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Everything posted by richard_smith237

  1. IF you want to live in a shed in the middle of nowhere. Renting land and building a house for that much in Bangkok... - no chance. A Kitchen extension cost 500,000 Baht...
  2. Not sure if its a hack... But I wanted ‘dash-cam’ capability all the time and didn’t want to rely on ‘go-pro’ type mounts and worry about charging or switching it on etc... I have an INNOV-K2 camera set up (one at the front one at the rear) which covers most angles except directly from the side. Its hardwired to the battery so it's always on when ignition is on and records on a loop (files are protected if there is an impact).
  3. before 2021 I had never ever heard of myocarditis Neither had the vast majority of laypeople... yet some of us will have suffered from it through various interactions in from diet to illnesses caused by viruses and bacteria without even knowing... sometimes the symptoms are so mild... Or in rare cases, when we are feeling quite unwell (i.e. influenza) we are weak and and our body is aching we may have myocarditis at the same time... There seems to be this crazy panic around myocarditis as if it always results in death... its inflammation of the heart... when we are unwell, much of the body becomes inflamed, in the case of myocarditis, the heard muscle becomes inflamed - it can of course be very serious, but more commonly symptoms are brief.
  4. Unfortunately posters of such comments fail to identify the flaw in their 'Post hoc fallacy’ and believe they are presenting sound argument.
  5. To make you feel better, I did get another bout of Shingles after my second jab, not the third though.......???? I had ‘covid arm’... a dull ache in my arm from all of the Covid-19 vaccines, this is the body's innate immune response.. I also felt a little feverish the next day, again, the immune response... The ‘negative reaction from the vaccine’... is similar to the bodies response from many other vaccines taken.... Now... there are serious issues that the vaccines have caused... it would appear that in very rare cases the mRNA vaccination can cause myocarditis - JAMA article suggests 9 out 1 million vaccinated people show symptoms which last a couple of days and could be attributed to myocarditis. Reports also suggest that there is a greater risk of developing myocarditis from the Pfizer vaccine than Moderna - but there has also been greater hysteria surrounding Pfizer in Europe, so this statistic could be distorted by local concern rather than any genuine statistical difference. There is also the risk of VITT... this risk is not specific to covid vaccines through, this risk is present with most vaccines to the same almost infinitesimally small factor. The above mentioned risk factors which do exist with the mRNA and conventional vaccines (myocarditis and Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia and also Thrombosis) are also present in many every day factors of our lives, such as catching colds, suffering from Influenza, alcohol consumption, even certain foods can increase the risk factors..... ... And of course, one of the the biggest risks of both thrombosis and myocarditis is Covid-19 itself... The risks of facing these issues from ‘ever day factors’ is significantly greater than that presented from takin vaccines (any of them) and also mRNA vaccines. So.. for those who are considering ’not taking the vaccine’ because they believe the risk of Myocarditis is too high... they should perhaps spend great efforts avoiding Influenza, avoid red mean, avoid high-fat dairy products, cut down on salt, avoid alcohol.....
  6. In such circumstances those supportive of the vaccination simply counter the ridiculous claims made by anti-vaxxers that ‘it must be the vaccine’...... just because someone has had a vaccine it does not automatically lend to cause for any issue subsequently encountered... 600,000 plus people in the UK die each year... most of them have had the vaccine.
  7. But you don’t know of any Myocarditis cases from those who contracted influenza ??.... The risk of myocarditis from acute influenza is reported to be 10%.... I’m sure you know more than 30 people who have had Flu... why no talk of myocarditis for them?...
  8. I know of 5 people who had a stroke. 4 who had a heard attack. I had a Pulmonary Embolism, a couple of females I know suffered a miscarriage... All before the covid vaccine though.... you are right - your anecdote doesn’t prove anything coincidence is not causation.... I had a P.E. in April 2020, a friend did also - brought on by Covid-19 ???.... or is it something that just happened ?... again, cause can’t be proved... coincidence is not cause. ------ Health issues proven to be caused by a vaccine are real stats, members of this forum know of such issues diagnosed by medical specialists.... (*they were medical specialists and not just general doctors guessing it could be vaccine related right ?)... ... I think I had, I’m certain it caused... etc etc... is not proof of anything. It is interesting that those who are arguing ‘anti-vax’ also personally know of multiple of individuals who have ‘prove’ vaccine complications (*see comment above), when many who are not anti-vax do not know anyone who has suffered vaccine complications.... Strange that.
  9. Do one days work in Aus... get the Brother a new place and continue your life without the hassle and need to prove anyone wrong... just get on and enjoy your life without the stress... If it were a lot of money it would be different, but its just one day for you so it can’t be that much unless you are earning 10’s of thousands per day...
  10. Here's your real-world (a.k.a. empirical) observations.... Nong eats some extraordinarily spicy somtam, burns on the way down more than usual, she feels a little tight in her chest.... she had a vaccine a few days earlier... Oh, someone who’s read about myocarditis recent now has empirical evidence that its impacted someone else !!!.... The point I want to make here is that observations made by laymen are likely to be inaccurate.... Observations made by skilled Doctors on the other hand more likely to be correct - Note, even a standard GP may not be able to accurately diagnose myocarditis or VITT, the patients would have to see specialists. So... this ‘empirical evidence’ may not be quite as empirical as you’d like to believe..... That is not suggesting any reports should be ignored, but neither should they be taken for the extreme cases of myocarditis, VITT or any other vaccine induced complication until proven so by specialists.
  11. I guess that depends what the watch is. I’ve spent on replacement straps for a Frank Muller and a Panerai in the past... those straps were not cheap. I now have a UAG strap for my Apple Watch... that strap was about 2000 baht... I don’t want a 25,000 baht watch falling off because the strap is rubbish (and I don’t like the Apple straps).
  12. Who needs a watch when they have a phone ?... ... There... one inane response matched with another !
  13. Don’t mention the MG EV.... otherwise Khun LA will be all over this thread like a cheap suit... [Edit - too late... he’s already here... he must have some kind of alert set up !!] ????
  14. Well, at least they couldn’t claim brake failure !
  15. How tall is your wife ? ???? If you don’t have a dog... then may well be monitor lizard... be very careful going to the toilet...
  16. I think it would be fair of the Dealership to offer the lady a replacement car. If her car is 16 months old, find a same or similar 16 month old car with the same or similar mileage (or better) that has not been in an accident and transfer ownership and payment to that model Offer a normal amount for her inconvenience because the garage crashed it and not her.
  17. Good, IF the Boat Captain and the Tourist fishing are held under the same charges and end up with eh same penalty (fines) then I have no issue with this story. A tourist was silly enough to fish in a national park, ignorance of the law is not a defence, but in this case I think it's a mitigating circumstance, the boat captain ‘should’ have informed him. So.. Will the boat captain and the tourist face the same penalty in the end ?...
  18. Seems like something was lost in translation... - Could they have misunderstood and interpreted that you wanted them to assist with opening a Bank Account... there response being that they can only help with obtaining driving licence or vehicle registration ?
  19. How many children does she have ? This is only true in the poorer demographic who have found a Westerner as a means of security. Those from higher socio-economic backgrounds don’t see having a foreigner as a better option or to save face, in fact the opposite may be true. A valid point - but is a girl in her 20’s really attracted to a guy in his 60’s - or is security the primary drive ? - no criticism of that, just so long as guys aren’t pulling the wool over their own eyes and getting giddy with the misguided belief that they have ‘game’. Agreed.... but that same caution would hold true in any relationship where there is economic disparity.
  20. This photo is missing two key elements... - no one pointing at the potholes... - no twigs sticking out of a nearby drain to alert motorists to the hazard...
  21. Does it matter how well painted the pedestrian crossings are when motorists ignore them anyway ???
  22. In this case I think its a fair option... although the Passport is not like to be returned within the one month you are there.... in which case someone at the address you have it posted to can send it on to you.
  23. @ Ivor Biggun - confused Emoji. It would be impossible for anyone to know a newborn child for two years !!!
  24. It has nothing to do with "belief", real-world observation is key to this issue. IF your ‘real world observation’ is that perfectly healthy people did not suffer, suffer severely and / or even die from Covid-19 you are wrong.
  25. No one has said that there are no adverse effects to be concerned about or aware of with the vaccines. What is being argued is that the ‘adverse effects’ are minimal compared to the number of people who have taken the vaccines. The adverse effects are less than those adverse effects of many suffering covid. Many of the anti-vax arguments concentrate on a single facet, for example; cardio myocarditis... which sounds horrific, its scary and yields an emotional response. However, when ‘bigger picture’ thinking, observation and analysis is taken into account the incidence of vaccine related 'cardio myocarditis’ is significantly less than that induced by Covid, or influenza... and the best one.. from drinking booze... I’ve asked this already... How many of those who are anti-covid vaccine because they are scared of something such as 'cardio myocarditis’ are still perfectly happy to go out and get drunk ??? Vaccines definitely come with some risk... they always have since the beginning of vaccines - VITT for example... people only heard of that with the Covid-19 vaccines, yet it has always been risk associated with vaccines. It is only they hysteria of Anti-vaxxers which has become more prevalent. Some people don’t like being advised, told or forced what to do, they feel their rights have been imposed up. These same people would argue against crisps (potato chips) if they were ‘encouraged’ (advised, told or forced) to eat a packet by authorities / government. There is a risk of severe side effects from all vaccines - just look up any vaccine and their associated risks. There is a risk associated with putting any foreign body in our bodies. All of this discussion seems to miss balance.
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