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Everything posted by richard_smith237

  1. True... and again, un True... While I agree than in certain area's there are drink and idiotic forigens acting 'lairy and misbehaving causing trouble and fights.... ... there are also Thai's in many of these area's who are jaded and are are quick to react with a tricker-finger response to even the slightest perceived slight A guy who's carrying around a 10" knife is already looking for trouble... Issues such as this can start out of nothing...... Park the car on the side of the road and a guy comes out of the woodwork starts shouting that you owe him money because its 'his area' of road.... he's the self appointed parking guard and wants 20 baht to ensure your car is 'looked after while its parked' etc... Walk down the road and a guy wants some money, you say no... they get angry etc... But, the guy being chased could have behaved poorly, Thai's may often block a footpath trying to sell their wares, little TukTuks made out of coke cans etc... trying to scrub 2 baht together then a drunk, blind and dumb foreigner 'accidentally' walks over their items (accident or just an ayhole who knows) then the whole thing flares up.... So... Yes, for sure the foreigner may have either deliberately, accidentally or inadvertently 'triggered' an angry response out of the the attacker.... BUT... the attacker was already carrying a knife, or had one very quickly to hand, so what does that tell us about him ???.... he's clearly not the normal law abiding kind natured, good hearted Thai is he ???
  2. I agree.... But none of this will matter when in two weeks all of this is forgotten and the Police go back to their AC booths and office..... after all, this is hard work !!!... ... Then everyone will go back to the usually state of ingnoring all rules and doing what they want and the BiB thinking they've tried hard enough already... None of these initiatives every work without consistent all year round enforcement.... rather than these 'weeklong' crackdowns...
  3. And a lot of Mentally disturbed Thai's use weapons And a lot of 'gone native' mentally disturbed foreigners attempt to defend them and blame the 'farang' against all logic.... yet when its a Thai on Thai issue, they are strangely silent !!!
  4. Agreed.... but if someone is carrying such a weapon, is it as self defence, or as a threat ???? Seems to me, those prepared to chase after a person with such a weapon do so because they have a very short fuse and look to be outraged / upset / or for a reason to have such a response... Whether the UK, Thailand or anywhere else - those carrying weapons which can so readily be lethal ought to be deal with by authorities with the most extreme of contempt.
  5. Agree. Watched the video and it looks like the farang was stuffing something into his pockets. Probably just robbed the Thai. Must have been worse than that... the Thai must have been repeatedly provoked and attacked previous..... After all, it was clearly essential for him to be carrying around a 10" hunting knife on his daily business... (nothing mentally unhinged about a person carrying a huge knife around at all)... [yes, kinnok, sarky again]
  6. Sarky. Absolutely - in response to the outright stupidity of trying to pin blame on a foreigner who being chased by a guy who 'just happens' to be carrying around a weapon.
  7. Outstanding, thoughtful, insightful ... excellent contribution...
  8. Indeed... in fact I think all Thai's should start attacking foreigners more often....
  9. Yes.... Clearly it was the foreginers fault that the Thai man was carrying a large knife. If there were no foreigners to potentially offend this kind Thai gentleman, there would be no need for him to carry such a weapon as self defence...
  10. Thats rather a strange response which seems to imply that if the recipient of a fine is a foreigner legal proceedings may be more readily forthcoming than if the recipient of a fine is Thai... \ Seems you may have overplayed your hand of 'victim farang' here...
  11. This is the case you are referring to (link below) With regards to your specific question - A fine is a fine, if you do not pay further legal action 'can' be taken against you.
  12. But really, are the Police that 'sharp'... How 'agitated' and 'erratic' does one have to behave to draw attention amongst a throng of hundreds of international passengers from different cultures ??? OK... so to counter my own comment - I've just seen the video showing how this guy was acting... It didn't take subtle skilful policing to identify this guy - it seems he was making an utter nuisance of himself....
  13. I think its more to do with 'low hanging fruit'... While scores of motorcyclists pass by without helmets, lengths have been taken to charge a lady for letting a foreigner driver her TukTuk.... This so-called “selective indignation” is often a reaction to a style of policing that appears to do the bare minimum overall. It is precisely this approach, rigorously and publicly enforcing minor infractions while blatantly so commonly overlooking more serious breaches, it is this which provokes such criticism and it is this aspect which you have deliberately ignored.
  14. Nope the word 'TukTuk' itself has no meaning referencing wheels... its an onomatopoeic term replicating the sound the vehicle makes.... it has since become synonymous with the 'simple smaller taxi type vehicle' that is smaller than a Song-táew, which literally translated means 'two row' (of bench seats usually in a converted pickup).
  15. Based on retirement alone is fine.... there's no reason to take a Thai to hold your hand.
  16. Exactly... even when going to the bank in Shorts and T-shirt they don't bat an eye lid. Immigration or the Amphur office is of course a different matter and they expect respect to the establishment to be shown. I'm 99% of the time in a Polo-T-shirt or V-neck T-shirt, with a lighter coloured shorts, white, lighter red etc... with socks and trainer or tennis shoes..... It seems to pass muster in most places. ... As with any clothing, in a lot of circumstances, its not about what you wear, but how you wear it. I saw a guy the other day trying so hard... he had a woollen jumper draped over his shoulders 'searching for that style'...
  17. That was the case in Villa Market next to Sukhumvit 33/1 - they never prevent bulk buying (i.e. if getting a box of wine (12 bottles etc)... But... Its a PITA elsewhere... I collected my son from school the other day, had to rush to the Villa Market before 2pm... Got there just on 1:58pm... ... Picked up an empty box (showing the booze item) and took it to the check-out. Then the check-out girl got a member of staff to get the actual bottle from the storage. The 'fat' member of staff came out with a plate of food in hand, and with food in mouth attempted to say it was too late, its now after 2pm (but it came out a slobby messy mouthful cos she was still stuffing her face while trying to speak). I was ready to get involved, but the staff member told her I was there before 2pm and the other girl wasn't around to help out... ... So they sold me booze at about 2:05pm... a small win !!!... But it made me realise how ridiculous the rule is. Its always been ridiculous - one of those 'no logic whatsoever' rules that often has an impact on convenience.
  18. No... its still a TukTuk..... .... TukTuk is just the name for that type of small transport... They can be 3 or 4 wheeled and vary throughout Thailand.
  19. Simple absentmindedness. Simple carelessness. Alcohol On the phone No training Stupidity Poor road signage Poor road engineering At any 'cross roads' on a 'smaller road' always stop regardless of right of way, there is nearly always another vehicle driven by someone who's outstandingly stupid and will just blow across without slowing... its astonishing. ------ Driving yesterday... Dusk, so visibility was low... that kind of awkward witching hour where some of their lights on, some don't some have their full beam on etc... Two lanes in each direction, traffic flowing at about 60km... lane markers non-existent or very unclear... road works in places so we're switching from one side to another (no central devide) I'm following a lorry figuring he's my safety barrier if another idiot wants a head on.... A small Vios following decides the line of traffic is too slow... Goes to overtake, nearly has a head on 'cos the oncoming car is outside of his lane... Swerves inside, goes to undertake, nearly hits a parked car... swerves back to the outside and overtakes into oncoming traffic which manages to move out of their way.... Less than 5 mins later, this idiot in a Vios is turning left onto a smaller road (clearly close to his destination).... ... The mentality of these drivers - IMO - its just simple emptiness, there's nothing there, no thinking, just do, and when they do the measure of stupidity that comes with the lack of any concept of consequence is clear to see.
  20. There's a retired Wallmart manager somewhere in Idaho looking for his shoes...
  21. Just talking straight, some people can't hear the truth And some people just can't help themselves from making nasty comments... Given your content, it would be easy to bring your lack of intellect into question and call you an idiot.... I'm sure you've done plenty of things worth of such a naming. This girl was looking for work, got caught up with the wrong guy.... it could have cost her her life, I think desperate, naive and possibly even trapped.... is more accurate than 'idiotically' calling her an idiot. But... don't let decency get in your way.... allow your true self to surface !!!
  22. Wouldn't one think that the Taxi driver had a License from his home country ? I think what LL is stating is that a taxi is a public / commercial vehicle, as such, anyone driving it (no matter the nationality) requires a specific commercial license for taxi's. This makes sense..... but also makes me question why the TukTuk owner was charged and not the Tourist who was also driving the taxi illegally.
  23. So you are not sure ? I asked you because you seem very knowledgable about this. IF you are stating your comment are factual and not just an assumption, I'll take your word for it... you are not known for BS'ing on this forum.
  24. I renewed in Nov 2024 (so not 2025).... It took a 8 weeks and a little messing about. Firstly they wouldn't accept my payment method - I had to fill out a form and use my UK credit card details (I didn't like this and though it insecure) they told me there was no online payment portal. - My payment was rejected (unknown reason) - I was then given an online payment portal to pay (which was accepted). Next they would not accept my Passport Photo (said it wasn't recent enough). - I had to post another passport photo to HMPO in the UK About 8 weeks later I received the e-mail from VFS to collect the passport. So... IMO, it should take about 4-5 weeks, but there can be some hickups.
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