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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. So what was the point of a statement of the bleeding obvious in regard to the discussion?
  2. You do understand that people may have a number of countries on their short list and will decide based on a number of factors,including the easiness of booking/travel and prevailing conditions on arrival?
  3. You still don’t understand that the wearing of a mask function is primarily to protect OTHERS from the wearer . Here’s a rather revealing but revolting test - get someone to f a rt next to you in a confined space and then wonder why you can smell it despite the mask ????. The virus particle is way smaller than what the mask filters !
  4. Us too on a trip - quicker to use the longer but only 15 baht toll road.
  5. Yes,daughter arrived last week from Manchester with Qatar (16 hours total flight) @ £630 return.
  6. The ignorance of not understanding how vaccines work within that comment is truly breathtaking ???? The primary objective of vaccinations is to significantly reduce the effects of contracting the virus…which is exactly what it did here. Another acquaintance of mine didn’t get vaccinated,contracted the virus… and now isn’t around to tell you of his experience.. ☠️
  7. Err…why would it do that when I’d already had 2 Pfizer vaccinations ? Are you suggesting,contrary to scientific surveys ,that Sinovac is superior to Pfizer? ???? The main objective of vaccinations is to minimise the effects of contracting Covid…which is exactly what Pfizer did (I had a mild cold effectively) Your comment is either based on misunderstanding my comment…or steeped in ignorance?
  8. Decent western vaccines were around - and far more effective - long before the second rate sino you were fobbed off with by the government. You got lucky not being infected and you do not know how you would’ve reacted under Sinovac. I got the US donated Pfizer vaccinations,contracted Covid several months after and getting only very mild symptoms,so I’m a more relevant example.
  9. We applaud your selfless self sacrifice in participating and passing on your affliction to him!
  10. If only one could get the lack of critical thinking lumpen proletariat to feel the far more justified fear they should have when riding around without helmets… but they’ve got their masks on to protect them from hitting the road surface ,I guess …. ????
  11. If only that applied where it really benefited them - wearing crash helmets . ????
  12. The lighter socket generally only works when accessory mode is on via the car’s ignition switch ,so ideal.
  13. Have a Nextbase Duo I brought from U.K. ( a single unit on windscreen but with a rear facing camera built in) so easy installation ,especially as 'cigarette lighter' power supply in my glovebox so could run the wires to the unit without ugly trailing. The heat though kills the battery very quickly (nextbase even replaced the original which then lasted 2 months!) but it’s not necessary for normal running anyway. I’ve not seen them available in Thailand but think they’re relatively expensive anyway,but as you say ,good .
  14. This is just another example of a fundamental problem existing in Thailand regarding taking responsibility/ classifying criminal negligence as ‘accidental' and punishments not fitting the seriousness of the crime - hence the road accident statistics. It’s a cultural issue and a shortcoming which is largely endemic.
  15. You’re kid too can become a "High achiever" ! …
  16. Lots of things you could "of " (sic) done ,but sadly, none yet of any use.
  17. I bow to your far greater experience of being confused by drugs ..unless you’re just using them as a scapegoat for an inherent condition ?
  18. Oh,there are plenty of words including IQ,Education, (ill) informed, prejudiced,xenophobic…. There’ll be more apt examples in the comments.
  19. Nothing to do with experience if you get taken out by a truck driver that has time to honk his hooter before he takes you out...... Whoosh! … Different experience,as in dead… ????
  20. The cyclists with different experience to your own are unable to post any more…. ????
  21. Tried 'brake testing' them ? A fractional dab on the brakes with the left foot (right foot still on accelerator) so the brake lights come on and the car dips momentarily without actually slowing down. Watch their panicked faces and the mouth howling " mummy ! ". ????
  22. If doing a full on emergency stop you’ll have both hands on the wheel and there’s no time to honk the horn . If he did that suggests he wasn’t doing all he could to stop and perhaps trying to scare her ?
  23. All very valid points,but with the demise of Thailand pass surely that effectively means the end of Covid insurance ? How are they to police it then - on arrival? I don’t think airlines can differentiate between policies- I guess they just waved it through when passengers had already proved it by virtue of thailand pass. In any case my friend arrived yesterday using only standard U.K. travel insurance
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