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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. 4 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

    Some folks are just too thin skinned. I suppose some vehicles are poorly tuned and smoke, my vehicles are properly maintained and are not bothersome. 


    Then you shouldn't mind sitting in an enclosed garage for a length of time with your engine running... 


    My car is diesel... its irrelevant how well tuned your car is, B7 stinks...  I fully understand that people nearby do not want to breather in those fumes...



    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, trainman34014 said:

    Sadl i know several Thai's that have failed the Test; so they just don't bother taking it again !


    Yet they still drive... 


    ... "oh officer I forgot my licence"

    ... "no problem, 200 baht tea money"

    ... "thank-you officer"....


    A few hours / days later...

    .... something happens..... "Ahhhh... (panic)"...  Hit accelerator and brake at he same time (left and right foot driving).. 

    ... drives through the window of a shop / off a multi-story car park / into a school bus etc etc... 




    • Confused 1
  3. 4 hours ago, KannikaP said:
    17 hours ago, Crossy said:

    In an EV you (or your dog) can sit in the cool for as long as you like without upsetting anyone with fumes :whistling:


    Only to find that you do not have enough juice left to get you home. 555


    You should have researched that...  (as should the people who gave your comment a 'love').


    Various answers on this... running your AC in an EV for an hour or so will not drain the battery


    The average EV can run the AC for 5-8 hours and only use up 10-30% of the battery.



  4. 4 hours ago, Smokin Joe said:

    Have you ever looked at a Thai Motorcycle Licence.  It is called a "Motorcycle Driving Licence"

    In the US a licence good for motorcycles is also called a Driver Licence (spelled License in the US) but must have the motorcycle endorsement.


    Let me help you..      


    The thread is clearly about a 'Driving licence' in reference to driving a car - Was the use of the word car numerous times  not enough of a give away for you...   ?



    On 5/13/2024 at 12:25 PM, John9 said:

    Driving Permit to rent car in London Heathrow

    On 5/13/2024 at 12:30 PM, Upnotover said:

    I have rented from Avis in the UK,

    On 5/13/2024 at 12:49 PM, JBChiangRai said:

    I always use my Thai 5 year licence to rent cars in the UK.

    On 5/14/2024 at 11:19 AM, theoldgit said:

    Like many other members l have never had an issue using my Thai licence to rent a car in the UK.


  5. 1 hour ago, Lorry said:

    It's not only the travel card.


    I have recently travelled to Dubai, UK, France, Switzerland, Doha, Japan....   and only used cash in Japan about 25% of the time...    the 'travel card' was extremely convenient...   as is using a credit card.

    I'm probably about 95% cashless now - its incredibly convenient.


    But, its still useful to have cash at hand... and with the travel card you can with draw that any time, so no issue...   there is no need to carry a load of currency to your destination any more.


    1 hour ago, Lorry said:

    The travel card is just another brick in the wall.


    Paranoia...   convenience is not the same as this 'government control' that some of you are becoming neurotic about.\

    Seems like some people watched 1984 a little too much.


    1 hour ago, Lorry said:


    To buy a BTS 30 days pass you now need to download the rabbit app and pay from your  bank account through the app (you then still have to go to the BTS counter to get your trips - so it's not even more convenient for the  customer).


    Sounds like they stuffed that one up...    At some point though they'll get it working so your phone works as the 'BTS card / Token' itself - just as they do in other countries, then its very convenient - its just a matter of time stepping in that direction.


    1 hour ago, Lorry said:

    Paying 7/11 with your phone is inconvenient (see the relevant thread), but it's the thing to do.


    The 'relevant thread' highlights both sides of that argument, many find it a lot more convenient.


    1 hour ago, Lorry said:

    Grab costs twice the price of a Taxi Meter, and you give them your data for free.


    Taxi-Meters don't drive into my Mooban in the hope of picking up a customer - Grab on the other hand come right to your door.


    And... what data am I giving them that I'd have any concern about, my trip history ?...  Credit Card details.. Name, DOB..   is that really an issue ?


    1 hour ago, Lorry said:

    Small, very small bricks.


    Paranoid, very paranoid...     

    • Confused 2
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  6. 4 hours ago, eisfeld said:


    Between those two users there were three topics opened in quick succession. All pretty much just a stock image as post. Registered same time, posting on each others threads... and you don't think this looks a wee bit suspicious?


    Both stopped activity after this. Both logged in last 1 hour ago with just a few minutes apart between them. Both topics are very generic and supposed to generate discussions. I have more suspicious user activities, some more sophisticated (and worrysome) but need more evidence.



    With all the strange things going on with this forum, the obvious over use of AI in the news reports etc....   this wouldn't surprise me at all... 


    But... Don't Gamma and GeorgiaGeorgia do the same ?


    • Agree 1
  7. 4 hours ago, luckywooman said:

    I ask because I see others parked too and turn their engine on. Don’t see often that someone come knocking on my drivers side window and ask me to turn of my car. It’s that a law where it says you have to turn off the car when it’s parked?


    it happened only in that market, a big outside the city. And only old people seem to ask. Other people don’t seem to care. When it happened was around 17-18 o’clock 


    I see others dropping litter...  that doesn't make it socially considerate. 


    I don't know of any 'stationary idling' laws in Thailand, but other countries do have them.


    You've already had your answers... It doesn't matter if others are asked not to run their car or not - its about what you do in your car and how or if you are considerate of those around you.



    Also, does it really matter the age of those who ask you to turn of your engine ???...   the fact that someone asked is surely message enough, no ???



    I'm actually struggling to understand what you are not understanding about this... Its kind of like not 'understanding' that smoking in a restaurant is antisocial...


    Not to be confrontational, but the fact that you felt the need to raise the question makes me wonder how in touch with reality you are...  Diesel cars do smell a lot more than petrol cars particularly with the B7 Bio-Diesel...



    I've got an idea that Khun LA is just going to love...  Get an EV... you can run your AC while waiting !!





  8. 17 minutes ago, athousand said:

    Fair enough - was upset already so skin was thin already and this forum isn't the place to get any assistance with that 


    No worries...  


    ... Give the Covid excuse a try....  though it may be a little late for that, its worth a pop...


    Otherwise... just bite the bullet and go through the full test and licensing process - look at it as a process to experience, roll with it, try and enjoy it (if thats possible)...   

    • Agree 1
  9. 40 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:
    1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

    That said, as the IDP is simple enough to obtain, I'd advise a visitor to get one, just to strip these thieves of the fuel they need to attempt to rip you off..

    Absolute nonsense. They are enforcing laws that would apply in your country. 

    The number  of farang  that arrive in Thailand and jump on motorbike of all sizes and cruise past places such as soi 9 Pattaya or beach road end of Bangla Rd and expect no consequences.

    They don't even have bike license from home country.


    You've twisted your knickers there Jack...   the discussion is about 'Driving Licenses' and 'driving'....  nothing to do with riding a motorcycle....



    That said, I also agree that many come to Thailand and ride on the overseas 'Driving' license and thats illegal.. but thats not the discussion.



    While you brought it up... and as the discussion meanders and drifts... 

    Is it ok to Ride a Motorcycle in the UK on a Thai Motorcycle License ?

    Any category limitations ? (as there is only one Thai Motorcycle licence compared to numerous categories in the UK).






  10. 18 minutes ago, Lorry said:


    There is a whole literature about surveillance capitalism. 

    Even in the banal AN thread "how to pay cashless at 7/11" posters found out what cashless means


    What has anyone got to worry about transferring 25,000 baht into JPY with a 'Travel Card' vs at a Money Exchanger ???


    IF you are travelling overseas, the government will know about it anyway !!!... 



    I get the whole bigger picture concern of some about the commodification of personalised data - but you're really stretching it if you're concerned about a travel card.... 


    • Agree 1
  11. 4 hours ago, stoner said:


    You can see her bump the wall as the gets to the top of the ramp. This is the cause of her reaction. She accelerates after the bump. 


    Yup... I watched the video again and just saw that... clipped the wall then panicked...  


    Terrible driving...  she clearly has no idea at all how to drive, which is quite frightening for anyone else on the road, particularly when imaging that there may be plenty of others like her - I wonder how she got her license (even though its incredibly simple to take the test).



    Its extremely fortunate that she (i.e. the pickup) didn't kill a couple of motorcyclists passing below.... 





    Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 17.22.04.png

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  12. 8 hours ago, Dogmatix said:

    No other car.  She drove at the other pick up, kept her foot on the floor until she could see it had cleared the parapet, then braked to make sure she didn't follow it over.


    I think you are giving her far too much credit for awareness and car control... 


    She panicked...   hit the accelerator before managing to 'hit the correct brake' before going over herself....  

    • Confused 1
  13. 14 minutes ago, Lorry said:
    4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    You get the 'going exchange rate' at the time of transfer.... 


    Effectively, its the same as buying cash...  you get it for whatever the exchange rate is at that time of purchase. 



    Regarding comparison of rates between SCB (Banks Vs Superrich) - todays rates.


    SCB Planet:      10,000 baht = 42,735.04 JPY (Rate 1 JPY = 0.2340 THB)

    SuperRich:       10,000 baht = 42,643.92 JPY (Rate 1 JPY = 0.2345 THB)



    The difference in rates is negligible..... the convenience isn't.




    The surveillance isn't,  either


    Surveillance ???...    can you expand ?

  14. 9 minutes ago, claffey said:

    I also recall a thread here recently where Thai police in Pattaya were fining people 500 baht for no IDP. 


    Yes... but the BiB in Pattaya don't exactly have the most honest image when it comes to targeting foreigners. 



    Once they realise they can get away with it, they fill their boots with this level of extortion.


    That said, as the IDP is simple enough to obtain, I'd advise a visitor to get one, just to strip these thieves of the fuel they need to attempt to rip you off...    they'll then have to move onto something else, riding while too pasty white... I even know of a guy who was charged because his number plate was too small (it was government standard, the BiB measured it and said it was 1mm too small and fined him on the spot - he paid instead of telling them to 'fet gucked' and issue a ticket instead).



  15. On 5/14/2024 at 5:04 AM, Phillip9 said:

    If your license is in english, then you don't need an IDP for almost every country that uses the latin alphabet.  You certainly don't need one anywhere in Europe.



    Thats my understanding too....    there are bilateral agreements in place where the Thai License is accepted in the UK and a UK license accepted in Thailand, along with other licenses with the language in English.


    It's also the reason why we can obtain a Thai Licence with a UK License without the need for an IDP.




    • Confused 1
  16. 1 hour ago, athousand said:

    "If you only explain half of your problem then no one can really help you" Which half did I explain and which half did I leave out? And how did you try to help - by telling me I should start from scratch when I had understood that wasn't necessary? And that believing that was me "complain they won't do it your way"?




    Chill out...    another poster spat his dummy yesterday after receiving responses his ego didn't enjoy...  


    There's no need to be so think skinned over a post a complete stranger makes...    you'll still get your assistance, and just ingore the responses you don't like...  


    Its just a forum... no need to get upset. 

  17. 17 minutes ago, Mike Lister said:

    What you have written is only true as a rule, in some tourists areas, by and large it is at the discretion of each hospital. Here in the North there is very little segregated pricing that you describe, perhaps more so in Phuket, Bangkok and Pattaya perhaps. 


    Do they list the pricing so that you can see ?


    How do you know that you are not paying the 'foreigner price' for the same treatment a Thai would receive and billed less for ?



    It also happens in Private Hospitals... 

    - Wife had a minor procedure and was going to be charged something like 50,000 baht on the insurance, then she highlighted that she was going to pay out of pocket, because her insurance covers inpatient care only....  the Bill dropped by 10,000 baht... 

    ... The hospital accounting dept highlighted that the higher charge was for 'international insurance companies' !!!!

  18. 6 hours ago, isaanistical said:

    "Why are fares more expensive for foreigners in Thailand?"


    The premise is bolox, to start with. I pay the same on buses as the Thai behind or ahead of me.


    Tuktuk (illustrated by alleged "OP"): I pay the same 30 baht from the market to my condo as my (Thai) wife or any other Thai.


    BTS, MRT, SRT: I pay same as Thais. So thru which orifice is "OP" talking?


    The Op is talking through the orifice that understands the difference between fixed rate public transport where dual charging would be impossible...    and area's where dual charging is prevalent... 



    Try asking a TukTuk for the local rate...  Try and get the Local rate at a national park...  Try and get the local rate at Government  Hospital...      then you'll realise the the bolox you mention are stuck to your rose tinted glasses....    





  19. 4 hours ago, RayWright said:

    Dual pricing, or "Discount for locals" exists the world over. In the UK, a number of the non metropolitan tourist sites offer a locals discount, turn up at start of the year, show your Council Tax Bill or a Utility Bill and photo ID and you'll pay the full entrance price or with an additional slight percentage charge and get full access for the rest of the year without paying again.


    Flawed argument...  What you describe is based on 'residency'... 


    Thus, with the overseas / UK examples you provide, any foreigner who is able to show the same documentation, i.e. residency is afforded the same discounts.


    Conversely, the Thai Dual pricing is based solely on nationality, even when a foreigner has a work-permit, residency etc.





  20. Just now, steven100 said:

    As I mentioned JoeyMac, 


    The problem is you need a Thai friend to go with you ....   when you have someone else with you they ( the Thais ) won't try to pull a fast one,   and communication is much clearer.


    If you don't have anyone to go with you then find someone ....  pay them a couple of hundred baht to be your translator or helper.  


    This way your translator will tell me straight that you don't feel you are 100% the blame as the other guy was going too fast and too close.   

    If you can't find someone to go with you you'll have no option but to go alone ...  

    but the speed and too close is the one you push for ...  

    then it may come down to a 50/50  blame ...   


    All good points....     

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