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Posts posted by richard_smith237

  1. 1 minute ago, bob smith said:
    3 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Why are you having so many difficulties and negative experiences

    that's a question only the waitresses can answer! 




    Wrong....    that waitress is not present at all your other negative encounters... 


    There is only one constant in all of the issues you face with Thai people...





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  2. 13 minutes ago, bob smith said:
    16 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    In some cases complaints are not welcomed, it could be that.

    ....Amazing Thailand, eh?




    Nope...  Thats your negative bias shining though again, you've generalised a nation with your sarcastic slur... 


    (Sarcastic) - "Amazing 'some of Thailand', eh?"...  would be more accurate, but it doesn't roll off the tongue as well and the balance does not fit your 'all Thai's bad'  rhetoric.



    • Haha 1
  3. 4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Will get this get the same degree of media attention and netizen outrage as it would has roles been reversed and a foreigner stabbed a Thai ?????   :whistling:


    After roo860's second post - perhaps this is now getting the media attention it deserves.....


    ...  will we see similar netizen outrage to that when a foreigner attacks a Thai ?




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  4. 1 hour ago, steven100 said:


    please read :  




    You mean the typo... Has / had   ???  - otherwise, any point you are attempting to make is falling flat on its face and is completely lost on me... 



    <<<  Will get this get the same degree of media attention and netizen outrage as it would had roles been reversed and a foreigner stabbed a Thai ?????   :whistling: >>>





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  5. 52 minutes ago, steven100 said:
    2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Will this get the same degree of media attention and netizen outrage as it would had the roles been reversed and a foreigner stabbed a Thai ?????   :whistling:



    read your original question again ....  had you been drinking when you wrote this ....  haha 


    anyway,   back to your question ......  I think you already know the answer to that     !    :ermm:



    You'll have to explain that one  steven...      the original question was quite clear. 


    If the roles were reversed...  we'd see this news everywhere...   But we we are not.

    ....  There would be PBS, ThaiRath, Coconuts, Thaiger articles...     but what do we have when its a foreigner stabbed by a Thai ???...  one article, linked by a forum member.  

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  6. 22 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    A lawyer?


    So far this case seems like a no case, and what we do is just guessing what will happen. It is either motorbike taxi stopping wrong place, or an ignorant motorbiker crashing in to his bags fault. 


    Bring a lawyer, will cost you a couple of thousand bath. 


    I agree with you, except on the lawyer part...


    How many reliable lawyers do you know that cost as little as 2000 baht to accompany you to a police station and argue your case ??....  

    • Like 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, rumak said:

    a thai friend that has the smarts and ability to converse ( mediate for you ) ...... 

    not just a gf.    in fact....... definitely not a gf unless she is really "different"


    Very true...  'some' of a lower status (dare I say BG) would not only be faced with a certain degree contempt, but she'd also lower the status of the Op in the eyes of the police, added to which, someone of lower status, may be far more subservient to the police than the situation needs.


    However, if the Ops GF is a respectable well presented, intelligent smart, lady who's higher up the socio-totem-pole...  then that could bring him a certain degree of kudos and up his 'optics'.





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  8. Whats strange about this story is the speed with which the Op and his US friend went from 'someone trusted' to transfer 1 Million Baht to...    to 'accusations of theft of the money' and charges against him... 


    The (supposed) 'Ex US Navy officer' seems to have jumped to this 'accusation' against the Op extremely quickly... 

    ... He's certainly no friend of the Ops to behave in such a manner...   


    ... Was this a potential scam against the Op ?


    ... How long did the Op know this  'Ex US Navy officer' friend for ?... and was his claim of being an 'Ex US Navy officer' verifiable in anyway, as this is not exactly behaviour becoming of someone in that former position.



  9. 2 hours ago, IvorBiggun2 said:
    3 hours ago, cjinchiangrai said:

    Most people overestimate the severity and uniqueness of their situation.

    Well they would when they're in pain. It's normal.


    Thats true... 


    I was up all night with severe flank pain...  debilitating and agonising.. 

    ...  I had a kidney stone and needed an operation, I had liver cancer, I was dying, I had weeks to live....   etc etc.. Pain turned me into a pathetic hypochondriac.


    In the ER the following day, still in massive pain (given a good pain killer), I had an X-ray, underwent urological tests, had a CT scan... no issues...   all clear...    Ortho Dr. said it must be an intercostal muscle strain or damage to the cartilage on my ribs... and that was that (I've had a lot of injures, usually from sport... torn tendons, breaks, ripped muscles etc...    the only comparable pain was when I had a kidney stone).


    Panic over something very simple (still the total cost to insurance was about 25,000 baht (private hospital) - when all I needed was painkillers, but I didn't know that at the time).





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  10. 3 hours ago, poppysdad said:

    Why is there always someone who wants to belittle everything?


    Erm.. what has been belittled ???  


    I don't read any belittling on this thread so far.. 

  11. On 3/14/2024 at 8:53 AM, Tropicalevo said:

    The deniers are out in force already. :clap2:

    Just waiting for the old and well worn alcohol comparisons next.


    Of course they are out in force... the idea that someone gets aggressive on weed is highly questionable when the Meth problem exists to far greater extend in Thailand and is far greater threat to society...  


    It seems the allegation that the 'aggressive male' was high on Marijuana seems to be solely based on the findings that he had two packs of Marijuana in his possession.


    The 'jump' to the conclusion that his behavior is marijuana related seems flawed, as is your comment.

    • Agree 2
  12. 4 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    Seems entirely plausible to me. Sort of thing that happens  all the time.


    From the facts provided by OP, he is liable. As he does not want to just leave the country with this hanging, he will have to pay something. The issue is to limit what he pays to the reasonable and to avoid being soaked for inflated or outright fabricated claims of injury and damage.




    I just don't see it that way at all...   If the Op had slipped while stepping off the Moto-taxi and the following motorcycle had hit him and injured him it would be following motorcycles fault for...

    a) Following too closely behind

    b) Riding to fast to stop or take avoiding action

    c) trying to under-take


    I know this is not the UK.. But what would happen in the UK in the same circumstances ?... 

    I believe the following motorcyclist would be at fault. 

    The laws in Thailand follow a very similar code to the UK. 

    And while I know the manner in which these rules are enforced and decided upon are at a very 'discretionary level' the BiB can't ignore certain facets of an incident for the convenience of placing sole blame at the feet on one party over another.


    Its perfectly acceptable for the Op to push back, but in this culture, to get listened to, he may well need backup.

    Nothing like this will go to a court, so the BiB could be police, firm, stubborn and the Police would realise that he is not quite the push-over they'd hoped. 

    This is all a little late now though, as the Op signed a statement.


    The lesson here is... we do not have to accept the Policeman's decision if we don't want to, as that decision is more often than not based on an emotional input rather than a legal one.





  13. 5 hours ago, JoeyMac said:

    I've also decided to call the tourist police. 


    Careful with this...   


    The task of the Tourist Police is to actually Police the tourists...   They are not necessarily 'on your side' and more than likely to just agree with anything their peers suggest.




    As already mentioned by others - the best thing you can do is have a 'respectable' Thai friend come along with you, someone you trust who can communicate and translate on your behalf in a manner in which the Thai Police will listen to.




    I had an accident years ago... In a Multi-story car Park... I was going slowly looking for a place to park (office hours), an impatient driver behind me decided to overtake and in doing so simply scraped the side of my car.


    Within minutes we had about 20 of her colleagues with her as support - all wanting to 'blame the farang' (they were simply supporting her)....    Insurance came, Police came... no one except the car park security guard saw the incident, and as he was on the other side of the car park, he didn't really see it...   after speaking with the security guard who was influenced by the crowd the BiB and Insurance agreed that it was my fault.... I refused to sign - so we were instructed to both attend the Police station after work.


    I called a close friend who's quite senior in the police... we've known each other very closely for a long time.

    I explained what happened. He called the Police station...  called me back..  its dealt with, no need to bother going to the Police station...   turns out the other driver didn't have insurance...  Insurance came to see me and I signed for 50% responsibility so my insurance would pay for my damages only.


    In an earlier incident years later - I didn't even need to get as far as calling my friend, I was able to convince the BiB that at accident was not my fault, I was police, but firm and stubborn...  with plenty of photo evidence etc.. the eventually came around.


    Its good to have either the confidence of a someone as back-up, or to actually use that back-up... 

    It can't be understated the effectiveness of having a respected Thai available to back you up... this places you on an even playing field you may otherwise find yourself at a disadvantage on.













  14. 12 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:
    On 5/16/2024 at 1:43 PM, JoeyMac said:

    If the cost is enormous, and i refuse to pay then what happens ?


    I have already signed a brief statement to say i dropped my bags on the floor, and the other rider fell. 

    The statement most likely was in Thai language, are you sure what you signed for?


    Valid point - The statement would have been in Thai...   


    Did the Op get a copy of his signed statement ?...     Someone could translate it for him.


    In theory at least, he could have signed that he's 100% to blame for everything - he'll have little ground to stand on.

    Never sign anything you don't fully understand, especially at a Police Station. 







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  15. 11 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

    Where in the OP does it say  'pre-made frozen Indian Curries' 

    Your assumptions resulting in another useless comment from you.


    Can you help the Op ??


    Indian Food on Grab Delivery ?....   (not fresh food from a restaurant)...  but a food delivery place, supermarket etc.. something similar to... you guessed it... the Not Just Meat website






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