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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. Just now, ChipButty said:

    Or the parents for negligence? 


    Negligent for using the public transport options available ??



    OK...  we travelled while my son was young, always used 'seat belt' transport and when our son was younger we had a child seat etc.. (which we carried around with us as part of a push-chair package)... when up in Chiang Mai... we used the same car seat... 


    When our son outgrew that infant car seat, we used something called a Mifold (portable car seat type device)...   


    BUT... in some cases there is very little option for a parent... and using a TukTuk is something nearly every tourist family will do, especially in area's such as Phuket.



    So, where is the negligence ???...  can they be blamed for 'where' they sat the child ? i.e. not facing backwards with a parent holding on to them?...   I'm sure they are blaming themselves.


    I assume this was a 'side entry' TukTuk, as I cant see how a child could fall out under hard braking otherwise. 




    But... If a person or child falls out of a TukTuk and the vehicle behind is travelling so closely behind that they cannot stop... surely that driver is responsible...     Was the drive behind even paying attention to the road in front so didn't see the child fall out.




    • Confused 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

    So why is the OP doing this ?, trying to save a few Baht , 

    now he has the oil and the filter he will have to do it

    himself , unless he finds a small garage to do it.


    regards Worgeordie


    A small garage is the Option...  But if B-Quick are making more profit from the Oil itself, they can just offset that to service charge, no ??? 

    .... unless they are prevented by a 'digital billing system' and its more of a 'computer says no' situation. 



    OR... another possibility is the Op is very specific about the oil he uses.. (and is not aware its mostly the same anyway)...   


    Or... as you mentioned, the Op is trying to be cheap...  



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  3. 23 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Israeli child dies in Tuk-Tuk acccident


    A five-year-old girl from Israel unfortunately lost her life in a tragic accident in Patong. The mishap occurred on Patong road at approximately 10:40 pm. The Israeli girl, Nbaa Bahnasi from Jerusalem, was on vacation in Phuket with her family. They were travelling in a tuk-tuk driven by 51-year-old Bunyang Kaewaksorn.


    Unfortunately, when the tuk-tuk suddenly braked to avoid a pedestrian, young Nbaa fell onto the road. Tragically, she was struck by a car that was following closely behind.


    Despite being quickly transported to Patong Hospital, Nbaa was pronounced dead upon arrival due to the injuries she sustained from the accident.



    This is brutal and tragic....     



    Now...  will the driver of the car behind be charged for following too closely ?.. 





  4. 3 minutes ago, CanadaSam said:

    Read through most of this, before realizing it has nothing to do with Thailand, so why is it on this forum!


    You want to know why this article is in the World News section ?


    ... Or have you made a mistake, let your foot of the clutch too early and lurched into an unnecessary whinge... 




    Screenshot 2024-05-18 at 10.35.02.png

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  5. Just go to another store and give it a try there...   Its a difficult one to know for sure.


    IF they have exactly the same oil as you want... then it should be ok to buy the oil from then, though right ?




    I found B-Quick to be very good...  We had a slow puncture...  Took car there, the quickly fixed it in about 5 mins (with a puncture repair kit)... wouldn't accept any payment !!...


    I guess mileage varies depending on who you are dealing with.



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  6. 23 minutes ago, superal said:

    So banning the vape is to protect and take care of children ?  Have the authorities considered banning motor bikes , electric scooters etc for use by children ? Not even a crash helmet needed . If they really cared there would be a good government school education not just a cover up by poorly qualified teachers teaching a low standard curriculum that ends up with education diplomas not worth the paper they are written on . How about the regulation of decent school meals ? 

    Some might say that it could be that tobacco companies have lobbied the Thai government to ban vapes because of the loss of revenue from tobacco sales . Likewise with cannabis . Top scientists have said that vaping is far less harmful than tobacco but Thailand knows better . I have seen many Thais vaping in the open and police look the other way but look out if you are a foreigner and seen vaping because you represent an easy target for big fines .


    100% agree...  well said.

    • Confused 1
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  7. 13 minutes ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

    reeks of desperation and shows me, as a chef, they have no faith in their product and is a act of desperation....simply playing on despearte horny dudes who likely are foolish to buy the junk as they are already foolish enough to pay for sex...hey dummy look at my boobs ..now give me money for my sub par product............the product should sell itself...such thainess!   


    Sex sells...     its just that simple...     


    ...   Is is really such a big deal to make a person suddenly go woke ???...


    Just because she has a cracking set or norks, does that make the food bad ??...   


    Its no skin off our nose...  she's found a better way to 'market' her product...    Products do not sell themselves, thats why the Advertising industry is so strong... 


    We are all influenced and manipulated by various types of advertising - those wanna be independent free thinkers are just pulling the wool over their own eyes if they think they aren't... 






  8. 14 minutes ago, ignore it said:



    If the puritans get there way and weed goes back to being a sin or crime, the weed shops all get closed and happiness returns, what about the weed I have now?


    Will my weed be grandfathered?


    Should I go and buy a lot of the exotics available now?


    Asking for myself.



    I suspect there may be a bit of flip-flipping before then... or more realistically... 


    Just like a lot of major announcements such as this... those in positions of decision making power make the announcement before realising what a cluster fluck they are creating... and that the shift is just not tenable... 

    ... so they end up keeping quiet... and then the panic settles into just the memory of an announcement while everyone carries on doing the same thing while remaining silent...  


    A few shops will get raided, public photos etc.. and that will be it... 


    Don't smoke openly in the street and I imagine you'll be fine.


    Get yourself into trouble and have your apartment / house searched... and they'll make a song and dance about it...   'bad farang caught with....'




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  9. 8 minutes ago, cjinchiangrai said:

    IF there is a bike it is stolen, otherwise it is a fraud scam. Vehicles bought from auctions come with papers that allow it to be registered after inspection. No papers, no deal. Do not pay any deposits.



    But really... no one is the stupid....               ... are they ???



    So then there's this... 

    15 minutes ago, NoDisplayName said:

    No, silly billy.  You should start with a better story if you wanna wind up your audience.


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  10. 17 minutes ago, roo860 said:

    Only 2 days ago, I was riding my PCX down a narrow soi, car parked on the road, I got through first but this guy driving his car coming the other way, sped up blasting his horn.

    I yell out FOOL and roll my bike backwards, he winds down his window, English guy yelling at me, this is my side, that's your side. 


    You mean you tried to squeeze through a gap past and obstruction on your side of the road, forcing the oncoming vehicle with right of way to be blocked, and then question why someone tries to teach you the correct right of way ???  :whistling:


    ... He could of course, have stopped as well... 

    ..... But it does pish some drivers off when they have to stop and give way to motorcyclists taking liberties with right of way.


    That said, as you pointed out, some guys are just angry at everything, what you did in forcing your way through on a motorcycle is quite the norm here...  no need for him to get angry.


    I wonder if he'd have wound down his window and shouted at a Thai rider.



    Anyway - Not related to the Bad C...  which I think is something many of us have concerns about, then when we feel a niggle or pain this may bring more concern.


    - I had massive debilitating flank pain a few weeks back, unable to sleep... Ended up in ER the next day.

    - Turns out it was an intercostal muscle, but after a kidney stone was ruled out, I feared the worst - I hate being a paranoid hypochondriac when things like that happen.


    Sadly - I know a couple of Thai's friends who have passed well too young with Big C.


    My father has dodged a Big-C bullet with early screening and had minor treatment to deal  pre-cancerous bump in colon, the early screening no doubt saved him a lot of trouble. 


    I'm in my late 40's and have never had a full check - this is something I really should get around to.











  11. 3 hours ago, BadBouy said:
    4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    In that case you may as well inject something or take a tablet for your alcohol and caffeine fix...    


    .. after all whats the point in the slower delivery method when you can get a faster hit ?


    How can it e a slower delivery method when nothing is delivered?


    You miss understood the point...    If all you are interested in is the alcohol or the caffeine, there are faster methods of delivering that into your system than a beer or a cup of coffee...  

  12. 2 hours ago, Lorry said:

    Just a brick in the wall, as I said.

    A small brick.

    The holocaust needed many, many bricks.


    This is nothing like the holocaust...    a Travel Card is a layer of convenience.


    This brick in the wall nonsense is ridiculous....


    2 hours ago, Lorry said:

    The example of the Dutch jews is very instructive.


    No its not, its completely unrelatable to anything discussed in this thread.


    2 hours ago, Lorry said:

    As for travel cards: if I were a Russian or Ukrainian abroad, I would not want anybody to know where I am. Or as few people as possible.

    And people from my country may soon join Russians amd Ukrainians.


    So you don't use debit or credit cards ?... you use 100% cash...????

    ... how do you get hold of that cash ???

    - ATM  ???...  You've left a digital footprint.

    - Carry it in with you ???... You've left a digital footprint (with the airlines and immigration).


    So... how on earth would you to travel anywhere and 'not leave any footprint' ???





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  13. 33 minutes ago, Keeps said:

    Seriously, does anyone believe this crock of <deleted>e?


    I believe such minds can easy get themselves into such a pickle.


    The Op can't even be bothered to use paragraphs or full stops, clearly not a person with any concern for detail or the legibility of his comments...:whistling:

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  14. 4 minutes ago, Lorry said:

    Sorry, this is not paranoia.

    It's just good old-fashioned privacy.


    When the Dutch government asked everybody's religion, the Jews saw no problem and dutifully made an "x" at "Jewish". The were living in a democratic country, after all.

    When the Nazis later occupied this country,  they found this's lack of paranoia very convenient. 

    All they had to do was round them up.


    You've compared digital payments (travel card) to the Holocaust...     


    Thats one sick leap... 




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  15. 2 hours ago, Robert Paulson said:

    You don’t have to shut off your car in Thailand. Every Thai runs their car for ages I’ve even seen them parked at parties and run them all night for christs sake. Poor op got so much bad advice just run it. Ignore anyone who says anything. When in Rome. 



    Fill your boots and highlight to everyone on here how you are as antisocial as the Op... 


    ....  are you one of those people who will comfortably irritate others through antisocial behavior ?... Loud-Music bothering neighbors, smoking in restaurants etc ?...  'cos when in Rome.... :whistling:

  16. 12 minutes ago, Smokin Joe said:


    They don't. All those treaties are multilateral. A bilateral treaty involves TWO countries. ASEAN Treaty (10 countries), 1949 Geneva Treaty (102 Countries), 1968 Vienna Treaty (89 Countries)


    The Double Tax Agreement (DTA) Thailand has with the UK is an example of a bilateral agreement.


    A poorly worded translation of the law does not change the meaning of the word bilateral.


    "A bilateral treaty is a treaty strictly between two state entities. It is an agreement made by negotiations between two parties"



    Fair enough if you want to argue semantics... 


    .. I was using the 'official translation'......      feel free to continue getting hung up on the difference between a bilateral vs multilateral agreement when its clear - Thailand and the UK have an agreement in place which is the point.

    • Haha 1
  17. On 5/13/2024 at 1:52 PM, claffey said:
    On 5/13/2024 at 12:41 PM, richard_smith237 said:


    As above...   I've read numerous times that UK rental companies will accept a Thai DL as there is bilateral agreement between the licensing authorities of both nations that an IDP is not necessary....


    ... That said - many seem to want to have an IDP as a 'just in case'... so it doesn't hurt, its simple and cheap enough to get one and may be useful when travelling elsewhere (the 1968 one is valid for 3 years)

    If you have an accident your insurance could be invalid if you don't have an IDP. Thailand requires one too but most people don't bother. Not worth the risk really as they are easily obtained. 


    There are agreements in place.



    From the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Traffic

    Contracting parties shall recognize as valid for driving in their territories:


    Thailands Motor Vehicle Act: Section 42-2
    In case there’s a treaty between the Thai government and a foreign government regarding mutual acceptance of driver’s license, an alien who doesn’t have an immigrant visa may drive a motor vehicle with a driver’s license issued by such a foreign government, or an automobile association authorized by such a foreign government.






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