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Everything posted by paulikens

  1. Caught between a rock and a hard place there Thailand. as you want your beloved chinese to come here but then you will have to complain to the powers that be of your beloved china. how can you brown nose them and complain at the same time? its a tricky one. no doubt you'll find a way to kiss their ass somehow. As even COVID hasn't stopped you kissing their ass even though because of them you probably lost millions of millions of pounds.
  2. @Dcheech Yes cuz they're millons of Thais that read this???? I can't tell you what i think of you because that would get me a ban on here
  3. Great! more concrete eyesores to ruin the beautiful Island and the stunning views
  4. I can assure in general its nothing to do with the thais not wanting to be different. as i get the blue buses regularly in Phuket and the general majority of passengers are tourists but a lot of time if Thais are on board they will wear masks. so in that situation they're the ones actually being different, as all the foreigners are mask free. And it isn't a case of them not wanting to be different to the rest of the thais because for starters ive seen it when its just one Thai on the bus wearing a mask, so they're no other thais to see them and also I've seen 2 or 3 thais on the bus and one of them is wearing a mask and the other one or two aren't . So, i think a lot of them must still hold their irrational fears over covid.
  5. I agree with you about the mask wearing at school and i know you said you will have a word with the educational officer at the school at the start of the new term but i fear masks will now be part of a school uniform. because if they haven't ditched them now they never will. Also if i was a parent i would just tell my kids not to wear the masks as its not mandatory and maybe the schools have their own rules but if every parent told their kids not to wear them they would soon ditch the ridiculous rule
  6. Seeing the video the taxi driver didn't help matters driving that fast
  7. which means the uncrowded countryside will then get crowded.
  8. Why don't they try a scare and fear mongering campaign like they did with covid. and at least it would be true, instead of the covid campaign which was mainly based on lies and manipulated statistics.
  9. As Thailand won't address the situation It's a shame the world's media don't highlight the issue more and I know its not their job to, as all the responsibility lays entirely at Thailand's door but maybe if the spotlight was suddenly shone on it and Thailand started to lose tourism because of it they might finally do something about it.
  10. I think I'm cynical till i come on here and read the posts. JESUS CHRIST! where is the empathy of some of the people on here?
  11. And the most infuriating part of their culture is telling you/leaving everything to the last minute. you're not really aware of this till you start working with them. And by god ! it can wind you up.
  12. And be aware they almost everything is a loss of face in their weird world. the most ridiculous things going, which are no connection to a loss of face will be to them. and they are only buddhists when it suits them. apart from that Thais are the same as us???? ????
  13. @nigelforbes And have you ever pondered why foreigners think everything is manipulated by the government cuz their figures just don't add up. funny how America have had Thailand on their watch list for countries that manipulate their currency for years. And when i went to pattaya nye 2021 every man and his dog had covid. Now admittedly they weren't in hospital so obviously wouldn't be added to any figures but if it was that rampant there, then in turn in would be spreading to the community where there would be potential of hospitalization, yet the hospitals were empty. Just for you to ponder.
  14. @TallGuyJohninBKK And you seem to be under the illusion that Thailand gave the real figures and didn't manipulate the official figures they released. I would probably bet that the real truth is they were one of the worse hit by covid, not one of the best.
  15. @BigStar exercising burns calories which in turns makes you lose weight, 50% is exercise. it will take longer to see the effects of exercising but will definitely help you lose weight in the long run especially if you maintain it. And anyway my point really, was that the majority of thais don't exercise and that can't help the obesity problem. Can you honestly tell me that obese people are fitness freaks... NO! And I've never met a obese person who exercises, so it must be a contributing factor.
  16. @scubascuba3 exercising burns calories which in turns makes you lose weight, 50% is exercise. it will take longer to see the effects of exercising but will definitely help you lose weight in the long run especially if you maintain it. And anyway my point really, was that the majority of thais don't exercise and that can't help the obesity problem.
  17. Even a doctor doesn't mention exercise. Is exercise such a dirty word that even a qualified medic can't utter the word.
  18. @BigStar I don't know of many car parks in Bangkok,? plus doing that didn't add to the traffic more road users added to it, not the stopping of cars and bikes parking anywhere they want. <deleted>
  19. Here's an idea... why don't they stop cars parking in any areas that aren't residential in Thailand and stop <deleted>**ing cars and bikes parking on pavements. and build some car parks and get the thais to learn that their legs can do a motion called walking <deleted> I never known a nation so against walking anywhere. Rant over
  20. @BigStar The one thing british people can't be accused of is being arrogant. don't know what british people you know or have come across but i can assure it isn't the norm.
  21. But that's the visa they're cracking down on. my friend just got his ed visa refused because immigration is stopping people staying here on that. so again ill say how are the russians getting away with it and everyone else isn't
  22. How are they getting 90 days then? As far as i know an extension is 45 days these days
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