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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. I have some very good Thai friends. A few years ago my friend and his girlfriend when studying in England visited my family coinciding with a trip I was making back to the UK.

    They have expressed an interest to travel back to the UK in the future, again coinciding with a trip I would make. I guess they would need to put down my family address as a local address in the UK. While this currently remains a hypothetical situation I have wondered if or what proof of relationship might be required then....

    This is all rather pie in the sky, but with proof of financial independence and proof of a career in Thailand, I’m still left wondering why such significance is placed on the relationship.

    A simple work around would be to put a hotel as an address in the UK. However, I’ve also been reading up on the consequences of noting down false information.

  2. I’ve found myself developing a growing interest in wines, I’ve bought books and tried to learn and its all rather confusing to me, there are just so many variations. I work on the basis that experts know what they are talking about.

    I’ve also experimented with wines that I have no idea about and found some crackers and some rocket fuel, but taste is such a personal thing. I’ve also found that some wines after 30mins or so after opening improve significantly and some don’t!

    I’ve had Thai wine that I have enjoyed. Monsoon valley was one of these wines, and I was surprised after buying a couple of Bottles from up near Khao Yai area by Monsoon and PB valley wines.

    I many of us look at the label and perhaps make a decision on how good the wine will be based on the grape, location and in some cases even the label design.

    I find myself wondering that if the wine had no label and I didn’t know what it was, where it was from etc, would I have the same opinions after tasting it?

    I recently enjoyed a trip to India where I wanted to try the Indian wine. I was pleasantly surprised by a bottle of White Sula 2005 (and Indian Wine), but I hated the Sula Red wine (maybe I had a bad bottle).

    There is a huge amount of snobbery that I hate to partake in, but in my opinion experts are experts, if they tell me a Thai wine is not good then I’d have to believe them, however I believe given all factors including the infancy of the Wine industry in Thailand that some Thai wines are drinkable.

    And if in the area, at B500 per bottle from a vineyard there is there is value when compared to prices of the international wines (and Thai wines) in the shops.

    I believe that the old world wines are the bench mark and that their award structure is more reliable than the new world wines. Australian wines all seem to have an award, but I do enjoy many of those also, particularly for their consistency.

    I’ve found that a wine fridge is a decent investment when buying in bulk some of the more famously decent wines i.e. Penfolds 389, 407, Baroness Philippine de Rothschild (from a contact of my girlfriends fathers), but these are saved for special dinners and not daily drinkers.

    I discovered recently that some of the Thai wine’s discussed (particularly Monsoon Valley) are acceptable and I enjoying drinking something local now and again.

  3. I find myself in a slightly different version of visa uncertainty than is usually posted and was wondering if other TV members in similar circumstances had any difficulties, or whether or not my inexperience with dealing with visa applications for partners to visit the UK is showing through.

    My Girlfriend is in the Middle of her UK tourist visa application.

    We intend to go back for a two week visit.

    We are flying business class (she paid for her own ticket).

    She is MD of her family company with a significant monthly turn over.

    She has no specific income – just spends whatever she needs from the company (on her company credit Card) – This part of the application was tricky as she has no specific proof of income into her account. But the company account with records is in her name (as a 1/3rd shareholder along with her brother and father, she has provided documented proof of all this).

    Basically she is wealthy and can easily support herself, she also needs to return back to Bangkok for her work.

    As we will be staying with my Parents in the UK, we have used that address on the visa application form.

    After submitting the details to the UK visa centre she has been asked to return with proof of our relationship and a photocopy of my passport.

    We have plenty of photos to choose from and I’ve provided her with a photo copy of my passport.

    Only 3 years separates us, we are young so I have no concerns that the photos will raise any questions.

    BUT, I am wondering why she has been asked to jump through these little hoops.

    A few years ago an ex and I visited the UK for a quick trip and none of this ‘proof of relationship’ with photo’s etc was needed. The Ex is a Thai Airways flight attendant and had a company letter and salary documentation which I’m sure made things easy. My current girlfriend has a company letter, but it’s from herself to herself as she is the MD and her salary is just income into the company (from which she spends as she needs).

    I’m sure all will work out well (Or rather at the moment I am hoping), but with all the negativity surrounding visa applications and then being asked to provide proof of relationship I am wondering whether or not something is amiss or if this proof of relationship is just ensuring that every base is covered? It all seems a little odd.

    I’m writing this more to relieve a little frustration than anything else. But, not fitting within the proverbial box appears to make the application a little more sketchy. It all seems geared for someone with a partner who’s paying for all their expenses which I also assume could also be a sketchy application, or more for the middle of the road tourist; someone who works as an employee (not owner / partner /MD of their own) company etc

    Thanks in advance for any constructive comments....

  4. I also try to avoid situations where I have to sit on the floor for more than 5 mins.

    But it happens. In my experience pointing your feet is no big deal, attempting to show respect is enough.

    Many years ago when I first arrived in Thailand I ended up having lunch with a friend and bunch of bar girls. I was sitting uncomfortably, moved and sat with my feet pointing at one of the girls. A big deal was made of it, I was made to feel bad and as though I’d done something very seriously wrong, I didn’t really enjoy dinner because of it and made a hasty exit. In my opinion they were far more impolite and made a larger Social Faux Pas to me than I did to them.

    I’ve been in some similar situations since with people of a similar socio-economic level to myself and done the same thing without issue or comment. I’ve double checked later and been told not to worry about it, everyone gets uncomfortable, it’s going to happen.

    In short as I understand it, manners are manners, understanding is understanding. I see a huge overlap in manners whereby simply the intention to make effort and be polite is enough for people to recognise.

    In my experience, within reason minor social faux pas are a non-issue and if someone wishes to make a criticism in front of others they are showing their lack of candor and class. However I’ve been thankful for a discrete and polite comment in the ear, or a flash of the eyes to correct my posture of the hands at a funeral etc…

  5. This happens to me frequently. Often at the busy time of day (6-7pm) if I want to go into an area where the traffic is likely to be busy. Its irritating at the best of times and infuriating when the driver doesn’t even say no, or sorry, he just dismisses me with a lazy wave of his hand and drives off. And this often happens 2-3 times in 10 mins before I can get a taxi that agrees to go to my destination. The problem is, by the time I’ve waited 10-20 mins for a cab at times like this, I’m hot and sweaty…

    However, I can’t say I blame the taxi driver for refusing me a journey that’s going to take him into or through the middle of gridlock or in the opposite direction if he is looking for his last fare before knocking off.

    For this reason I have a car for the daytime. But for evenings when I’m drinking I need a cab. I’ve become so used to just grabbing a cab when I want one in the evenings and usually going home is not a problem. Going out at 7pm is – I think we can book taxis but I’ve never done this.

    Has anyone any experience of booking metered taxi’s over the phone? And how easy is it? i.e. I imagine some difficulty getting my correct address across.

  6. It’s not you or anything to do with you being female or foreign.

    I complain about the same thing. My Thai Girl friend also complains about the same thing.

    It’s become a daily joke now to reply to each others question with a “Hah ?” or a “no-have” or any other infuriating speak of those who are so ignorant to use basic manners with strangers.

    In some cases the “no have” may just represent its face value and they don’t have it, but when I hear ‘no have’ my translation is “I’m too lazy to look, maybe we don’t have it and I cant even be bothered to make eye contact or respond with a Kha and show some manners….”… or the contextual equivalent in any conversation where a polite response should be expected.

    (Lets wait for someone to suggest.. If you don’t like it.. go back home !)

  7. What's your taste? Bars / clubs etc ?

    A couple of guidelines might help people assist you...


    Pubs frequented by westerners: Molly Maloneys - Dublier - Witches Tavern (I seen some posts that indicate that some TV girls meet up there).

    Clubs frequented by westerners: Bed - Q'bar - Santika

    New Clubs which are Predominantly Thai and friendly: Curve - Block 9 - Lizm

    Established Clubs which are Predominantly Thai and friendly: Escudo - Songsaleung - Booze - Prob bar RCA - Slim - Route

    This is very brief - but hope it’s a starter for you.

  8. I think the Elite card is great value and well under priced.

    I would willingly pay 10 million baht for this wonderful asset.

    Tell you what. I'll appoint myself as an authorised Elite Card Distributor. Send me the 10 million and I will purchase the card on your behalf (after deducting my 85% handling and distribution fee of course) !

    You forgot the part about sending the payment for the card (B 1.5M) to your offshore bank account in Singapore!!

    Yes, I kid you not. When I was seriously thinking about applying for the program and received the official information and application forms from an authorized TPCC representative, the money for payment was supposed to be wired to a Thailand Privilege Card Company bank account in SINGAPORE...<deleted>!!!

    Now that does seem dodgy...

    Come to think of it I can’t remember for sure how I paid for TE Membership, but I seem to remember a cashiers check made out to Thailand Privilege Card Company, which I supposed could be paid into an offshore account....

    I don’t care too much about that though. My only concern is if the program doesn’t last long enough to recoup my money....

  9. Triggered by another thread where it was mentioned that Bangkok traffic is the worst in the world.. later in the thread to be corrected to 3rd place after Cairo and Karachi, Bangkok’s traffic; while at times suffers appalling gridlock, but I would suggest that it’s my no means the worst in the world...

    Fortunately Bangkok has the Expressway system which offers a (95% of the time) fast flowing artery from one side of the city to another.

    #1) As a starting point, I’d rate the following cities worse than Bangkok when it comes to traffic Jams....



    Ho Chi Min City.





    Dubai (Based on reputation, not sure if it’s worse)...

    #2) What traffic calming measures would you think could work in Bangkok ?

    Personally I would like to see the traffic system modernised. I believe that it would take years to re-educate the wheeled population to use islands successfully so I think more islands are not a solution.

    I do believe that running the traffic lights on a computerised system so that the whole network of lights and roads move intelligently to maximize flow, reduce stationary traffic, therefore reducing gridlock would offer a huge improvement. I have heard rumours (unsubstantiated) that this has been attempted, but the computerised boxes were sabotaged by ‘some people’ in the manned booths as they though this new computer would take their job....

    I believe that one immediate fix would be for the lights to change more frequently which might assist in reducing grid lock...

  10. I don’t have a dog making those occasional unfortunate noises, and it’s certainly not a rose petal making those splashes !!!

    She never farts... But if she does she farts Perfume and pooh’s rose petals !

    I have to accept this, it’s just nicer that way !......

  11. Farang Cravings...

    Good on you... So many people here on TV provide opinions without fact or knowledge and can only judge others at their own level. Many people have complimented the efforts of the Volunteer Tourist Police, others have ridiculed the intentions of those volunteers.

    For some people (those ridiculing) there must be some ulterior motive to what you are doing, after all why volunteer? What’s in it for you? You must want the power? You must be dumb enough to be under some illusion that you will get respect this way, you must have some sort of inferiority complex etc etc... People who judge others on this level say more about themselves than those they are passing judgement on.

    Perhaps a few power trippers do exist, but it would not be fair or accurate assume all are and tar them with the same brush.

    I hope I’ll never need the help, but I for one am glad that people like you are there to offer assistance and help to those who need it. In a country where so many visitors have difficulty communicating with officials I can see how you can offer much needed assistance.

    I’m sure you enjoy it and get your rewards, it’s not something I would want to do but that doesn’t mean others shouldn’t do it, I believe it fills a necessary gap. For these reasons among others I respect what you and people like you do. People who more often than not are there helping the same sort ignorant folk who draw these inaccurate and disrespectful opinions in the first place.

    Good luck...

  12. A lot of the newer resorts that are aiming for an ‘au naturelle’ atmosphere seem to have outdoor showers and I had similar concerns about the mosquito’s....

    Fortunately the toilets are inside so ‘squeezing one out’ is not so traumatic if you are one of those who gets eaten by mosquito’s with monstrous ferocity.

    I found that I don’t get bitten in the shower when I’m staying at resorts with outside showers (although I didn’t hang around in / out there).

  13. A good friend of mine works for Interpol and has recently been involved in the arrests of a number of morally unfit international citizens. I hear some pretty good stories. I also believe that Interpol would not act directly on information provided by an informant. Based on the things that I have heard, I’m sure they would use the tip and make a correct identification first before any arrests were made.

    With this in mind, I think it that making the correct decision and informing Interpol of your suspicions would morally be the best direction to move in.

  14. I've seen the same one up and down Thonglor a couple of times.... The first time I saw it I followed it a little just to get a good look... Awsome machine.. how much do you think they are in Thailand... 10 MB ? Skyline Vs BMW M3... which one takes it?

  15. IF you qualified for the Type B or O multi-entry visa... it is the same.... The TE card suits those who are under retirement age, not married and don’t have other visa options.

    It is simply the same as an extended tourist visa... as I travel too much I’ve never had to use the 90 day extensions, but I do believe that the 1900 Baht has to be paid if going for the 90 day reporting...

    On top of the visa are other services... Golf, massage, expedited transit through the airport, airport transfers, various discounts etc... this is also where much of the attraction of the Thai Elite card is.

  16. I can’t speak for other guys, and I’m not in Chiang Mai either.

    However, in my periods between girlfriends I have not cared if I meet Western or Thai girls. I am just interested in someone I get along very well with, have fun with, communicate very well with and of course be attracted to physically and mentally with the right chemistry to make things work.

    Now, I have my ‘speck’ as the Thai like to refer to it. This was the same in the UK and it remains so here. I’ve never chosen to date only Asians, and I’ve not been specific about dating only Thai women having also dated Korean and Japanese ladies while I’ve been living in Thailand. However I’ve never met a western woman that I have considered dating, this is not to say that there aren’t any, just that I’ve not met any in the correct forum whereby I can get chatting with them. I’m not the type of guy to walk up to a lady and randomly start flirting, I’ve only ever been introduced to a girl who has later become a girlfriend, they have been friends of a friend or friends of friend’s girlfriend. If western women fell into similar circles I guess I’d have met a lot more. Perhaps not meeting the right guys is also a case of the circles in which you are socialising ?

    I think guys would like to meet an attractive intelligent lady that can bring something to the table, and nationality is not such a big issue, but there don’t seem to be many western ladies out there (certainly around the 30 y/o age mark).

  17. When are you thinking of going. I was looking at going away in May and the Maldives was one of the options, I was deterred due to the weather not being so reliable at this time of year and will postpone a trip to the Maldives to a season with more favourable weather.

    Please, Once you have taken your trip let us know how you got on, how you got there, where you stayed etc. I would be very interested to learn much of this information as I may well travel there in the near future.

  18. The Panerai Selections in Thailand are limited. Also Thailand is not such a great place to buy watches, from what I have seen the prices always seem a little inflated compared to Singapore and Hong Kong. When comparing prices to the States, I imagine that the exchange rates help little.

    IMO: Panerai make a great looking watches.

  19. This is always going to be quite a personal choice. If I was to choose 6 nights of dining out with my parents I’d choose...

    1) Beccofino – (Thonglor): Italian: Excellent service and menu, not cheap, great wine list.

    2) ‘If it swims we have it’ (Sukhumvit 26): Sea Food: Average service, overpriced, but great for novelty value.

    3) Thon Kreung – (Thonglor): Authentic Thai: Average Service, great Thai food, not expensive, always very busy.

    4) Tsunami – (Marriot Ploenchit): Teppanyaki : Japanese: Excellent service and menu, they cook in front of you, not cheap, but worth it.

    5) Trader Vics, Sunday Brunch – (Marriot Riverside): International: One of the best buffet’s in Bangkok (12-3pm), free flow wine and selected cocktails (Or the buffet at the Four Seasons hotel).

    6) Also – for something a little more real – heading out of the centre a little to Ramintra Area.. along some of the restaurants on Kaset Navamin Rd. This is what a lot of the Thai families do, this would quite authentic.

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