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Everything posted by paulikens

  1. Why only Bangkok? surely it has to be nationwide. following the science again???? the science of utter nonsense!
  2. why is it other countries can do it and there's no outcry, yet if some countries done it especially europe and america they would be called racist.
  3. @jacko45k watching sky news will make you think everything is better anywhere in the world. apart from the ukraine maybe
  4. fresh air to breathe.... that's a joke when you have to wear masks outside.
  5. @BKKBike09 and most countries pretty much give up the temp check a year ago, its now known that it isnt even a common symptom. and I've seen it go off in a 7-11 when a thai has done it and they have just carried on into the shop anyway and the staff haven't stopped them because they probably think its malfunctioning. so what is the actual point of having them? if they are just gonna ignore them if they go off anyway. madness
  6. @rwilli unfortunately i think you're right. the morals of thais are questionable sometimes. personally if i was in that position id rather he'd do more time than take blood money off him.
  7. even if masks do anything (which i don't think they do) for the majority of people covid will be mild flu like symptoms. so i think its quite wimpish to go to such extremes cuz you don't want a cold.
  8. we aren't encouraged to. we got to. we have no choice. why are they so obsessed with masks here? control i suppose. the thais have been brainwashed into wearing them all the time. i can't believe anyone in their right mind can believe they do anything. only the brainwashed can think they actually do something. the doctors who say they do help stop the spread of covid are the ones who have a vested interest to keep mask wearing going as long as possible.
  9. @tomster actually i did word that completely wrong. what i meant was at least 50% of foreigners weren't wearing them and more than likely more than that. because as you said a lot of foreigners realise they're pointless. But Thais still have an irrational fear of covid. and even if they lift the mandate a lot of Thais will carry on wearing them. as Thais don't do logical thinking.
  10. a dance festival with a dancing ban. it beggars belief. you couldn't make this stuff up. outta their minds
  11. @mikeymike100 you need glasses. no doubt you wear a mask, so to try and justify it to yourself, you delude yourself into thinking everyone else is wearing them. i don't know what bars you are going in as most girls aren't wearing them in there either.
  12. @shackleton so covid knows you're eating or having a drink? it's not a hardship. it just doesn't make sense.
  13. @mikeymike100 Have either of you actually been out lately? utter nonsense! at least 50-60% minimum aren't wearing masks and its more like 70-80%
  14. @tomster i suggest you buy some glasses. and anyway driving around shouldn't you be concentrating on the road, not looking to see who has masks on and who doesn't
  15. Next announcement..........only provinces that start with a D will be able to relax the requirement to wear masks and that is only on Tuesdays with a full moon.
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