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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. To 'build back better' you need the tools and know how ,Thailand has neither ,just a vague mission statement accompanied by no vision nor practical plans on how to achieve that. The delusion is thinking otherwise
  2. A particularly large spike if amongst government officials here… ????
  3. Certainly in Europe official dealers are not permitted by the manufacture to charge over list price to take advantage of shortages etc. I would have thought that would be a global policy.Perhaps contact Honda Thailand to clarify and draw to their attention?
  4. The coherence of that response leads me to suspect you may have fallen to the average level here yourself. ????
  5. One look at the PISA educational tables will confirm the lack of education. Not the sharpest tools in the shed..
  6. Ha,I know exactly what that is . Hanlon’s razor frequently applies here too! ????
  7. The essential difference is that while Singapore consistently sits atop the PISA educational tables Thailand languishes near the very bottom. There simply isn’t the basic intelligence to even contemplate emulating Singapore.
  8. They’re about £20 per shot. You only need an IQ in single figures to work out the costs to the health service of the prevention of admissions and treatment plus the loss to the economy of people being ill /unable to work and the costs to the economy of shut businesses and furlough(employment support ) dwarf that of vaccination. AZ are supplying on a non profit basis. What’s your score….?
  9. The cost of a vaccination pales into insignificance vs the economic damage associated with not having them. Boosters are proving to be particularly cost effective .
  10. Looking to drive to Phuket for a few days next week and previously based myself in Karon beach. I hear Patong is open but wondered if bars etc are open in Karon now which I prefer overall unless it’s dead. Grateful for any recent reports or even alternative suggestions
  11. Replacements with more modest aspirations have been mooted - Peter Pickup and Terry Toyota are at the final interview stage.
  12. Oh they know what 'herbs' many are on,just by virtue of what comes out of their mouths!
  13. Simple clarification of the successor to COE - "Thailand?….Pass!! "
  14. It’s clear from the utterings he speaks from the 7th planet…
  15. A tip for those using UK banks while here. Set up and enable on your device and their app ,fingerprint id. It bypasses most security and access OTP codes and special customer numbers. Even works when doing an online purchase which the bank wants to verify before authorising - it just sends a message to the app which you quickly agree is yours by entering your fingerprint and you’re never reliant on your phone
  16. I was just reading another main thread about plans for Thailand’s education system. This seems to reveal much about what it produces,but maybe a bigger problem lies with the raw material it has to work with. The Thai Thick Gene ?
  17. No,you’re confusing me with what you see in the mirror. Public school educated..
  18. Sounds just like education in the West. All that comment demonstrates is your own lack of education.
  19. I expect ,given the coherence of that comment, you don’t have that experience to base a view on…
  20. I sometimes shudder when I think of the ruination of so many children’s lives at the hands of the Thai educational system which was so personally illustrated to me when I brought my 9 year old Thai stepdaughter with no English to the UK. Placed in a good state school she flourished ,speaking English in a few short months going to include English and Maths in her A levels which opened the door to a good university achieving a first in Business Economics which included a free one year student exchange programme at a top Singapore university. Now mid 20s with a well paid graduate job gained at her first interview and an assured future I feel so privileged to have enabled that ,but sometimes my stomach churns thinking what would have been the alternative outcome if remaining in Thailand .
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