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Everything posted by gravity101

  1. TM30 is dropped? Good luck getting anything done at immigration if your current address is still 'some hotel in Thailand'.
  2. This is the best way until we get clarity. International ATM withdrawals can't be tracked back. Larger purchases is where they are shooting themselves in the foot. Who on earth is going to buy a condo/house/car knowing they might have to pay a 30% tax premium on top of the purchase price come the end of the year? Who is going to put their kids in a high end school if the cost is now 30% more? Who will open a business, if to fund it you'll be liable for income tax? It'll all have to come from offshore without touching the local bank...
  3. Mustn't blame the source on here.
  4. Yes the empty headed idiots really are on show this morning.
  5. Absolute gold these responses.
  6. She should have lifted her t-shirt to show her sweaty belly, popped a fag in her mouth and stood next to a taxi rank having a wazz... the perfect disguise for being Thai.
  7. Funnily enough today I saw a Chinese lady at phuket immigration taking her little nipper (about 8 years old) for a pee up against the wall inside the compound of immigration. I thought oh she's gunna get told off.. Nothing. Full view of everyone and IO. I thought imagine the issue if they were.....russian/brit/swiss/oz/anyone but Thai or Chinese.
  8. Phi Phi is in Krabi. Just sayin'
  9. Nope. It was rejected first round for not having these pics. They be the regulations i had to follow. I'm sure anyone on a dependency visa can second this.
  10. Used wife as a nominee shareholder, not filed income taxes, drank a beer in the car, bought fake Nike shoes, smoked a vape. Driven too fast, didn't yield for zebra crossing, taken boat out with an expired licence, circumvented taxes by paying rent from offshore. Watched porn. That's just this week. Next week I'll be paying an agent to pay under the table just to get my effin extention done. Isnt that bribery?
  11. It's ridiculous. I remember last year I had to take extra photos of putting the kids into bed and cooking dinner for them in the kitchen for immigration. That's on top of the family photo of outside the house in front of the house number I've lived at for 20 years. Of course It was staged as it was 7am. We all had to do a costume change before school. Clearly the ampur docs proving I have children and the Court docs proving I am the father means nothing. I wonder what this year will bring?
  12. Well it was Chalong. Its a supermarket checkout at that roundabout for fines, deserved or not. Only foreigners though, Thais sail straight through always.
  13. Wtf. I have had so many Muslim office staff over the years. My boat captain and his family are probably my best Thai friends and are also Muslim, I even had a nanny at one point who was a Muslim who took care of my kids very well. Not one of them I've met want to stab anyone or hate western culture and don't want Thailand to look like err a '<deleted>hole' version of Thailand?!? Im just laughing at the thought of this very sweet Muslim girl in the office being the stabby sort or our office driver blowing someone up. Don't tar everyone with the same brush. Stop reading the Daily Hail dude. You have issues.
  14. When? Not on video or her Twitter description.
  15. Exactly. Some on here need to read that twitter thread first. Threats, derogatory comments about appearance, going to channel 3 channel 7, PPTV., 'Good time to #BANBADFARANGS' post as well as that quite serious threat. She is banging the same drum the media is. Faux anger if you ask me. No way would this have been put on twitter if it was a Thai guy. Also note SHE wasn't the one who had her backside slapped, no where does she say it was her. She is milking her friends issue for her own agenda. And I think we know what that is. I am not condoning the men's behaviour at all btw. They are idiots that need to be dealt with. But dealt with as though it was a Thai man according to Thai law.
  16. 100% she was milking the situation for all its worth for the camera.
  17. Revoke Visa! Revoke Visa! Revoke Visa! Revoke Visa! Revoke Visa! Seems to the the buzz phrase on everyone's lips lately. Wow she was fuming in the video, picked the wrong girl for a bum slap.
  18. Wasn't there an article a few days ago reporting on a crackdown on companies with nominee shareholders that included Thai wives?
  19. The OP was asking about Chinese EVs not BEV v Ice. My take is.... who really cares about longevity of a car, especially 20 years. All cars will require TLC after 10. Isn't the prevailing wisdom that 4 years or 60k miles is the optimum time to renew before it becomes uneconomical with maintenence costs? I'm sure BEV stretch that out a bit though regardless of where it was made.
  20. The 90 day report will flush him out.
  21. Absolutely none. Children, the lot of em.
  22. This isn't a tax issue. Sorry to say but I think your screwed. I made the fatal mistake of ordering a pretty expensive marine radio. Without the NBTC licence I could do nothing, and your can't get one unless your prepared to have the item tested and approved etc. Not practical on an individual level. And of course you can't send it back. It's stuck. Mine was either destroyed or given as a gift by some customs man.
  23. Who on earth has the time to video multiple times of your grandchild being raped. Bizarre.
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