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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. No,always buy the best appropriate fuel - any savings are infinitesimal on a scooter.
  2. The answer is because Thailand is not really a meritocracy (especially in government positions),the education system falls woefully short (PISA EDUCATIONAL TABLES) and social conditioning disincentivises critical thinking. I have a Thai stepdaughter with A levels in Maths and English and a first class honours in Business Economics from a good university and working in a senior e commerce position in U.K. Oh,I should add I brought her to the U.K. at 9 years old…
  3. What you mean is ‘because I don’t want to go to Thailand why doesn’t everyone else ,even with totally different circumstances,share that identical view". ????
  4. Humbling that when they were asked about being feted as Heroes they said they really only regarded it as a ‘technical dive' and were somewhat mystified at all the adulation! As an experienced diver I take my hat off to them as I couldn’t deign share a room with them in that league. To those that decry those participating in dangerous sports (of which cave diving is at the top of the list) as pointless and even foolhardy I would make the observation that without Rick and John's skills there would be 12 dead schoolboys and their teacher not around to recount such an extraordinary experience. I’m sure all their families are eternally grateful. And not to be forgotten is the the sadness of the one Thai diver who sacrificed his life so those 13 could live .
  5. Poor article in terms of economic literacy. When making such statements one should compare against a standard basket of currencies,not just the dollar against which the likes of the Euro and £ are equally weak. "Dollar strengthens " is the correct headline. ????
  6. Well as the song goes "two out of three ain’t bad"…
  7. Yes,today’s mindless,unthinking mission statement to remain relevant is…… rinse and repeat. ????
  8. That may not be such a good idea if you want to stay pals with the EU. Really? How much Russian energy is the EU buying each day ? Clue,it starts with a "B" in dollars…
  9. Do you know how many $ billions both Shell and BP have had to write down on their Russian holdings within Rosneft etc. ? …or even what they are ? What of the billions lost when oil price even went negative during reduced demand during pandemic? Maybe some wider reading of oil industry economics /volatility for a greater understanding?
  10. What is your understanding of what "BRICS currency payment system " is ? There are already plenty of worldwide payment systems and Russia’s own bank for those that want to pay them for oil
  11. Oil and gas is a global commodity and priced universally in normal circumstances. It’s only where sanctions pertain that may cause distortion in that model- as it is here.
  12. It’s the very quote from the relevant EU official as quoted in mainstream media. "No cost" ..?? There are a raft of sanctions,including financial,against Russia,some of which were already in place long before the war. Of course some sanctions will always be of little cost while others (like energy) will come at much greater ,perhaps even prohibitive and effect various countries differently. Your 'no cost' makes little reason. I think you need to do a little more reading of quality media to gain more in depth understanding of this particular dynamic
  13. The strategy behind effective sanctions is to cause as much damage to the sanctioned for the least cost to the sanctioners. Hence why an exception is made by Europe (especially Germany) to buy Russian gas - they simply cannot survive without a severe recession to stop. However ,Putin realises this and is playing his own counter strategy by throttling off supplies of Nordstream pipeline gas including a 10 day closure this month for ‘maintenance'. He’s preventing Germany filling its storage facilities which normally take it through winter ,so it’s clear when Putin is likely to shut off supplies entirely. Brexit was not good but will be nothing to what’s in store for Germany this winter …???? ????
  14. Thailand and Russia are negotiating to implement MIR payment system that will help Thailand get precious rubles from tourists that Thailand can use to pay for cheap oil. There is also an agreement between these countries to increase mutual trade 10x. Thailand will export to Russia much more than it does now to acquire rubles it will need to pay for energy. Russia has its own bank converting customers fx into Roubles into which the EU has already approved in a fudge enabling it to continue buying Russian gas. It’s not an issue.
  15. Very high Car rental prices are a European wide problem (and probably wider too) and all for the same reason of vehicle shortages - also effecting the secondhand car market prices too.
  16. They won’t have had their own fuel storage facilities so any unused commitments they would have to have sold on at a loss in the market place.
  17. I can tell your forte/experience is not commerce. The reason air travel is fundamentally cheaper than rail is that track is very,very expensive to build and then to maintain. All an aircraft needs is a site to take off from and one to land on. Long haul exaggerates this equation even further Regard this as basic economics lesson 1 !
  18. That’s exactly the point- airlines can lose millions (as they did pre Covid) if buying fuel on the futures market which then goes down. Their commitment to that purchase in volume and price still stands even if they have to stop flying! It is economically illiterate to accuse them of price gouging when the demand equation turns in their favour when they are subject to the downside too. The same applies to energy companies…. And really everything else !
  19. I would venture your business sense ,as demonstrated,is significantly below that of the BA commercial managers . I know people that work at BA and completely understand their business model regarding Thailand. I would look to better inform yourself economically to gain a greater understanding.
  20. Presumably any words of over two syllables defeat your interpretation skills. Duly noted…
  21. Plenty of independent sellers have them Singha- cheaper per bottle and larger too 400mill . Just have to invest in the first crate.
  22. The kindest thing I can say about that post is that it represents reading and comprehension difficulties… Try again?
  23. I’m talking about the larger returnable bottles in plastic crates,not the supermarket ones.
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