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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. Oh my word! With all those "chavvy' superfluous stuck on dials your windscreen tint is the least of your worries. When do the Wayne & Tracy windscreen decal and fluffy dice arrive? How much faster do they make it go ?! ???? ????
  2. Had 3M fitted by the dealer on first purchase. Went for "40%" all round though have to say it’s difficult to notice much tint as such - no issues at night. Probably wished we’d gone for 60% on the side windows (as they suggested) with hindsight. Is 3M a different tint profile? 7 years on its standing up well,endorsing your better quality suggestion . Only negative observation is the vacuum sucker on the dash cam doesn’t hold as well on the film vs glass and drops off occasionally! Unless that’s something else (heat?).
  3. What you have to envisage is how a Thai website works (or doesn’t) when you load it with orders of magnitude more applications that would pertain if anything like the numbers required for a tourist industry to sustain its current infrastructure. Tens of millions per annum. ???? Equating it to buying an airline ticket on line is a specious comparison. There you are not uploading documents and having to wait for approval- it’s just another on line purchase mirroring what people are already very familiar with. Do you have faith the Thai system would work seamlessly (as it would have to) coping with vastly increased numbers ? Given the potential consequences of hiccups when people have already committed substantial sums on tickets /accommodation you’ll be surprised how many are not prepared for that risk/stress when most /all other destinations are offering a far simpler process.
  4. Pathetic hyperbolic hysteria for the sake of a clumsy‘virtue signal". An observation of a trait is not racist ????. Deal with a fact .
  5. I frequently confuse the two items wearing them in juxtaposed positions. This annoys the wife when she’s wondering where her panties have gone…. ????
  6. It’s symptomatic of the unthinking mindset of Thais (and some other Asians) evidenced by seeing a motorcycle 3 up ,all mask wearing but no helmets ! ???? I live in a more rural area and mask wearing is universal when out and about,but noticed on a trip to Phuket that both Thais and Farang mostly eschewed mask wearing in all settings.
  7. It’s a warning with no basis in fact. You cannot have your pension forfeit for not declaring your correct residency. It was just bull ???? off the top of his head .
  8. I think they’re reluctant to go into those gypsy traveller's camps…? ????
  9. "Fraud is fraud and you’ll get no sympathy in a court of law" is rather more than a hint suggesting prosecution. How would you appear in court without a prosecution?
  10. Tell me your knowledge of anyone who’s been prosecuted for fraud in relation to this? I’ll wait….
  11. It is quite credible and not unusual for someone to return to uk in their twilight years as circumstances change and medical insurance/health care becomes prohibitive in their adopted country. Basically they do take your word for it in the first place without requiring proof ,but you would need an address (relative?) in the UK (or other qualifying country) . I would also register on the electoral roll (can be done on line) and ideally with a local GP to get those details on the NHS register. A bigger hurdle might be getting a uK bank account ,unless you maintained one, given they will do ID / address checks to open one. One thing for everyone to be aware of is "connectivity " whereby increasingly, government departments are swapping information. So for instance you renew your UK passport in Thailand and that gets flagged. It is doable,but can be much more difficult depending on your circumstances. If you’ve basically cut most ties for 30 years it’ll be much harder than say you own but rent out your house in uk ,have maintained a uk driving licence,bank account , GP etc. Forget the fraud prosecution /forfeiture of pension hysteria mentioned by the ignorant , that’s not happened to my knowledge ,but you would likely have to repay any excess payments. In summary,if your circumstances enable a facade to be created fairly easily it’s definitely worth the effort!
  12. Arrant nonsense and a breathtaking display of ignorance ????
  13. For every year you defer you get a 5.8% increase on the pension you would have got when you do claim. Unfortunately the basic amount is frozen at the point of your normal retirement age - so you cannot accrue the subsequent increases as the basis for setting the amount of your eventual claim. With current inflation ,especially,and the gamble on living long enough to get back the amount you lost by deferring it really isn’t now worth it.
  14. You’ve got until she’s about 9 years old to get her out of the education system here and into a UK school (a decent ???????? government school will be fine) if not to blight her future,based on my personal experience. PISA educational tables will quantify how bad it is in Thailand and the more enlightened Western cultural exposure will be a significant contribution too. But your circumstances may not permit that….?
  15. An irrelevant personality from an irrelevant country in foreign affairs simply parroting the position he’s been told to adopt by his real masters.
  16. He was actually younger than me (so mid 60s) and otherwise well . Diagnosed with autoimmune disease- I believe a common effect of Covid - and I presume the current omicron variant given just under 2 Months ago . I’d had 2 Pfizer and due a booster (6 months) which I’ve now had . Him none
  17. That’s what a friend of mine’s attitude here was. Within about 2 months of each other we both got Covid. I had the inconvenience of a mild cold for about a week. He went into hospital on the Monday and while I’m around to tell you about my experience ,by the Friday he could not…. ???? ????
  18. Other destinations (without Pass nonsense) are available..
  19. Those two qualities aren’t mutually exclusive…. He’s a classic example of both Hanlon’s razor and the Dunning Kruger effect.
  20. If you cannot see the connection between income,tax and the financial requirements to live here then your literacy is clearly "different" .. or otherwise known as "lacking",confirmed by a suggestion to have less income as a tax mitigation ????. Perhaps I got to earning sufficient to pay higher rate tax in retirement by my economic literacy being (thankfully) "different " to yours !
  21. No you couldn’t,because if your earnings didn’t exceed the tax allowance you’d not meet the income requirements (65k baht per month) to qualify for a retirement visa ! Your last comment suggests a degree of economic illiteracy beyond comprehension. Should I tell my occupational pension providers to keep the money they owe me ? How exactly does that work? ????
  22. Not semantics. ALL income is subject to tax -fact. Additionally,how many could fund a retirement here (or really anywhere abroad) on a state pension of under £10k which is little more than HALF of the 65k baht per income requirement for a retirement visa ?? Id be quite happy to forego my personal allowance- because that would have to be commensurate with having to pay no tax at all in the UK ! The two are intertwined by definition.
  23. The facial injuries strongly suggest no helmet,which would invalidate any travel insurance anyway. Having a licence in the uk might have covered him if he had but as pointed out the maximum (with an extension) I was able to get (Nationwide) was 6 months. I wear my Arai full face helmet and gloves for 1 kilometer to the shop !
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