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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. The CRV is basically a good SUV ruined by the ancient technology engines HONDA dump on the Thai market and which have been discontinued in western markets for several years. I test drove a CRV hybrid 5+ years ago in U.K.and still not available here! That’s a dealbreaker in my book . 13 kilometres liter on a fuel 30% more expensive than diesel make its cost per kilometer considerably more expensive than the 16 kilometres litre I get from my 3 litre diesel . I believe they’ll have to offer the way superior hybrid in next years model
  2. And you know nothing of the law,because effectively you’re suggesting that smaller guys have carte Blanche to attack people that outweigh them - what are you suggesting the permissible weight difference should be , 5,10,20 kilos ?..should there be a weigh in before the victim can decide how to respond? Because the law has to be precise. And there’s legal precedent which eviscerates your argument. Duncan Ferguson,the 6'4" Everton striker hospitalised a smaller burglar he found in his home and who tried to attack him. The burglar tried to bring charges - guess where that went..? Now before you fall into the trap of saying "yeah but the burglar was committing a crime" , what was the smaller attacker doing when he assaulted the other guy ? A crime perhaps? Is it sinking in yet..? ????
  3. You’re confusing outcome with intent. He was punched,kicked so he responded with exactly the same force,a perfectly sound proportional defence in law if being attacked . There was the same chance that the assailant could have inflicted the same fate on the Frenchman and as he initiated the violence then he is held to be the aggressor.
  4. Straightforwardly- kicking and punching as responding in kind to what he received,so proportionate. Had he responded with a deadly weapon then that might be construed as disproportionate. That his punch turned out to be more effective and the guy fell over and hit his head cannot be construed in the same category of intent as producing a weapon.
  5. It matters a great deal - self defence. If someone initiates a physical assault on you and you reasonably react to that in kind ,the offence of assault is still by the assailant. That the assailant comes off worse doesn’t undo his guilt .
  6. Yes,thanks for the correction,I’d forgotten she’d moved on. Reminds me of the saying that economic forecasting was only createc to make astronomy look respectable! Kwarteng the quasi economist only underlining that quip!
  7. Just "smoke" and mirrors..oh wait,the latter is associated with another drug,isn’t it ?
  8. The IMF headed by the ' criminal' Christine Lagarde has a less than stellar record on accurate forecasting leading to the acronym being described as "The institute for Moronic forecasting ". The current global volatility suggests this gentleman is correct. Economic forecasting bodies rarely price in the potential for black swan events and simply change the figures only when they occur
  9. Except the stupidity remains; Russia ,from a thailand tourist perspective is pretty much dead for the foreseeable future. Putin has ensured Russia is economically severely damaged for the longer term so there really will not be Russians going on holiday in any numbers to anywhere,particularly relative to the Western nations whose stance by Thailand has been noted. No,they have simply aligned themselves with China,their ultimate masters
  10. Our insurance premiums are paying for idiots like this. Engine and cab fully immersed. I don’t reckon that’s getting repaired ?
  11. They’re not a good idea ,full stop! Why do you need another window when you already have 4 within a few inches?Adds unnecessary complication,expense and weight at the worst point (high up) and another thing to go wrong. Generally something that superficially adds attraction but generally gets little used in practical terms .
  12. He was 84 when commencing the journey… ????
  13. Especially on leaf springs with a ladder chassis. They’re not the IRS of the likes of my previous BMW M3 I track day in U.K. The pretensions so many have her that a pickup can be transformed into a performance vehicle by lowering the suspension and putting a "whistling" exhaust system on (often defined by the black soot all over the tailgate! ????) Risible ignorance.
  14. I doubt there’s 3-4 million worth of cars there and the MG looks repairable. First class insurance too I suspect.
  15. About as coherent as Putin’s ‘special military operation'. ????
  16. Except it’s not working out like that for your ???????? comrades,eh? You mean a war (careful you might get called up for using the wrong terminology! ????)that US/NATO provoked by ‘hypnotising' Putin into invading Ukraine? ???? The cannon fodder are your Russian soldiers getting their erse handed to them so unequivocally they’re becoming the biggest supplier of weapons to Ukraine in their haste to retreat ! ???? Putin can’t even engage Ukrainian military so is reduced to wasting his depleted missile stocks at civilian targets,a sure sign of losing.Let me tell you how this plays out. If in desperation he deploys tactical nuclear in Ukraine he runs a severe risk of NATO using conventional weapons to completely destroy all Russian military and logistics in Ukraine-it wouldn’t take long now. He’s then faced with launching a nuclear attack on a NATO country. That writes Russia’s suicide note and the generals know it,so even if he’s tempted he’ll be overruled by those same generals who wish to continue living.
  17. One can only hope this results in a photo opportunity involving lots of pointing at a grim bloodstained cover resulting from an "incident ". ????
  18. I like to walk a mile in another’s shoes. Because then they are a mile away…and I have their shoes..
  19. Glad you learned your lesson and moved onto the gin…
  20. Haven’t you hear?…there is no hell anymore ..or karma (wishful thinking),he’s just ceased to exist
  21. Now all you have to do is quote those similar institutions where there were arms present and a mass shooting was prevented…
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