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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. I expect ,given the coherence of that comment, you don’t have that experience to base a view on…
  2. I sometimes shudder when I think of the ruination of so many children’s lives at the hands of the Thai educational system which was so personally illustrated to me when I brought my 9 year old Thai stepdaughter with no English to the UK. Placed in a good state school she flourished ,speaking English in a few short months going to include English and Maths in her A levels which opened the door to a good university achieving a first in Business Economics which included a free one year student exchange programme at a top Singapore university. Now mid 20s with a well paid graduate job gained at her first interview and an assured future I feel so privileged to have enabled that ,but sometimes my stomach churns thinking what would have been the alternative outcome if remaining in Thailand .
  3. Look at Thailand’s dreadful ratings in the PISA educational tables (languishing near the bottom) to better inform your opinion. The results are visible in everyday life - shop /restaurant staff that can’t do the simplest of arithmetic without a calculator, poor foreign language skills and the country’s inability to produce properly functioning websites ( Thailand pass /90 day reports) . https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1808509/poor-grades-for-thai-students-in-pisa-tests
  4. The real low IQ comes from one who makes an assessment based on anecdotal evidence of a tiny amount rather than contrary data from a far wider base. Your arrival will certainly lower the (already low) average IQ in Thailand.
  5. Awww…damn! Thought I’d made a million on my first day.. ????
  6. Hanlon's razor is an adage or rule of thumb that states "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity".
  7. Hanlon's razor is an adage or rule of thumb that states "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity".
  8. Ah,someone who assesses a situation based on the anecdotal evidence of ONE . ????
  9. ‘Customer Services' (the part that sells you the insurance) will not be who you deal with after the event ,it will be the claims department of the underwriter. You may be OK but suggest you read the full terms and conditions with a fine tooth comb ..and don’t assume ANYTHING when it comes to being asymptomatic or just being quarantined at the whim of the authorities because you sat next to someone who tested positive.
  10. You’re the bloke in the pub with the dumb look on his face while everyone else is laughing at the joke . ????
  11. I saw that on mine but in another thread (that I can’t find now) people reporting the postal option wasn’t working,which was the main attraction! Also how does the QR code for internet payment work,I have a thai bank account.
  12. I say I want a better job with more pay but no concomitant qualifications nor plans to obtain them. That’s my plan ,eh? ????
  13. Simply more inane ,ill informed vague waffle. Aspiration without any meaningful understanding of ways to achieve.
  14. "Hanlon's razor " Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. The Thai 'Thick gene' ????
  15. Because you are only viewing it from your (very untypical) position. This scheme is meant to attract the once a year type normal tourist on a 2/3 week holiday and in significant volumes (opening up) . For the vast majority of these who can choose to go elsewhere by turning up at the airport with just vaccination certificate and perhaps a negative pre departure test this is far too onerous ( thailand pass and 1/2 days quarantine especially). There will be no high season..
  16. Rather like the blind from birth saying they don’t miss being unable to see.. One can 'manage' but it restricts convenience and ability to do much more.
  17. Only a single headline needed : " High season confirmed as not happening "
  18. You need to compile rather more subtle/original jokes then ????
  19. Exactly.. the 'at the vey least in hotels and hotel restaurants' is just icing on the cake.. "man who stands to benefit from reduced alcohol controls demands reduced alcohol controls' doesn't make quite the same headline does it. You appear to miss the bigger picture that without alcohol availability there will be no cake (tourists)in to put anything on . Closed facilities make for an unappetizing surroundings. I say this as someone who doesn’t drink,but I also say the die is cast ,the existing restrictions of additional testing and 1 night quarantine and the mire of ill thought through confusion surrounding them ,notwithstanding the already started winter wave of infections in Europe and airlines handing back 80% of their slots - there is no forthcoming season. "It’s an ex tourist trade" to paraphrase Monty Python
  20. 'Eager to visit Thailand' means 'like the idea of going if it was like it was before and easy to do '. '20% only booking a flight' is closer to a reality and remember those bookings aren’t like before when you were totally committed financially ,nowadays airlines are allowing no penalty flexibility to switch dates or change destination- so even those 20% are very provisional bookings.
  21. That 20% will be their estimate of a best case scenario and you can bet they have made provision to quickly downsize slots numbers even further when the inevitable catastrophe unfolds.There will be NO high season ,folks.
  22. So you’re feeling bullish about Thailand’s imminent tourist high season then …..?
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