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Everything posted by richard_smith237

  1. Again... Valid point - which is why discussions such as this are important so that the 'uninitiated' know to look out for vehicles which utilise LiFePO4 batteries and not just concentrate on random photos of children's stand-on scooter that have caught fire Agreed - but again, take a balanced approach to the risk... For example, if you were a 'non-motorcycle rider'... you may wish to post photos of guys in hospital and highlight the risk of an accident on two wheels... its is a risk right - but also off-topic... Your point is closer to topic - but you present a strong bias which isn't really contributing. There are enough EV vehicles out there now to know that the risk of fire is rather insignificant (that doesn't mean risk free)... If someone asks about a Ducati, you are not going to post photo's of Ducati's that have caught fire....
  2. Something such as the NIU MQi GT - seems like one of the best options for Thailand.... ... Though I dont like the look of the thing, the specs seem ok. https://www.niu.com/uk/product/mqi-gt https://www.facebook.com/niumobility.th/
  3. I think you can find scores of ICE fires that could not be distinguished until the car was a bare shell... The 'fire risk' is a complete red-herring for any such discussion and only serves to exercise bias unless digging into the specific types of batteries involved for the purposes of education and knowledge. LiFePO4 batteries are now regarded as very safe - IF looking for an Electronic Motorcycle, I'd be looking for one which uses this type of battery.... so the point is valid, but I don't thing the bias is.
  4. Indeed its hardly empirical evidence or any value as a stat... But, it has raised a valid point - given the types of batteries some of these motorycles use, are they up to muster ??? I looked at an Electric Motorcycle a couple of years ago and decided against based on the following: - Range (not good enough) - Battery (tech not good enough). - Top speeds too low. - I wanted 12" min (preferably 14" wheels). - Manufacturers (unknown and quality of materials unknown). - I wanted ABS - unclear information out there. I figured back then the 'electric bikes' were will in their infancy, so I opted for an ICE motorcycle. If looking again, I'd been doing more research for an e-Motorcycle, but it still seems the 'only' solid one out there is the eVespa - thats not really very good at all, although its been around for a while.
  5. A game you've long discovered a natural winning skillset for....
  6. Tip which guys ??.... the ones chasing you with a 10" hunting knife... ??? You stop and say to random folks on the street.... "Here you go chappy, have this 100 baht as a measure of good service"....
  7. I agree.... But 4 of the images you posted were of 'childrens stand on scooters' (or that type)... you are muddying the waters with bias... This thread could be a good source of information... about fire risk too, especially concerning the risks of some batteries over others... The Op is after an Electric scooter / bike, so we can assume he means in replacement of something like a Honda Click or Wave etc... so something of that style.
  8. To place a balanced perspective... It's widely acknowledged that ICE cars are more likely to ignite and burn than EV cars. Can the same be argued for motorcycles ??? OR... are the current 'stock' of EV motorcycles still in their battery infancy and more less susceptible to their reliability with regards to how readily they may ignite compared to ICE bikes. As a side note: The tube out of my fuel pump split on my bike and fuel spilt all over the hot engine, it surprised me that the thing didn't go up in smoke !!... When chosing an electric bike - I'd consider range, but also the battery type as LFP batters (as they have in the cars) are generally considered far more safe - so I'd only consider an electric motorcycle with such a battery. Then there are e-Bikes, e-Scooters, Electric Motorcycles - It seems @OneMoreFarang you've been somewhat unfair and bias in the information you have provided. I'd like to see stats on 'like for like' electric motorcycles with an LFP battery and see how they stack up against their ICE counterparts.... But... equally so, this is a valid topic - I think it would be far better discussed without the irrational bias that stems from an absense of knowledge... One point I would make - the torque that comes with EV's could make an EV motorcycle extremely quick off the mark, perhaps dangerously so.
  9. Effort - thats the problem... The laws and regulations here are all perfectly decent and match many of those in our home countries... ... the simple difference is the absense of consistent and firm enforcement, which effectively enables complete disregard amongst the general public for any respect of the laws.
  10. Agreed..... I wonder what provokes these heartless sanctimonious c0ckwombles to make such dimwitted and ill thought out comments.... .... A guy with three young kids, desperate for the return of his wife, worried sick, clearly of very poor means and the only comment some posters can make is to pass judgement on the finances... IF YOU ikke1959 and edwardflory are so great - find a way to help them out... ... Get into contact with the Aseannow news team and find out how you can make a donation to support this family.... use some of this 'spare cash' you have growing on trees...
  11. Look the the signs.... ah.. .erm... yeah.. valid point !!... Years ago, it took me a while to work it it out too, and its only in certain area's and not in others. The 'Odd - Even Rule' is that on Odd days of the Month (1st, 3rd, 5th etc) cars can park on one side of the road..... And on Even days of the Month (2nd, 4th, 6th etc) cars can park on the other side of the road.... .... I believe this was to do with some form of past conflicts which existed with Vehicle blocking the visibility of peoples shop fronts etc... and the road was too narrow for parking on both sides.... Its one of those Thai things... clear as mud, but locals seem to get it... To this day, when I'm in an area that 'may' have such parking, I still look out for signs and still can't easily work out which side I park... I usually rely on a local who will quite assertively shout at me... "no no, you, you, no, no, go, you go, go......... " (and its usually this sort of 'ill mannered' comment because the area is in a location where parking is hotly contested in area's of high tourist footfall and the locals have become tainted to towards foreigners).... Meanwhile in other area's of lesser tourist footfall, someone may come up to me and softly explain in Thai... "sorry, today you cannot park here, park on the other side"... and there will be smiles all round.... Location location !!!
  12. What about the 'netizen outrage of foreigners bringing Thailand into disrepute' ????? Oh.. not foreigners... but are we sure ??.. How do we know a couple of our forum favourite 'farang bashers' were not in the mix doing their bit for Thai-farang relations ? Surely had a 'Brit Been' involved they (specific two posters) would have been dribbling gurgling their spaff all over this thread already...
  13. A lot of that info is already at our fingertips now without having to resort to asking for questions on here... so that content may have changed now unless looking for personal recommendations. I've had some extremely useful 'recommendations' on this forum in the past... The medical section is excellent - lots of good advice and of course the visa section is still there. The food recommendations are good although tastes are quiet different - Best burger each year is often a good one as everyone likes a burger, and so many new places pop up. Where to get a good reasonably priced quality steak is a good one... For me that would be at home. a 2" thick wagyu short bone tommahawk (or Cote de Beuf) skillet seared... then oven finished (with garlic butter and rosemary of course)... So those discussions are always good...
  14. Septic pests I call them..... Its impossible to open any 'new posts' page and not see some rambling about Trump... ... Sure, by all means have it in the background, where people can go to their 'favourite' debate about 'merica'... and they can dig it out for there... But to have it cover the page in nearly every thread is getting ridiculous... Its becoming a mental instablity issue now - people stay away from it. (and for the record, this is first time I've mentioned the T word and its only in context with getting this rubbish of the main pages of a forum designed specifically for and about Thailand... Hide T topics in a sub-forum and prevent it from showing up in 'new topic' / 'new posts'...
  15. True... and again, un True... While I agree than in certain area's there are drink and idiotic forigens acting 'lairy and misbehaving causing trouble and fights.... ... there are also Thai's in many of these area's who are jaded and are are quick to react with a tricker-finger response to even the slightest perceived slight A guy who's carrying around a 10" knife is already looking for trouble... Issues such as this can start out of nothing...... Park the car on the side of the road and a guy comes out of the woodwork starts shouting that you owe him money because its 'his area' of road.... he's the self appointed parking guard and wants 20 baht to ensure your car is 'looked after while its parked' etc... Walk down the road and a guy wants some money, you say no... they get angry etc... But, the guy being chased could have behaved poorly, Thai's may often block a footpath trying to sell their wares, little TukTuks made out of coke cans etc... trying to scrub 2 baht together then a drunk, blind and dumb foreigner 'accidentally' walks over their items (accident or just an ayhole who knows) then the whole thing flares up.... So... Yes, for sure the foreigner may have either deliberately, accidentally or inadvertently 'triggered' an angry response out of the the attacker.... BUT... the attacker was already carrying a knife, or had one very quickly to hand, so what does that tell us about him ???.... he's clearly not the normal law abiding kind natured, good hearted Thai is he ???
  16. I agree.... But none of this will matter when in two weeks all of this is forgotten and the Police go back to their AC booths and office..... after all, this is hard work !!!... ... Then everyone will go back to the usually state of ingnoring all rules and doing what they want and the BiB thinking they've tried hard enough already... None of these initiatives every work without consistent all year round enforcement.... rather than these 'weeklong' crackdowns...
  17. And a lot of Mentally disturbed Thai's use weapons And a lot of 'gone native' mentally disturbed foreigners attempt to defend them and blame the 'farang' against all logic.... yet when its a Thai on Thai issue, they are strangely silent !!!
  18. Agreed.... but if someone is carrying such a weapon, is it as self defence, or as a threat ???? Seems to me, those prepared to chase after a person with such a weapon do so because they have a very short fuse and look to be outraged / upset / or for a reason to have such a response... Whether the UK, Thailand or anywhere else - those carrying weapons which can so readily be lethal ought to be deal with by authorities with the most extreme of contempt.
  19. Agree. Watched the video and it looks like the farang was stuffing something into his pockets. Probably just robbed the Thai. Must have been worse than that... the Thai must have been repeatedly provoked and attacked previous..... After all, it was clearly essential for him to be carrying around a 10" hunting knife on his daily business... (nothing mentally unhinged about a person carrying a huge knife around at all)... [yes, kinnok, sarky again]
  20. Sarky. Absolutely - in response to the outright stupidity of trying to pin blame on a foreigner who being chased by a guy who 'just happens' to be carrying around a weapon.
  21. Outstanding, thoughtful, insightful ... excellent contribution...
  22. Indeed... in fact I think all Thai's should start attacking foreigners more often....
  23. Yes.... Clearly it was the foreginers fault that the Thai man was carrying a large knife. If there were no foreigners to potentially offend this kind Thai gentleman, there would be no need for him to carry such a weapon as self defence...
  24. Thats rather a strange response which seems to imply that if the recipient of a fine is a foreigner legal proceedings may be more readily forthcoming than if the recipient of a fine is Thai... \ Seems you may have overplayed your hand of 'victim farang' here...
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