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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. In another thread, some were outspoke about LBGQT+ being pushed everywhere...   


    This was met with accusations of bigotry...    So, at the risk of sounding like a bigot, is this not the very thing that alienates the LBGQT+ community from the general masses ???


    ... Why does there need to be a dedicated 5 days Pride-Fest just to boost tourism for the LBGQT+ minority - shouldn't Thailand be pushing to welcome ALL tourists and take measures to improve aspect of Thailand to boost tourism on a whole ??


    I object to such notions of specifically marketing to the LBGQT+ community as it singles out their difference from the rest of society...    I object for the very same principles I'd object if Thailand had a 5 days 'hetro-fest' to boost tourism on married couples... 




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  2. 1 minute ago, Danderman123 said:
    1 hour ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    How do you know that those reviews are fake?

    One is that some reviews are copies of earlier reviews, with the same photos.


    Secondly, there are some items (18650 lithium batteries) that I know are counterfeit, but I buy them and test them to verify that they are fake, and I post my review with receipts (photos of the testing). But fake reviews are posted claiming that the counterfeits are real, and those reviews are then re-posted periodically.


    He wouldn't believe many reviews are fake unless there was some form of proof...  as we can't use intuition, suspicion or opinion to recognise fake reviews -  wanna-be-lawyer, only wants to discuss provable facts...  which is obviously impossible, yet many of us are well aware that many reviews are fakes and have learned how to identify such or become suspicious of such.




    ... many of us are also aware of fake 'review factories'... 





    With this product - the ambiguity and scaling in the photo itself is a red flag for me...  


    There is no doubt IMO the photo is misleading - the only question is if this is deliberate or through laziness.






  3. 4 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    No, I'm just giving my opinion, it's you who seems to taking on the role of the (prosecuting) lawyer.


    erm..   sure it is. 



    So you don't think the photo is deliberately misleading and are sticking up for the vendor and disagreeing with those who are voicing annoyance at the misleading tactics of many vendors on Lazada....     

    ... typical of you really.



  4. 2 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    It doesn't, but those who bother to look will see how small it appears to be, which is why I said "something like" and "as the photo portrays".


    All a bit vague then...  


    The Op was based around the photograph being misleading...   it is misleading.


    We've learned to have to dig deeper and triple check everything in detail, specs, reviews, seller ratings etc...   becasue of so many dishonest vendors. 


    IMO - this vendor is flirting with dishonesty in using that photograph - I agree with the Op.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    It's a Thai website, in Thailand, selling to mainly Thais.  If you can't read Thai maybe you shouldn't be buying from an ad that is written accurately in Thai?


    I agree...   as I mentioned, I wouldn't get caught out...  


    ... But equally so, the photo is ambiguous...  deliberately so I believe. 



    IF you or I were selling this item, we'd do a better job of ensuring the photo made it clear what is being sold. 


    In this case, the vendor has presented a photo which is misleading, yet, they've backed (protected) themselves with their wording (in Thai)...    The vendor has either presented this photo to visually mislead the customer, OR they are just very lazy... 


    Having witnessed very similar tactics in other items I'm looking for - the tactics of many vendors, particularly in china is one of 'trickery' rather than 'clarity'... 





    • Haha 1
  6. 16 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Not reading the written, accurate description is a typical not-my-fault-blame-the-vendor whinger's excuse.   Have you ever seen a, something like. nine-inch rifle as the photo portrays it?


    Where does the photo say the rifle is 9" ??...     


    I agree with the Op, the photo looks misleading - as neither a rifle or pellets are being sold.


    The vendor could easily post a photo that makes it far more apparent that the item is a 'tin picture'...    this is the Ops point.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:
    25 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    The photo of the item is taken in a manner which deliberately hides the fact that the item is a 'tin-sheet with a photo on it'... 

    The description specifically states what it is for sale.  Who's ever seen a rifle that small?


    I wouldn't get caught out by it - but I understand how people find such deceit annoying...  I also understand how someone less initiated with these tactics could be mislead. 


    Its not just this one off example - but there are plenty of example of vendors using a photographs which is misleading.



    You may not think so... I but I suspect the vendors know exactly what they are doing when they post images such as this...  they'd otherwise ensure any ambiguity in the image is removed. 




    As you mentioned the description 'specifically' states what item is for sale - but thats not clear to non-Thai's unless using a translation app (which many of us should be using when looking at such sites)....  


    The Ops point is how the image is misleading - I agree...    

    You want to play 'lawyer' and defend the vendor...   to be expected from you really... 



    • Confused 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Robert Paulson said:

    Could they be talking about actual kitty purses? As in she was illegally selling purses in the shape of kittens? If that was the case it hardly seems necessary to jam fingers up her vajayjay. I suspect foul play here

    C'mon... really ??...      as if brianthainess' post is not enough of a give away... 


    Kitty-Purse is obviously a euphemism given to the manner in which  female carries drugs in her fuffuss... 

  9. On 6/4/2023 at 3:00 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

    At least 95% of what I bought on Lazada was what I expected.

    If the description is misleading or unclear, I don't buy it.

    If the seller rating is low, I won't buy it.

    If the price is too good to be true, I won't buy it.

    If I am not sure, I chat with the shop. Some don't react with anything useful, so I don't buy it.


    Thats still leaves many good shops with many interesting products which are difficult to find in shops. I am sure some shops sell those things. But where? And do I want to travel to the other side of the city for a 100B item if I can just order it and wait for 2 days?


    I guess it would be very difficult for Lazada to filter out some products and/or sellers. How many sellers are there? And how many products? Should a team of 100 people every day look at all those details? Who will pay for that?


    Look at the details of the product and the seller. Chat with them. And only buy if you think all is ok. 




    I think thats a fair assessment...   95% are decent, but primarily because we have learned to be extremely diligent in our online shopping and have learned to pickup on these 'deliberately ambiguous' and misleading vendors....


    Its almost like a game of cat and mouse when looking for some items. 





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  10. On 6/4/2023 at 9:33 AM, Liverpool Lou said:

    Where it actually states "tin wall sign" is a better clue that the item isn't pellets and a very small gun.


    This is a typical 'wanna-be-lawyer' approach to this issue...   


    Defending the vendor when their photo is deliberately miss-leading... in other nations this could be a breach of trading standards... 


    Its a PITA having to be so careful when shopping online on such sites... 


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  11. On 4/28/2024 at 8:07 AM, cdemundo said:

    What can one expect for 430 THB?

    I don't think it was so misleading.


    It was deliberately misleading - its the online equivalent of 'bait and switch'... 


    The vendor is clearly attempting to push the buyer into the assumption that he's either purchasing an air-rifle or a tin of pellets...    The photo of the item is taken in a manner which deliberately hides the fact that the item is a 'tin-sheet with a photo on it'...    but shows enough of the item to create a plausible disability of this.


    The vendor is being deliberately tricky, dishonest - they know exactly what they are doing.



    Does lazada have a report function?...  to report such misleading vendors ?... and if so, does Lazada take action when a vendor applies a deliberate degree of ambiguity and trickery to mislead the customer ?..


    Perhaps lazada doesn't care about the customer experience and just wants as many vendors on the platform as possible.




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  12. On 4/28/2024 at 9:13 AM, lexxy said:

    This thread is the epitome of how this website is. A bunch of useless old fraangs.

    Besides the Fit of some clothes i have 76 pages of Lazada orders, Paid by QR or CC, delivered to my condo on time and always as expected. For you useless gits on the left hand column click 5 star and above if you arent able to weed out the crap.


    I think there are enough of us who are fully experienced in online shopping to recognise that there are now vendors on Lazada who attempt to deliberately pull the wool over the the customers eyes...


    This 'never-happend-to-me' argument is rather broken.. 

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  13. 13 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    I saw another "misleading" item on Lazada today - a battery charger on sale for 69 baht.


    But when I clicked on the image, it took me to a battery, not a charger. The 69 baht price was for the battery in the charger, not the pictured charger.


    Yep.. thats another tactic designed to deliberately mislead the shopper...


    The vendor 'names' and item in the header, but then has a selection of options, starting at a minimum piece of rubbish, we have to select the full item to view the actual price.... 


    ... again IMO - this is deliberately misleading.


    Shopping on Lazada is becoming like trying to purchase a ticket on a budget airline - the process is getting filled with paranoia at ensuring the 'correct boxes' are checked and having to read and re-read to ensure we are not getting something we don't want because a deliberate layer of obscurity has been applied.

    • Thanks 2
  14. Its not so much Lazada as it is the dishonest and deliberately misleading vendors it allows on its platform - its extremely difficult for them to police the 1000's of such vendors.


    I have been ripped off in similar instances in the past

    - Purchasing a Metal Travel Cutlery set (during covid as I was sick being issued with plastic knives and forks during various quarantines while travelling) - I received what I'd ordered, but the size was only suitable for a child. 

    - Purchasing 'zip up boot bag' (to put dirty shoes and boots in while travelling) - ( the bag was only big enough to fit children's footwear).


    While not specifically a scam, I suspect these vendors deliberately mislead the shopper - we have to be much more diligent and go to the reviews etc, then filter out the fake reviews - it gets to the point where we don't trust anything on the platform. 



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  15. I'm noticing issues too...       the pages are very slow to load...  and when they do load, it loads some posts, then not others, and then jumps to the top of the page, I scroll down, more posts are loaded... the same thing happens for a few mins..  until the page fully loads... (it usually loads in seconds).

  16. Of course it is... 


    ..... a corrupt government selling (profiting) from 10 year old rice to an even more corrupt government....  


    Any tests carried out on the rice are of course carried out independently in a completely transparent manner...   :whistling:


    ... If your reading this from Nigera - its time to stock up on rice before this stuff enters the markets !!! 

    • Haha 1
  17. Just now, CanadaSam said:

    I think you people should get a room, or if you want to be in a public forum, explain what all these acronyms are, first.


    This is in the Offshore Workers Forum... 


    ... If you don't know what these acronyms mean, then you don't need to... 



    That said... Google is your friend...  is a 10 second search to find out... 





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  18. 8 hours ago, hotchilli said:
    12 hours ago, webfact said:

    The man claimed that he had stolen the underwear as part of a dare from a friend who was with him in the car.

    Strange how they drove to this house knowing there was underwear on the clothes line?


    Why assume they drove to the house ??... 


    ... couldn't they have just driving past, and one mate said to another... "I dare you to..... ".... 






    • Confused 1
  19. 54 minutes ago, tomazbodner said:

    Somewhat true. You'd need to have very high scores on all other criteria, which from seeing original post, may be very hard to achieve for the OP. While financial requirements for citizenship are lower than for PR, the other requirements, like language, knowledge of culture and history, singing that anthem... are way higher.


    Then again - if OP doesn't mind spending a few k baht to apply to see for himself... I'd say go for it.



    This is the points breakdown.. 





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