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Everything posted by paulikens

  1. And we could all provide an article that opposes that view. We could be here all day exchanging articles, studies, etc etc. At the end of the day it should be a choice for each person whether they wanna wear masks or not, that's the bottom line.
  2. No you have let them be in charge of that, which is fair enough but it isn't a western thing or a Thai thing. It's a decision by both parties.
  3. if you've adopted Thainess and will take the bike 350metres rather than just walk, Or what's commonly known as being very lazy
  4. Tragic but it makes you wonder when people do things like this.......are they so arrogant that they think they're invincible?
  5. the reason of my original post was that i was hoping to find someone who had experienced the same thing. I've also stated that the reason given was around the line of 'not intending to stay for purpose of visit' So, If you or anyone else knows how long it is before i can go back with that charge? I'll gladly listen to your advise.
  6. But the only information I ever wanted was how long before i can go back to Thailand? everything else is irrelevant. I don't feel comfortable posting photos of my personal information on here. That's my private information. next people will want to see my bank account. the bottom line is when can i go back to Thailand after being denied entry? To be honest i posted, hoping someone had the same experience, So, then that would be the most sound information i could go on. But alas no-one had. I don't see what relevance the charge (if there is even one on my passport) has. there can't be a minimum of time for each different charge. But i have had some advise from people on here who seem to know what they're talking about and I thank them for that.
  7. In actual fact in the detention room there was a couple of said forms left by previous detainees. So, It's not exactly unusual for people to bin them or as 2 previous people done, not even take the forms with them. You really think i just made it up. I really, really wish i had. God! I wish this was made up but unfortunately it isn't
  8. Why would i keep it? For what purpose exactly? So i can look at it for years to come to remind myself of the nightmare! i had at Phuket airport
  9. Why would i keep it? For what purpose exactly? So i can look at it for years to come to remind myself of the nightmare! i had at Phuket airport
  10. Why would i keep it? for what purpose?
  11. Just another example of the Thais absolute obsession with so called 'loss of face'
  12. Unfortunately i binned it. I didn't really want any reminder of that nightmare????
  13. Although saying that, Malaysia never questioned it.
  14. I just realized as well now my passport has nothing on it for the 2 days i was in detention room. IE. i got stamped out of Malaysia wednesday and then went back to Malaysia Friday. Obviously Phuket didn't stamp me in. what happens there? cuz if the Thailand immigration haven't even flagged it on my passport, It will look like i just disappeared for one day.
  15. Well I'm a fairly unlucky person in general. So, I definitely think it could be just getting the IO at the wrong time. Or maybe immigration were just having a purge.
  16. BTW the form said something like "wasn't intending to stay for purpose of visit" in other words they was claiming i wasn't a tourist. What's your take on that Tim?
  17. search under what? genuinely interested.
  18. So, Had i until now. As has been said many times on here its IO discretion whether to let you in or not. I know they might have not done it lawfully but that wasn't the point, the point is it could happen to you. So, I don't know what your point is? Apart from some kind of gloating.
  19. Doesn't what happened to me prove that isn't the case
  20. I can guarantee i was polite. I'm British, all we do is polite.????
  21. When i say i was being quite vocal maybe that the wrong phrase i was just making them aware that i had a tourist visa as some one commented that maybe they didn't realize i had a tourist visa but that certainly wasn't the case. I wasn't ranting and raving or shouting. I'm not a idiot i know that isn't the right thing to do with immigration.
  22. I don't think that's the case because i was quite vocal in letting them know that i had a tourist visa. in a polite but assertive manner as i didn't want to give them even more reason to not let me in by being surly.
  23. I'm debating what to do actually. and wondering what are the best land borders to go through? the date is the end of october. I think I'll sit it out in Penang for a bit though even if i decide to go back via land border. Yes i had to pay for the flight back to Penang. not too much but still something i could have done without.
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