor 10. 99% Thai (hip hop to live band) Age 25-35yrs.

    12) Q Bar: 60% International Thai (Range – dance) Age 25 – 40 yrs.

    13) Bed: 50% Thai (Range) Age 25 – 40 yrs.

    14) Inch Ratchada Soi 8: 99% Thai (hip hop – band) Age 20-30 yrs.

    15) Tapas Silom: 40% International Thai (dance, latin) Age 25 – 40 yrs.

    16) Met bar: Intenational crowd. Firday night disco !! Age 25 – 35 yrs

    Hi there.

    Thanks for the informative post.

    Just to confirm do your %'s relate to the people or the music? i.e. 99% thai people or 99% thai hip-hop as opposed to 99% english language music?


    The %tages are an attempt to give a very rough estimate of the people there.

    As far as music goes, for an inexplicable reason all the popular places play mainstream pop hip hop (if that makes sense).

    The only explanation that I can hazard a guess at for this is that this is what the girls can dance to, easy rhythm, easy dancing, the guys just follow – that’s my theory anyway.

    The popular thing to do in these places is buy a bottle of whiskey for the table and mix with coke, soda, ice etc (normally 1000-2000 Baht in the more Thai places to 3500 in the places more frequented by foreigners – i.e. Bed, Qbar). Whiskey keeps usually for 3 months, and if at the end of the night its not finished it can be handed in for a receipt / ticket and consumed another time. This seems better than bloating up on beer and is also easier on the pocket when in a group.

    As whiskey is the drink of choice for most Thai’s in clubs, it cheaper there, i.e. Johnny Walker red or Black label being the most common, however in places attracting more foreigners the whiskey at 2500 to 3500 per bottle is a similar price to other spirits such as Gin and vodka etc.

    A late night Club called ‘The Tunnel’ on Langsuan Soi 5 is also popular, but it’s a gamble when and how late its going to be open (sometimes 2 sometimes 5am). The last two times I have gone there it was closed, a friend told me its operating again now.

  7. As far as Night Clubs go…These are the places I and many of my friends have had fun hanging out for a ‘normal night out’ as we would do back at home.

    Mostly we get no extra attention, and are treated no differently from anyone else and do our best just to mix in and enjoy ourselves…Many a good night has been had.

    I’ve thrown age ranges in to give an idea (just my observation, may not be correct in the eyes of others).

    Not in Any Particular Order:

    1) Slim RCA: 99% Thai. 3 sections (Hip hop – Thai Band – dance/house) Ages: 20-30yrs.

    2) Route RCA: 99% Thai. 2 sections (Hip hop – Thai Band) Ages: 20-25 yrs.

    3) Astra RCA: 50% Thai. Good with special events (Ranging): Ages: 20 - 35 yrs.

    4) Prob Bar RCA: 99% Thai. Good (ranges of pop music): Ages: 20-35 yrs

    5) Escudo Thonglor: 99% Thai. (Hip hop) Ages: 23-33 yrs.

    6) Song Salueng Thonglor: 99% Thai (range – hip hop to live band) very crowded: Age: 20-30 yrs.

    7) Santika, Ekammai: 80% Thai (range – hip hop to dance – live band) Age: 25-35 yrs.

    8) Nanglen Ekammai: 99.9% thai (hip hop) 20-30 yrs (need passport).

    9) Escobar (next to Nanglen) 99.9% Thai (hip hop) 25-35 yrs (need passport).

    10) Booze, Thonglor 10. 98% Thai (range – hip hop to dance – live band) Age: 20-35yrs.

    11) Jet, Thonglor 10. 99% Thai (hip hop to live band) Age 25-35yrs.

    12) Q Bar: 60% International Thai (Range – dance) Age 25 – 40 yrs.

    13) Bed: 50% Thai (Range) Age 25 – 40 yrs.

    14) Inch Ratchada Soi 8: 99% Thai (hip hop – band) Age 20-30 yrs.

    15) Tapas Silom: 40% International Thai (dance, latin) Age 25 – 40 yrs.

    16) Met bar: Intenational crowd. Firday night disco !! Age 25 – 35 yrs

  8. Ah, its good to see a thread like this were people seem to be voicing / noting their opinions without getting slammed by the ‘Rose tinted glasses’ or the ‘take it or leave it’ bunch for being honest and having a good old fashioned vent….

    I just cannot put my finger on the reasons for good or bad service.

    I’ve tried to work it out and place it on location, quality of establishment, my approach, my appearance, my partners appearance etc etc….

    One day I get excellent service at a high end restaurant, the next day a different high end restaurant fails miserably at decent service, another day I am irritated by service that it so over the top the waiter or waitress may as well sit down next to me and eat for me…

    I can turn up in a good car or a taxi, dressed well or in scruffy jeans, be very polite or demanding… but one thing is for sure, in a new place the level of service cannot be guaranteed.

    I have bought televisions and asked if it is in stock for me to take today, the answer is always yes only to find out 30 mins later that none are available, I’ve many similar stories.

    I have gone to purchase a new sim card and found out that I can combine sims with old and new number to great convenience with excellent, informative and polite service.

    I have walked out of hotel lobbies when trying to check in, because the staff were just that little bit too surly for my liking (high end hotels).

    And the pointing in any direction to avoid saying ‘I don’t know’ is a real winner on the lazy / bad service 1-10 list.

    Mostly I am disappointed by high end services because in the lower end of the spectrum I have no expectations.

    Also – mostly it’s not blatant bad manners or bad service that I observe… its just the absence of reasonable or good service that can be a little grinding, some days are just better than others and I can only put it down to luck !

    Sometimes, poor service is easy to spot in advance. There is a certain blankness that can be recognized in those who would otherwise be providing a service. In these cases it might be easier to just walk away or switch off.

    Time for service Pet Hates !

    Being served, and someone else walks into a shop etc.. and the person serving me switches their attention ! In this case, I normally complain to both parties telling them how impolite they are before I walk away.

    Mai-Pen Rai… this phrase is usually a little annoying. Because if its needs to be said, then there already is a ‘pen-rai’ !!!! the person saying it really means… I can’t be bothered to deal with the problem !

    There,… I feel better now !

  9. A friend of mine fell upon a very similar fate about a year ago.

    It was just outside Bangkapi – He had to do community service: Give Blood. But he didn’t mention having to meet a parole officer ever 3 months.

    When he was arrested the police apologized to him that they couldn’t let him pay a fine and go as they had a quota to meet before midnight.

  10. A Good friend of mine just paid 400,000 sinsod to his future parents in law... and before people run off on a tangent, both parties are Thai.

    In discussions with an ex a few years ago - from an extremely wealthy background 2 MB was mentioned. It was also pointed out that this was just a symbol - it would be returned in the form of a lovely new apartment and probably a rather nice car too...

    Later girlfriends (of the Post Grad overseas education level) have mentioned 400,000 to 1 MB level to be reasonable gesture and that the money would be returned anyway... again - just a symbol to show that I have enough wealth to take care and provide for their daughter.

    With this in mind – I would happily pay and maintain face and good image.

    But I guess it all depends on the girl, her background and the impression she and her family give off, as is the impression the man gives off too..

  11. Range Rover Mk III ?

    Nice and Quick, Luxurious inside, great sounds system, easy to navigate bkk streets...

    Equally as suited to rough beach and potholed roads as it is to rolling up at a top end hotel suited and booted...

    Apart from the 4x4 bashing, I can’t think of a more suitable car if you have that budget.

    Is Hummer not a little too Arnie ?

    They Had an H3 on display in Siam Paragon a few months back…

  12. That would wind me up greatly.

    The driving standards here and generally terrible and the only way to get anywhere is to 'not care if I crash' which is pretty irresponsible, but sometimes its the only way to pull out of a side street. At some point this will only outcome in a crash.

    The Crash happened some years ago (on Petchaburi Rd Bkk - I took photo's and was 100% confident I was not at fault. Back at the police station I was informed my insurance will have to pay and I am at fault. I rejected that. And slowly went over what and how the crash occurred. My story differed from the other driver. After hearing his story – I challenged it showing the police the photos. The other driver changed his story 3 times. The Police man told me he had never had a simple case like that challenged so strongly. We were referred to another area, where a decision was made based on a visual inspection of the cars alone (no crash description was necessary).

    The next morning we visited the police station and I was told that as I didn't accept full responsibility for the crash only my half of the crash was my fault, and the other guys half of the crash was his fault. It was then I found out that the other guy had no insurance which was why, if it was his fault the repairs to my car would not have been covered.

    Upon leaving the station the other party told me that it was his 5th crash in 3 months, I felt like throttling him.

    Motorcycles take huge risks and liberties with their lives. Sometimes I am simply amazed that I did not hit one. I am very, very weary of pickups, particularly the delivery or work pickups who’s drivers are generally quite frankly dangerous. They all look the same, zoned out, 1000 yard stare, mouth open, and not too sharp – simply looking at them and thinking of them in control of a speeding over weight vehicle worries me.

    I think back to school days in the UK and think of some of those guys behind the wheel and that worries me too - but here it seems there is far less concept of consequence.

  13. This is a very frustrating point for me.

    I am often told that I speak excellent Thai, only to subsequently face a speedy barrage of tonal subtleties that I can not follow.

    When I speak Thai I get giggled at (not by the fella’s) and told its cute, which is cute at first, but gently grinding after the xth time !

    Brief necessary conversations are well within my limits. i.e. taxi, restaurants, shops etc..

    However deeper conversation will be with those Thais more fluent in English than I am in Thai.

    I can understand far more than I can speak, generally by picking up key words, relying on facial expression and hand gestures and relying heavily on context…

    The context being of key importance in both directions… i.e. if a Thai told me to look at the snow.. I would be thinking something completely different and looking for something more equestrian in nature !

    I am at a Plateau, above which without very specific attention and effort it’s difficult to rise above.

    I mix mainly with well educated Thais (not out of specific choice – but it just seems to have worked out that way) who speak fluent English. Learning English has more value for them (due to its globalization) than learning a 1 nation language has for me.

    However.. The big downside for me is when meeting the elder generations. Even though those who I have met (girlfriends and friends parents etc) often speak precise and clear English, my Thai is not good enough and they would like to see me make more effort to be able to hold detailed conversations.

    I often feel I am missing out, but how fluent do I have to be to not to feel this and to fully understand the little details ? (the slang etc) I will never be Thai, I will never fully understand the culture or language, I never grew up with the same TV programs etc. I don’t want to completely assimilate, but I want to be observed as being polite and respectful. But I just can’t seem to improve from this level.

    Is learning just enough, enough ?

  14. Quote 'someone' : "If you have the reputation of an early riser – you can sleep all day and get away with it"

    Unfortunately Thailand does not have a global reputation that many who live here feel proud of. It’s a shame, but it’s a simple fact that many come to Thailand because of its reputation.

    I for one, came here not fully aware of its reputation (fresh out of Uni) to work for in international Co. I have stayed here ever since and love the place (more so than the counter balancing frustration that would exist any foreign country)... and naturally I have had girlfriends here, as I would had I lived in any country for any length of time.

    Do men come here for Thaland’s pay for play reputation ? of course…

    Do men come here for many other reasons, temples, culture, food, weather ? of course… And.. golf would also be a biggie… combine a gentleman’s golfing trip with few nights of wildness and the golfing trip becomes less gentlemanly but you’d have more takers…

    More often than not the reasoning for males to come to Thailand will be the abundance of attractive and available ladies here. However, everyone already knows – generalisations are far from accurate.. but generally.. they work.

  15. A Friend of mine ;-) dating a well educated Career girl with a job most of us would view highly (i.e. the level of a pilot or lawyer). Both Sub 30’s and becoming serious about each other. A Playful conversation about playing around ensued with the pretence of seriousness from my friend.

    He asked his Girl friend if it was ok if he visited Poseidon massage parlor. She replied, just don’t let her know about it, and don’t see the same girl more than once… (no movies, dinners etc)…

    It seems to me that the Op has been successful in attempting to ruffle a few feathers and that his topic has many view points. My observations from outside of TV forum are that members of the fairer sex in Thailand will turn a blind eye only so far.

    The ideals vary through cultural, social and economic boundaries, but it always seems the case that greater compromise occurs from the female party.

  16. Little Johnny strikes yet again….

    (Sorry if you’ve heard this before)

    Its coming up towards Friday afternoon home time at School and the teacher sets homework for the weekend…

    Teacher: “Right Children, your English assignment for the weekend it to come up with a phrase involving the word contagious – every one understand ?

    Class: “Yes Misssss”

    Come Monday afternoon its close to home time and the teacher rounds up her pupils in the book corner…..

    Teacher: “Ok children, over the weekend I asked you to come up with the phrase involving the word ‘contagious’, does everyone have their phrase ?”

    Class: “Yes Missss”

    Teacher: “Ok, who wants to go first?”

    The usual suspects in the class are eager with their arms raised high fighting for recognition.

    Young Mary is a level headed girl and the Teacher picks her first….

    Teacher: “OK, Mary, let us hear your phrase”

    Mary: “Miss, my brother has the Measles, my mother tells me I have to keep away from him because his measles are contagious”

    Teacher: “very good Mary, excellent ! – any more volunteers ?”

    Sarah is keen, so the Teacher picks her….

    Teacher: “OK, Sarah, let us hear your phrase”

    Sarah: “Miss, my father is going to work in Africa, he has to take some medicine to protect himself because the doctors tell him he will be working in a contagious area”

    Teacher: “very good Sarah, excellent ! – Who’s next ?”

    Well.. by this stage little Johnny is beside himself, he’d been thinking long and hard all weekend, and finally he’d struck gold and was ready to impress his favorite teacher. With the assumption that not much can go wrong with the word contagious, the Teacher picks Johnny…

    Teacher: “Ok Johnny, what do you have for us?”

    Johnny: “Miss Miss, my next door neighbor is painting his house white, he’s using such a tiny brush… my father says it’ll take the contagious” !!!

  17. Forgive me for rocking the boat a little here… just a little devils advocacy.

    Please don’t take the bait too vigorously…

    Why would someone under 50 years old, with money enough to buy and elite card (but prefers not to) be less desirable than someone over 50 with 800k in a Thai account ?

    For those rich enough not to have to work, staying in Thailand is a great place to be, but they are left in a situation where visa requirements don’t fit them and currently only the Thai elite can help.

    Why are those who choose not shack up with and marry the first little darling who flutters her eyelids, drops her panties and says “I rike youuuu” less desirable than someone who chooses to take their time and not dive head first into a potentially and (please read foot note) disastrous marriage ? (and get the marriage visa)

    For those rich enough and too careful to leap blindly into the knickers of a lady of questionable intention – Thai elite can help.

    Its difficult to deal with a case by case basis, every one has differing circumstances. Hampstead bashes retiree’s. While this may be unfair, their Visa carte blanche allows them to judge the only alternative some folk have remaining. And those without sufficient funds judge the only alternative those with sufficient funds have remaining. Sour grapes? It seems everyone makes unjust judgment to against those of an alternative demographic.

    Many of the folk I know (Thai and western) discuss with disdain, those who don’t know how to behave in public. Why is there a suspected anti western feeling ? because its true. ‘S$%ting on ones doorstep is’ is something westerners do, we are less dignified when it comes to affairs of public behavior and a lack of discretion is every where.

    The stereotypes and generalizations exist for a reason. Bashing retirees in Thailand is simply suggesting that there are those who fit a certain stereo type (while there are many who don’t), But a trip to Pattaya speaks for itself. However, there is no need to Bash retiree’s. Enough people Retired and younger make fools of themselves in daylight (in addition to night time) – they are the ones who let the side down for all of us.

    Perhaps that’s why the visa regulations are being strengthened – the retiree visa, marriage visa, elite card, are just filters cutting down on the amount of undesirables ‘S$%ting on someone else’s doorstep’

    Foot note:

    Yes - its understood that there are many relationships that work well and I see and know many happy people. But from the stories I have seen, these people are the smart ones who took their time, chose the right girl and ensured that they are one of the exceptions.

  18. I’m sure that if the Elite membership just involved having 1 MB in an account – like a retirement visa more people would go for it.

    But that’s not the point of the Thai Elite card is it. Its not called the Thai Card for the poor.

    Being Elite – would suggest that they intend to keep it out of reach of, for want of a better description, every day riff raff who have not yet achieved a certain level of financial freedom! In this situation Money is the filter. If one has a spare 1 MB floating around, has limited alternative options the Elite card seems worth it. If you cant afford it, complain about it and knock it.

  19. I have posed this question before to friends of mine.

    A) Lieutenant of the RTP does not know why its illegal to drive a car with red plates outside of daylight hours.

    :o Colonel of the RTP answered. A pre-registered car is a preferable choice for a thief as it is more difficult to trace than a registered car, which is why the law exists that reregistered cars cannot be driven outside of daylight hours.

    It seems that with red plates one could be pulled over for breaking the law – even though the officer does not know why that law exists.

    In reality I have been pulled over only once late at night in a car with red plate on my way back from a movie – the excuse I am on my way back from work seemed to work well in that situation.

    In the past I have preferred not to drive the red plate car at night due to the higher risk of being pulled over by the police.

    As for increasing the chances of the car being stolen.

    If two identical cars were next to each other (one of them with white and one of them with red plates) and one of them was going to be stolen in Thailand, which one is it most likely to be?

    The Law would suggest that it’s most likely to be the car with red plates.

    Gary A does have a very good point however.

  20. I am told by Thai Elite that there are no plans to alter or devalue the card.

    I am also told that any privilege existing at the time of application will continue through any alterations in the program.

    Do I believe them? I question it because this is not a normal service. It is a new system, foreign to us and not something that would, could or does exist in our countries of origin. Therefore it is perceived as risky. The answer is simply unknown, only time can tell.

    If purchasing membership at conception one could be well on their way to recouping the costs. With this in mind I have worked a few figures…

    1 MB

    Free Golf at a range of excellent golf courses.

    4 games per month: 4 x 2-3000 = 8-12,000 baht/month

    The Card Pays for its self in 7-10 years on Golfing alone if one was to play on average once per week.

    Averaged over a 10 year period the card costs 8333 baht per month.

    Although initially the card appears to be an extravagance, for those who live in Bangkok it does appear to pay for itself relatively quickly.

    > A massage a couple of times per month (+/- 2000 baht)

    > Golf 4 times per month (8-12,000 baht)

    > Airport transfer approx 2 times per month (+/- 2000 baht).

    > Gym Membership: (40,000 baht per year (Cost of Capitol Club).

    Quick sums show that a reasonable expectation of using its privileges and the card recoups its costs within 5 years.

    While my example of reasonable use may receive criticism and with the understanding that everyone is different and many of those who may show interest in the Elite program live in more isolated areas where the privileges are less accessible, for those in the main Cities the card does appear to be of value. With this in mind, I would feel disappointed but not greatly hard done by if the arrangement crashed in 5 years or so.

    The icing on the cake is the Life long Visa (5 years renewed very 5 years). Or, if you are a cynic, for as long as Thai Elite, TOT and the folk at immigration remain in agreement. I have a level of convidence in this program as TOT appear to be within the thick of it.

    Making my own mind up… I thought it was worth it, it also appears that those posters who have joined the Thai Elite program are in agreement.

    Those not in agreement appear to judge the way more fortunate people spend their money. I would also go as far to suggest that if the Thai Elite card operated with a ‘Finance’ type agreement a lot of those with negative attitudes towards the program might develop further interest (although I do admit that if this was the case - if the system failed payment could just be stopped).

    And with my Tuppence Worth spent – regards to you all.

  21. Sept. 05 Alfa 156 SeleSpeed For Sale: 1 Million Baht (ono)

    11,000 km.

    Paddle Gear Shift / Tiptronic / fully Automatic (3 modes).

    Original Alfa Sports package, Front / rear spoilers, diffusers, side skirts.

    Original Alfa Sports Alloys.

    Carbon fiber trim (interior).

    Black Leather seats.

    All Factory fitted / Original.

    I am the original owner, with no outstanding finance.

    Pictures attached.

    Genuine reason for sale: I have two cars, I only need one.

    If you are interested –

    Contact me on: <contact by pm>

  22. I am on my 4th Personal Laptop.

    Asus > Fujitsu > sony Vaio > sony Vaio > and I think in another few years I will get a sony Vaio again.

    I travel Regularly - my lap top back gets knocked, banged and the build quality of the sony is good enough to withstand the relative battering it gets.

    I have used an estimated 10 other brands of Laptop while working for various clients. . i.e. IBM, Dell, Toshiba, Compaq. All were ok, but I would still spend the extra for the piece of mind Sony gives me in its build quality. Reading the other posts, perhaps I am lucky having had no problems with both Sonys I have owned. Given the choice I'd buy another.

    However, I’d like to add that I also rate Fujitsu laptops.

    If those knocking the Sony laptops are doing so from experience of ownership, then fair enough, but I’d not be talking any advice from those who just like to throw opinion down based on a whim.

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