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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. I guess this would be classified a quiet day in Liverpool.. ????
  2. It is,although widely recognised as the worlds most deadly snake is the African Black Mamba,for its speed and aggression along with nasty venom
  3. I hope you signal your ‘dismount' with something more polite than 3 beeps ! ????
  4. You appear a little touchy! How can I react to a post without reading it - some sort of logic disconnect there?? Yes,it’s a mass produced wine and ALL wine here is overpriced due to the tax regime.I’d already pointed out it was half that price in U.K. I was simply asking your opinion as to whether there are better choices HERE in that bracket.
  5. So irrelevant from the point of view of this thread -and even Thailand itself. For circa 600 baht is there anything appreciably a better choice than Yellowtail?
  6. At 600 baht I find the Yellowtail range (Australian)a reasonable compromise of price vs quality,but that’s still double the U.K. price so drink wine very rarely.
  7. In Liverpool it’s wise to assume they are by default? ????
  8. 18% Massive ? U.K. prices (and in Europe) are scheduled to TRIPLE and from a higher base, meaning average of circa £5000 per year for average house next year ! Add in that diesel is approximately 75 baht litre and I have to say the costs savings being in Thailand have increased considerably. That is not to overlook the fundamentals of Thai people being generally much poorer and the difficulties in absorbing increases being onerous. But this is part of a wider problem related to inequality and corruption which isn’t going to be solved soon ,so the short term answer is to subsidise those essentials to affordable levels.
  9. I’m shamefully aroused watching the Elephant Man. Do I need help…or an optician?
  10. Indeed,when you remember that both major supermarkets, Makro and 7-11 owned by the same company- a situation MMC U.K. would forbid- it’s a virtual monopoly.
  11. I immediately spotted that and was going to use it as an example of a generally poor level of this article. No analysis of council tax ,utility bills either,nor motoring. We’re I to move back to my own house in U.K.it would cost me £600 month just for the first two .
  12. Crikey! I can’t hold it in all night ,let alone for 2 years! ????
  13. If you’re an unemployed dosser in U.K. there’s plenty for free,but not a comfortable existence- miserable.
  14. They’re using double the average amount then,although I expect that’s a glitch in their direct debit amount rather than actual usage.
  15. Had this before when it was 750 baht . It was fine and very cheap,should’ve bought more !
  16. Words that might ring hollow with the parents of the dead nightclub patrons..
  17. Absolutely!…right up until the time you or your loved one is on a mortuary slab….
  18. For about 1000 baht I got Isuzu one with our Isuzu pickup about 7 years ago. It’s infrequently used but still just roughly rolled up in the garage and no sign of wear at all. If car parked in the shade there’s little use for it other than to protect from bird ???? if that’s an issue?
  19. Go diving, and you can hear all sorts of noises from nature. Especially the parrotfish gnawing on the coral!
  20. But the preposterous reciprocal arrangements you originally suggested (and rightly ridiculed by another) don’t in anyway address the problem you then identify here. You’re thinking with 'Thai logic'! ????
  21. The military mindset is not best suited to commercial and economic understanding and plans to revive a vital industry are largely confined to wishful thinking.
  22. These pointless re-enactments and comical pointing are excruciatingly embarrassing farces perpetuated by a juvenile mind set . ????
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