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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. The numbers for the first 6 months,given such a low base,are no indication nor reassurance for the future as desperately interpreted by officials here. Forthcoming developments,many volatile and unpredictable ,are what will determine the future of the tourist industry. Airline woes,totally outside Thailand’s influence, are a significant one of those . What can be said, is Thai officials have shown little vision (beyond wishful thinking) or competence to positively influence the revival of the tourist industry . Unthinking and even downright stupid ,unworkable pronouncements ,as evidenced by the hotel dual pricing suggestion, is a strong indication of this incompetence and arrogance. Thailand has many inherent positives ,including the infrastructure, to take advantage of any general tourism revival, but this is more than negated by the poor economic understanding and incompetence of those responsible for guiding and inspiring what is historically a vital industry for this country.
  2. Reread your own comment (if it doesn’t bore you to death) then look up "hypocrisy ". I would suggest you find your own friend to explain that if you have to invent assumptions to support an argument then you don’t have one … except that I expect you’re severely lacking in that particular department. You appear to fall into the delusion that if your argument is refuted then it can only be because someone can’t understand it. Perhaps you can quote examples here of all those that you imagine understand and agree with your point of view? Though I suspect you are something of a Walter Mitty character. P.S. You might want to take a closer look at your own punctuation shortcomings to avoid being embarrassingly hoist with your own petard.
  3. I notice you try to compensate for lack of knowledge with waffling and rambling irrelevance and as a final indication of a lack of argument have to fall back on typos to bolster it.
  4. Commerce and economics is my background so suggest you’re education is the one lacking. Quoting special measures in particular circumstances doesn’t suddenly make USA ,a renowned free market economy either socialist or government controlled. Oh,and your assumption is wrong too ! ????
  5. We’ll you could always try socialism and government mandated pricing - if only you could find a single successful example of that working ! ???? For all it’s faults capitalism and democracy has always proved superior,as has the equation of supply and demand. remember ,oil companies lost billions during the pandemic and again with the write down of its investments in Russia (Rosneft etc). It’s a volatile business and days of plenty are only the swing to the roundabout.
  6. This goes beyond shortcomings in economic literacy and commercial understanding- and it is both of those- but strays into area of fundamental lack of intelligence. Given that similarly stupid announcements from government officials are commonplace it would be interesting to see the results of IQ tests should they be applied to a raft of senior officials behind these unthinking announcements. We know Thailand ranks very low in the PISA EDUCATIONAL TABLES which may explain some ,but this represents a serious deficiency in the most basic skills of critical thinking. Does Thailand in general have an issue with this or is cronyism so pervasive that a large percentage of the dimmer members of its society make it to these kinds of positions?
  7. Kindest thing I can say about that is just a rambling waffle devoid of any salient argument. The fact is that both of only two major supermarket chains,the dominant major convenience store operation (7 -11) AND the only real national wholesaler/cum retailer- Makro are all under sole ownership. By any definition that is about as close to a monopoly as you can get and would certainly not be allowed by say a body like the MMC (U.K. ). I suggest educating yourself further on the definition of monopolies as defined by western institutions.
  8. Yes,I think the comparison was between Emirates and Qatar. My daughter recently returned to U.K. from 2 weeks holiday with Qatar whose price was £200 cheaper than Emirates
  9. As someone recently pointed out ,other than to northern Scandinavia countries like Finland and Norway airlines routes to Europe from BKK do not cross Russia/Ukraine anyway,so that can’t be the reason. The fundamental reason behind increased fares now is good old supply and demand.
  10. Indeed this is an unhealthy monopoly,especially in grocery, which would simply not be allowed in developed Western economies. It is the fundamental reason behind (coordinated)unnecessarily high prices and inflation here. Allowing Tesco lotus to be included in their portfolio was unconscionable. Imagine a discounter like Lidl /ALDI being let loose on the market.
  11. "We’re so happy we can hardly count" ????
  12. If there’s no rusty one available do we have to wait for oxidation to take place first ?
  13. I always allow others to get off the line first to field the 'incoming'….
  14. Pretty well,given my infection amounted to a mild inconvenience for a week. Certainly better than for an unvaccinated acquaintance who’s no longer around to tell you of his experience… ????
  15. That’s where you’re going wrong - you're supposed to put them on the OUTSIDE of your head! ????
  16. " Useless… damaging "? …oh,I thought you were talking about the education generally having studied Thailand’s rankings in PISA EDUCATIONAL TABLES…
  17. No,always buy the best appropriate fuel - any savings are infinitesimal on a scooter.
  18. The answer is because Thailand is not really a meritocracy (especially in government positions),the education system falls woefully short (PISA EDUCATIONAL TABLES) and social conditioning disincentivises critical thinking. I have a Thai stepdaughter with A levels in Maths and English and a first class honours in Business Economics from a good university and working in a senior e commerce position in U.K. Oh,I should add I brought her to the U.K. at 9 years old…
  19. What you mean is ‘because I don’t want to go to Thailand why doesn’t everyone else ,even with totally different circumstances,share that identical view". ????
  20. Lucky they didn’t take him "up the arsenal " then… ????
  21. Humbling that when they were asked about being feted as Heroes they said they really only regarded it as a ‘technical dive' and were somewhat mystified at all the adulation! As an experienced diver I take my hat off to them as I couldn’t deign share a room with them in that league. To those that decry those participating in dangerous sports (of which cave diving is at the top of the list) as pointless and even foolhardy I would make the observation that without Rick and John's skills there would be 12 dead schoolboys and their teacher not around to recount such an extraordinary experience. I’m sure all their families are eternally grateful. And not to be forgotten is the the sadness of the one Thai diver who sacrificed his life so those 13 could live .
  22. Poor article in terms of economic literacy. When making such statements one should compare against a standard basket of currencies,not just the dollar against which the likes of the Euro and £ are equally weak. "Dollar strengthens " is the correct headline. ????
  23. Well as the song goes "two out of three ain’t bad"…
  24. Yes,today’s mindless,unthinking mission statement to remain relevant is…… rinse and repeat. ????
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