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Posts posted by Chongalulu

  1. 6 minutes ago, ThePioneer said:

    Plenty of decent alternatives, but they are not free, same as the Bein app was not free either.

    So please expand . I was very happy to pay 199 baht per month  (or even more) for the Bein app which had not only live coverage but more importantly video on demand of nearly all the other EPL matches which I could view the following morning and anywhere with internet connection and could chromecast in HD to big TV. 

    True now have the rights and offer nothing of a similar nature. Just the normal lousy and expensive satellite package. I have very good 3BB fiber and they are the only provider in my locale

    So please ,inform me.

  2. 1 hour ago, notasmartassknowitallfarag said:

    Was it not an accident? 


    Why does everyone in Thailand want money for deaths. 

    If there was negligence in terms of the maintenance,manufacture or even pilot error the no it’s not just an 'accident '. That’s why compulsory 3rd party liability insurance is standard in developed countries. She may well be classed as the family breadwinner too,so there’s always financial compensation for loss to the effected dependents 

    • Thanks 2
  3. 23 hours ago, Guitar God said:

    Isn’t it a bit cynical to ascribe profit motives to everything done in Thailand?  Greed and corruption aren’t unique to Thailand either. 


    I got a national ID card and paid less than it cost to make it. 


    It costs about €3000 to get a drivers license in the Netherlands including the mandatory drivers school training. It the US it’s $50-100+ just for the fee  Here I paid €17. 


    So some friend or relative of a politician makes a few grand writing an app, same thing happens in every country I’ve lived. 



    The quote 'you get what you pay for' seemingly applies here given the respective road traffic accident statistics. The Netherlands example you quoted is a valuable investment in saving lives that Thailand (life is cheap) doesn’t share.

  4. 10 hours ago, roamer said:

    I must confess I am not sure what you are asking here. Norway cannot charge you in absentia for the crime that you state? It can  charge you and convict you In absentia If you have been  bailed and failed to surrender to your bail. If that is the case you are a "bail jumper" which puts a totally different complexion on the case. Norway is nothing if not thorough, you will be the subject of an arrest warrant. Maybe not this year, or even the next but it will catch up with you, how will you renew your passport for example?


    I will tell you now what you should do. You won't do it, but I will tell you anyway. 


    Go home.


    This is Norway we are talking about, Anders Brevik you are not. A slap on the wrist and you come back to Thailand and join the many, many, people who have made mistakes in their life and live here with no problem.


    There is a huge, massive, difference in practical terms between a person who has served his sentence and someone who is on an arrest warrant. In your present position you risk being arrested and deported and never being allowed here again.


    You made one mistake, don't compound it.

    You May not be giving the best advice here despite best intentions . Thai authorities,like any other do not have access to foreign countries criminal database and his crime is of a low level hardly likely to be subject of an extradition request,nor probably of any embargo on renewing his passport. His only issue arises should he return to Norway when he may be arrested. If he doesn’t intend to go back there my advice would be to keep stum and face any issues IF and when they arrive.

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  5. 10 hours ago, Chazar said:

    Two of a  kind, he  had  no need  to mention shoving it up what he clearly  meant was  Musk's ass and there was  no need for the Paedo  comment, case  dismissed  stop being a pair of pratts and shake  hands.

    There’s a huge difference in being simply rude and accusing someone on public media of being a perpetrator of one of the most heinous crimes imaginable. That’s why being rude is perfectly legal but the other is libel ,subject to defamation charges.That Musk is a public figure only exacerbates his libel. Taking it to trial will only make it much more expensive for Musk.

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  6. 5 hours ago, spunkie said:

    Try downloading Mobdro it’s free all the sports you want plus movies etc etc 

    To this and all the other suggestions- does it have catch up and can I chromecast or alternatively screen mirror via lightning hdmi cable from iPad or android phone to the big TV. Without that they’re of no appeal to me as I cannot stand watching on a small screen.

  7. With the demise of BeIn connect as far as English premier league is concerned what similar options are there? The set up with live  and especially catch up on the app which I could chrome cast to my big TV was ideal for me. I know True now have th franchise but there seems no equivalent option they offer having visited their desk. I don’t want their expensive satellite subscription,nor their WiFi which coverage there isn’t in my locale anyway ( I have a good 3BB fibre subscription). I have used previously the unofficial Football orgin and FMS sites for champions league last year but they are rather clunky and unreliable. I’m primarily interested in catch up on demand the  following day rather than live, so any suggestions?

  8. 21 hours ago, robblok said:

    Yes and it show that foreigners are as bad as Thais plenty of Thais that have not made any accidents too just like you. You take it too personal. Its not as if foreigners are superior to Thais while many seem to think so.

    The respective RTA deaths and accident rates in Thailand vs western countries indeed shows foreigners are superior drivers

    • Thanks 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

    All laughing aside, the tm30 requirement does make it difficult for a person like that to find a place to stay. He cant stay in hotels or guest houses so that either leaves dodgy places, houses of friends (would you let a murderer in?), or the streets. 

    There will always be many places that don’t bother for this type to find. I find that nearly all hotels where my wife makes the booking and checks in they don’t request my details even when standing behind her,and if I wait in the car while she does...

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, VocalNeal said:

    Yes I understand but nowhere near the same amount as direct income tax. That is where the real money is. So a retired expat with 100,000/mnth pension doesn't necessarily spend 100,000 a month so the tax will be less than 7,000 a month. 


    A Thai person with a 100,000 monthly salary will pay 9,000 a month income tax plus 7% of what they spend which maybe the same as the retired expat.


    Which is why the expat pays more at the hospital. 

    How many Thais do you think earn 100k per month?! Vanishingly small.

    You can knock a zero off that for the overwhelming majority of Thais that pay no income tax.

  11. 28 minutes ago, timendres said:

    Again. Anyone who believes that Thais cannot exhibit logical thinking is deluded.


    Most of the examples that you mention may seem illogical to you, but there is logic involved. You simply cannot understand it. Putting up prices when business is down seems illogical, but you are assuming that lowering prices will bring in more customers. That is not always true. Drunk driving points has been introduced, but does not meet your draconian desires. In the US, the draconian laws are a mess, and nothing more than a payday for courts and lawyers, that destroys lives in ways one could argue are sometimes worse than the original problem. And, just as in the US, these laws are always phased in over time to allow the people and the legal system to adjust to them. Just look at the history of the "legal limit" in the US. The 90 day reports employs how many immigration personnel? The TM30 is so logical you would have to be retarded to not understand it.


    And I am certain that I could go to any country in this world and find equivalent examples of ridiculous and illogical rules, regulations, and behaviors. Does that mean that the citizens of that country are incapable of logic? No. It means that politicians and politics, by their very nature, sometimes produce illogical results. Many would argue that Trump's trade war is totally illogical. So, by your measure, US citizens are incapable of logical thought.

    The proof of the pudding... So Thais have found a way to reverse the rules of supply and demand,have they? Everyone else must be wrong? You think less draconian drink drive laws result in fewer deaths? The pudding is the respective RTA death statistics from this. Thailand is orders of magnitude worse than anywhere in Europe where you’ll be jailed for persistent drink drive offending .

    Your Trump analogy is a false equivalence. His strategy cannot yer be evaluated. The examples I’ve given most certainly have.

    And again I have not said incapable of logical thought but a far larger absence of it. 

    Frankly your rationale for creating work as the justification for immigration procedures is risible or do you think productivity is illogical too. Thailand does not have an unemployment issue. 

    Im leaning to conclude you may have been here too long and have become 'infected ' with the same malaise .

    • Like 1
  12. 18 hours ago, timendres said:

    I believe this sums it up perfectly. Furthermore, unlike tourists, expats engage the immigration staff. In this scenario, you have a staff wishing to pad their (meager) salaries as much as possible, doing a job that is (quite honestly) miserable. There is no prejudice here (other than for those who make their job even more miserable). You are merely a target. Nothing personal.


    Here you are off the mark. I have had numerous Thai employees who exhibit the same level of logical thinking as I have seen anywhere. In fact, I spent an hour today discussing the various plusses and minuses of financing a new house with one of my employees, and his logic was impeccable. What I believe @StreetCowboy is implying is that logic may appear illogical when it is being exercised in a context with which we are not familiar, or with which we are not fully informed.

    Your quoting of an exception doesn’t make a rule. The problem is there’s far more lack of logical thinking than most developed nations . For example 

    When business is down put up prices to compensate.

    When having the worst road death statistics introduce a scheme where drunk driving attracts points allowing 4 transgressions!

    Explain why when driving without licence or helmet ( recognised as dangerous) you are allowed to continue after paying a fine.

    Explain the benefits of 90 day reporting when you already have a 1 year visa?

    TM 30 when you are returning to your registered home address??.

    There are many more examples which unfortunately outweigh their moments of logic


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