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Everything posted by richard_smith237

  1. Explained above... lots of sources..... all show varied information.
  2. From a different source (the most negative one I can find) it does show that while the whole industry car sales were down by 26%, EV car sales were down by 12%.... (not other sources contradict this and show an increase in car sales - such as the information I posted earlier). In 2024, Thailand sold 76,000 EV's - this was ~12% of all vehicles sold in the country. In 2024, Thailand sold 66,732 EV - this was ~12% of all vehicles sold in the country. Thailand's Total car sales in 2024 were 572,675 units, down 26.2% from 2023. This was due to a number of factors, including high household debt, strict lending criteria, and weak consumer demand. As proportion of total car sales... EV sales in Thailand have maintained the same percentage... ALL car sales are down (for the reasons mentioned above) EV car sales have not reduced disproportionately than ICE's... But, as mentoined that is the most negative set of stats I can find. All other stats I see show that there have been more more EV sales in 2024 than in 2023... But, there have been less ICE sales in 2024 than in 2023... The whole market has taken a dump, but less so for EV's in Thailand. ----------- I think one of the issues that keeps us arguing this is that the sources all have their own information, there is no central confirmed information its all different and contradicts - there is no central factual information database etc... thus we can cherry pick which ever piece of data suits us. I've attempted to be as un-bias as possible and find a range of information. In summary - there are 3 conclusions to be made from the numbers I've observed, all of which slightly contradict each other: 1) Car sales on a whole dropped between 2023 and 2024 2) EV Sales did not drop between 2023 and 2024 3) or EV Sales have dropped but only half as much as the whole car market.
  3. Thank-you Malcom.... I hadn't seen this video....
  4. Agreed.... I think all Thai's should be given 10" knifes to carry around at all times... they can just stab any foreigner that they don't like the look of...
  5. There exists no rigorous scientific study has provided evidence that challenges the well established understanding that the Earth is an oblate spheroid.... none whatsoever.
  6. You stated [ EVs are low on power and sales ].... You are wrong on the power aspect... (as shown with examples) You are wrong that EV sales were down... (as evidenced with two different sets of stats) Thus... why would you try and save face ?? Doubling down on your mistake is making you appear rather stubborn and silly..
  7. I got into this 'slightly' a few pages back... (around page 11 I think)... but its just too exhausting to try and argue something so ridiculous on an intellectual level... .... not because I can't find a sound counter argument to every flat earth claim and dash of claimed flat earth evidence.... ... but because its just so tiring reading the silliness with a serious mind and countering each individual argument over and over again, while people quote those I consider idiots who manage to frame well sounding but fundamentally flawed argument. Its a rabbit hole which simply is not worth delving down because it offers no intelligent or informative value other than the recognition that 'some' people can sound perfectly rational yet are absolutely undeniably bonkers !!!
  8. No disagreement from me there.... But at least for the stupid that forms some form of 'moral police force' to prevent them doing really stupid stuff..... but those 'moral police forces' have become so powerful they've lost their morality and and you highlight, are and always have been real threat.
  9. The absence of direct flights from Southern Chile to South Africa is driven by economic viability and operational logistics rather than any geographic or physical barrier. Airlines opt for routes that maximise efficiency and passenger numbers, and in this case, the indirect routes via hubs better serve those needs. What about the big fence built by ancient civilisation of giants that used the cookie cutter to shape the flat disk of earth ? Billion ??? Some surveys in the United States have indicated that roughly 2% of Americans might believe the Earth is flat. While the flat Earth belief exists, its often amplified by online communities and remains a fringe view. But... Assuming there are as many fruit-cakes in the rest of the world as there are in the USA... The 2% of the population believing in a flat-earth would be 160.5 Million People... Thats still a lot of complete loons !!!
  10. For an e-bike, volts indicate the battery's electrical pressure that powers the motor. Watts measure the motor’s power output, affecting speed and hill-climbing performance. Battery capacity (Ah/Wh) determines the range or runtime on a single charge.
  11. I doubt the sources are perfect as they are rounded to the nearest 1000 - nevertheless the general indication is there. We can 'both be generally right' which is the case here - the numbers vary because the sources vary.... fairly obvious I think. Different sources different figures... Both indicate the same general consensus - EV sales increasing, while ICE sales (either pick-ups or conventional cars) decreasing in sales. Thus regardless of the specific numbers involved, both Bander's comment and my comment highlight the flaw in the comment of yours [ExpatOW].
  12. I see we (you) are struggling with basic mathematics !!!... Look again... ....450,000 units sold in 2024, 450,000 units told in 2024.... thats a 0% change... I do hope your 'offshore work' is roustabout and not Subsea engineer !!! Its ok to be a little embarrassed, sometimes the day is long !!!... have a beer...
  13. Agreed... I think we all remember the issues with the kids 'hoverboards' catching fire.... although that was somewhat of a media 'pile-on'.... Newer Zeekrs use the LFP (i.e. the Zeekr 007, 7X & Mix), XPENG P5 also uses LFP.... Nevertheless, I didn't go with a Chinese Brand because of varied reasons, primarily, I liked the car I chose, also the lack of dealership access seemed to be an issue (for me)... and of course, I wanted a Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) battery not a Ternary Lithium (NMC) battery for the reasons mentioned already in this thread.
  14. I rode up the steeps in Grizedale (lake district UK) on a Haibike Mountain e-bike - with a 'baby trailer' (a dedicated trailer to carry children for my 2 year old)... I couldn't believe how much power it had... I wanted one for Thailand instead of a motorcycle (for local trips etc)..... The issue of course is how easily something that valuable and that light is stolen when popping to a 7-11 and having it out of sight for 10 mins... Thus... the viable alternative is the adaptation as above - but there is also the speed concern. On a motorcycle (and e-Motorcycle) you can travel at 'traffic speed' without other bikes and cars passing at speed..... It is the speed 'differential' which I find lethal in Thailand when having ridden a bicycle here...
  15. Does the dog have no shame ???? Seriously though - this seems pretty much ideal for the conditions the op mentioned...
  16. If you are paying out of pocked and wish to limit expenses there could be a few options open to you. A) See if the same Dr. you are seeing at the private hospital works at a public hospital (they often do) and see what the price would be there. B) Register at a public hospital and seek treatment (and a quote) there which 'should' be cheaper, though maybe you'll have more waiting around etc
  17. Are you competing with Harrisfan for dumb and moronic comment of the day ?
  18. I've been cautious of Chinese products for a long time, often falling foul of poor materials and workmanship... (even snapping a spanner and smashing my hand in the process)... there are still lots of horrible cheap Chinese parts on the market and I suspect a huge range in quality will still be available.... I would still be very cautious, but more so of the quality of materials, brakes etc than the battery tech which China seems to do very well.
  19. Yeah... but does anyone want to actually be seen on one ???? What do you do, fold up the missus and place her in the box ???? This is the 'true epitome of the saying 'scooters are like fat girls, great fun until your mates see you on one' ????
  20. EV's low on power ???... You truly haven't checked this out before posting, why not ? The Tesla Model 3 performance can do Zero to 100 kmh in 2.9 seconds - thats a supercar beater and only surpassed by what now are called Hypercars. The BYD Seal Performance does 0-100 Kmh in 3.8 seconds. The SUV KIA EV 5 does 0-100 Kmh in 6.1 seconds. No cars in their segment are quicker.... (unless looking at RS model Audi's or AMG Mercs etc). Regarding sales: Sales trends of all vehicles slowed down in 2024.... with EV's still holding a minor part of the market sales trends slowed the least with ICE's actually having a negative trend shift. As below from 2023 to 2024 - Regular ICE cars saw a -4.3% drop in sales. - Pick-up ICE's saw no change - EV's saw an increase in 66.7% (which is actually reduction in the previously increasing rate / trend rate, nevertheless a 66.7% growth). This also shows that EV's have a 5% market share, but have increased that market share from 0.1% in 2020 to 1.2% in 2022, 3% in 2024..... this there remains growth as a percentage of the market...
  21. Your local friendly TukTuks for 300 baht or Song Thaews, which will move off in the heat when they are full and ready to go...
  22. I wanted to deal with a second point: Would you Lacessit avoid any EV (Car or motorcycle) because of this ??? The reason I ask, we switched to an EV (car) less than 6 months ago and its charged 'under' our house.... the risk of our EV catching fire is something I consider insignificant... as equally insignificant as an ICE catch fire (which of course is greater)... and if either catch fire at night, well, it will be burning a long time before we notice while we are asleep... IF this every bothered me about an ICE I'd be parking well away from the house. If it ever bothered me about an EV, I'd be parking well away from the house. I think social media, paranoia and over dramatisation of such issues have generated an irrational fear and attitude towards EV's.... none of us seem too concerned carrying around phone in our pockets and charging it next to us at night, or a laptop on a plane etc... I'm not really sure why this continues to be a discussion in an intelligent debate - personally, I think its a distraction from 'stronger points' such as quality of materials used in these EV motorcycles, such as brakes, rims, ABS and other critical components...
  23. True.... but then if we are going down that road... whats the statistical risk of getting into an accident on a two wheeled vehicle ? etc etc.. what is the statistical risk of an LiFePO4 battery catching fire on a motorcycle ? If we are going to start discussing 'risk' lets at least put into into a sensible context The ICE vs EV fire risk has been done to death on this forum already do the same old arguments and misinformation (amongst valid information) need to be rehashed ? - if someone wants specific information on fire risk, there is enough info on that. Additionally, given their size, a lot of the EV Motorcycle batter tech is involves 'replaceable batteries' because the 'weight vs range' issue is difficult to overcome - so we could see a future where 'generic batteries' are swapped out and charged offsite. But, the point made my OMF did trigger the point that if going the EV motorcycle route one should be looking at an LiFePO4 battery above all others (under current tech).
  24. Amusing response - Touché !!!... Do you usually just 'skip' the biscuit ?
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