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Posts posted by DM07

  1. If you are referring to the robbery, Willson was NOT AWARE of that, according to Fergussons very own police- chief.

    Wrong again. Read the Grand Jury evidence. Officer Wilson WAS AWARE of the robbery.

    a) where is your answer to my Trayvon- question?

    b ) wrong! The Fergusson police- chief said, he didn't! He was asked, if he was sure! Yes, he was sure! He was specifically asked, if he was saying, that he didn't know! No, he didn't know!

    Later it was said, he was aware, but unfortunatly/ conveniently, there was no evidence of that fact.

  2. The fact remains Michael Brown was black. 'If' is an attempt to escape to unreality, because 'if' Treyvon Martin had been white....but the reality and the fact is that Treyvon Martin was black too, period.

    Both of them indulged in criminal activities, both had a propensity for violence and both were responsible for their own demise. According to all the evidence, being black is not why they were dispatched.

    Care to enlighten us, in which "criminal activity" Treyvon Martin was engaged?

    And what kind of role actually the criminal activity played in the Michael Browne- shooting?

    If you are referring to the robbery, Willson was NOT AWARE of that, according to Fergussons very own police- chief.

    Or are you referring to jaywalking and talking back to a policeman?

    • Like 1
  3. The USA isn't "pulling itself apart" any more than England is pulling itself apart with its influx of foreigners or any more than Thailand is with its upheavals in government and in the South. It isn't pulling itself apart any more than the EU is pulling itself apart.

    There are always conflicts in this world. Some are foreign and some are domestic.

    The US was born in blood and will always have blood. Other countries which weren't born in blood are beginning to have blood.

    This is actually statically a tiny incident in a nation of more than 300 million people which has the world's third largest population. If some people with national voices didn't whip this up we never would have heard of it. If the deceased was white or the officer black we never would have heard of it.

    While the grand jury was deliberating, about 8,000 Americans died on the highways. We didn't hear about that. Annually about 10 people in a 100,000 die in a road accident. Thats still 32,000 people and no one panics.

    It's just a really big country and the odds are that a lot of things, good and bad, are going to happen. It will be in the news because it is the largest country by economy, the largest by usable land mass, the largest by natural resources, the largest militarily, and almost any thing that happens is news.

    When the population does not accept the findings of the judicial system, that is surely a bad thing. Whether it is seen as the country pulling itself apart or not depends on from where one is looking. Comparisons are odious at best, and usually very misleading. The numbers of people who find themselves to be victims or perpetrators of these incidents is easily arguably far higher in USA than any other country - as a proportion of the total population.

    "When the population does not accept the findings of the judicial system, that is surely a bad thing."

    What percent of the 320,000,000 population are you discussing? "The population" is largely going about its normal business. A TINY, MINISCULE, percentage of the population decided it was party time and that they'd loot (read steal) and burn and destroy. Maybe they wanted their 15 minutes of fame.

    If the media didn't blow this out of proportion it would have blown over by now, and I can assure you that the majority of the population thinks those rioters are low-lifes which they are.

    Yeah...the bad media again!

    And the social media!

    I really wish, they'd shut up.

    Things would be so much easier...

    • Like 1
  4. before calling the residents ignorant, superstitious, inhumane, apathetic, etc., read the first line carefully. it reads "Aids patients". if that doesn't make sense to you or think that it's the same as HIV, those residents probably know something we don't. when the condition of a person with HIV (HIV+ or HIV-positive) progresses to AIDS, that's when a number of diseases infect the patient. some can be treated easily, some difficult, some impossible to cure. simply put, AIDS patients get infected more easily and become infective themselves.

    there's probably a better way to deal with the situation, but i'd be alarmed myself if the incurable form of tuberculosis is within a stone's throw away from my kids' school and our home.


    HIV destroys your immune -system (at worst), so you are easier infected with all kinds of ....

    That doesn't mean,you carry any more diseases, than any other person, you are just easier infected.

    HIV - patients do not contract any "special" kind of deadly viruses.

    So...what is the better way, to deal with it?

    Put them in camps, far away from the city?

    Isolate them?

    • Like 1
  5. In his own words: he was chasing Brown, shooting at him FROM BEHIND!

    And concerning consistent and credible eye- witnesses, Brown was not "charging" at Willson through a rain of bullets.

    He had his hands up!


    Let's take just those two statements.

    There were no bullet wounds in Brown's back.

    Four of the bullet wounds were to the front of his arms and the trajectory shows that the arms were down.

    One of the bullet wounds, and perhaps the last one, was to the top of the head which only could have happened if Brown was head down charging as some witnesses and the officer claimed.

    Ballistic experts claim the last shots were fired at less than ten feet.

    You don't know what "credible witnesses" said because you weren't in the room. The appropriate people to make that claim were on the grand jury. It's also apparent that you haven't been following the most recent news on the subject.

    He was shooting at him- where did anyone say, he shot him from the back?

    But if I would be running from a cop, who starts shooting at me, maybe I would think :"Oh...that man is shooting at me! Maybe I better stop and surrender!" so I'd stop and raise my hands and better turn around, right?!

    It was in the top of his head, because he was already injured and possibly on his way down...because he'd been <deleted>' SHOT!

    Oh, I have been following the recent news, obviously not the ones you followed.

  6. There were black witnesses that told the grand jury the culprit turned and charged at the cop.

    They were not on facebook or TV telling the story.

    This is confirmed by physical evidence.

    His blood was found 30' beyond where his body lay.

    This is proof he came back towards the cop.

    Consider, moments before he assaulted the cop and was suspect in a robbery.

    Next time you rob a Mini Mart, don't go strutting down the middle of the road, smashing cops in the face.

    His blood was found 30' away...and that means, he was charging?

    It means, he came back...and that is it!

    I don't care if there where "black" witnesses or green witnesses.

    There were a lot of BS- witnesses.

    There are some very credible ones, though, f.e. the contractors that were captured on video.

    Look up the video, look at their reaction.

    To me, it seems like no one was charging at anybody.

  7. I see Thailand, like I would see any other country, including my home.

    I didn't leave because it was hell there and I didn;t come here expecting paradise.

    Thailand has good sides and bad sides.

    And since I refused to leave my brain at the Immigration, I will see, analyze and judge both sides.

    ...as I did, back home!

    ...as I would do everywhere else!

    Unfortunately, the bad sides influence (or are threatening to influence) my life, that of my wife and that of my son.

    A nice beach is a nice plus- a corrupt police force is an essential threat.

  8. Sukhumvit Soi 23 end has a female university and most ladies have jobs in the evening hours at Cowboi. This government is the most hypocrite in decades. What a joke.

    Wow you've reached 39 posts - all pretty much a waste of cyberspace. But I guess it's builds your quota.

    In reality, and you know it, the policy is not aimed at girls who have jobs in soi cowboy, in fact you post is dishonest and misleading, deliberately no doubt.

    There is a serious teen pregnancy problem in Thailand (been in the news again just recently) and this includes girls from all walks of life.

    There will no doubt many parents in all countries who are non too happy about their teen daughters being able to easily visit / stay with teen boys and happy that someone is trying to do something to slow down the teen pregnancy problem.

    How many "teenagers" are there at a university, in your opinion?

    Entrance starts around age 18

    So...in the years you spend at a university you are a teenager for 2 years!

    Wow, that will be a giant blow to teenage- pregnancy!

  9. 1 ) the drug argument is laughable. There were traces of Marihuana in Michale Brown's blood, but that doesn't mean he was "under the influence". You can trace Marihuana in the blood for a few days after consumption. And even if: drug does not equal drug! Pott is a downer, if anything, it makes you mellow and not aggressive.

    2 ) right after the shooting, the police- chief of Fergusson was asked REPEATEDLY in an interview, if Officer Willson was aware of the robbery in the convenience store. He REPEATEDLY said, that Willson had no knowledge of this. Later, the spin- machine under full steam, he had...a little...maybe...for sure. Conveniently there is no recorded evidence of that.

    3 ) Officer Willson was 6,4...he was a big guy and a trained (at least, we hope so) long-serving police officer! He was frightened like a 5 year old, facing Hulk Hogan? How tall was Brown? 8,5? If he was so scared of a "demon", maybe he should quit police-work and do something more soothing...like gardening!

    4 ) He said himself, he was chasing Michael Brown. Then he said, Brown turned around and was "charging" at him. The few credible eye- witnesses said NOTHING like that. Brown had his hand up and got shot several times. How logical (oh...I forgot...he was drugged!) is it to turn around and charge at someone, who is shooting at someone from behind? And he was charging through the bullets? He was a big black man- not Batman!

    5 ) the prosecutor delivered points for the deffence, because he wanted to "fairly present all sides"! That is NOT what he should do!

    These are just some of the points, that punch HUGE holes into this case!

    Reminds you of something?

    Koh Tao, maybe?!

    Most of your "facts" are dead wrong and were proven wrong by forensic evidence.

    A grand jury of ordinary citizens had 3 months to look at the actual evidence and hear the actual experts and came to one conclusion.

    You don't know a damned thing but have your own conclusions. Brilliant.

    Facts like: a big@$$ grown man with police training was scared to death by a guy, who was slightly taller than him and unarmed?

    Facts like: dope turns you into an aggressive animal?

    Facts like: he was shot from a distance of up to 35 feet away?

    Facts like: he had his hands up as a sign of surrender, as reported by credible eye- witnesses?

    Facts that were presented in an insuficient way, by a (most likely biased) prosecutor?

    Facts like: police- officers never do wrong- black men always do wrong?

    The only point that I give you: there seemed to be a confrontation between Michael Brown and officer Willson before the fatal shooting.

    And -at best for Willson- Brown started it!

    But even if that was the case: everything that followed is solely and clearly the responsibility of Willson!

    In his own words: he was chasing Brown, shooting at him FROM BEHIND!

    And concerning consistent and credible eye- witnesses, Brown was not "charging" at Willson through a rain of bullets.

    He had his hands up!

    He was surrendering!

    At best, Willson acted in a form of hyped- up anger.

    At worst, he shot him in cold blood.

    But unfortunately, we will never know, because there will never be a trial.

    Willson was not only whitewashed, he was made the victim!

    We have heard his side, now let's hear Michael Browns version of things!

    Oh...wait...we can't....because he was shot in the head and died!

    • Like 1
  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Sukhumvit Soi 23 end has a female university and most ladies have jobs in the evening hours at Cowboi. This government is the most hypocrite in decades. What a joke.

    Wow you've reached 39 posts - all pretty much a waste of cyberspace. But I guess it's builds your quota.

    In reality, and you know it, the policy is not aimed at girls who have jobs in soi cowboy, in fact you post is dishonest and misleading, deliberately no doubt.

    There is a serious teen pregnancy problem in Thailand (been in the news again just recently) and this includes girls from all walks of life.

    There will no doubt many parents in all countries who are non too happy about their teen daughters being able to easily visit / stay with teen boys and happy that someone is trying to do something to slow down the teen pregnancy problem.

    How many "teenagers" are there at a university, in your opinion?

  11. 1 ) the drug argument is laughable. There were traces of Marihuana in Michale Brown's blood, but that doesn't mean he was "under the influence". You can trace Marihuana in the blood for a few days after consumption. And even if: drug does not equal drug! Pott is a downer, if anything, it makes you mellow and not aggressive.

    2 ) right after the shooting, the police- chief of Fergusson was asked REPEATEDLY in an interview, if Officer Willson was aware of the robbery in the convenience store. He REPEATEDLY said, that Willson had no knowledge of this. Later, the spin- machine under full steam, he had...a little...maybe...for sure. Conveniently there is no recorded evidence of that.

    3 ) Officer Willson was 6,4...he was a big guy and a trained (at least, we hope so) long-serving police officer! He was frightened like a 5 year old, facing Hulk Hogan? How tall was Brown? 8,5? If he was so scared of a "demon", maybe he should quit police-work and do something more soothing...like gardening!

    4 ) He said himself, he was chasing Michael Brown. Then he said, Brown turned around and was "charging" at him. The few credible eye- witnesses said NOTHING like that. Brown had his hand up and got shot several times. How logical (oh...I forgot...he was drugged!) is it to turn around and charge at someone, who is shooting at someone from behind? And he was charging through the bullets? He was a big black man- not Batman!

    5 ) the prosecutor delivered points for the deffence, because he wanted to "fairly present all sides"! That is NOT what he should do!

    These are just some of the points, that punch HUGE holes into this case!

    Reminds you of something?

    Koh Tao, maybe?!

    • Like 1
  12. Replying to post #179 by CM Nightrider:

    I am not hating anyone, not even racist coppers.

    It DOES matter, by the way, why he was stopped, because action triggers reaction!

    But of course, you know that, don't you?

    It doesn't sit too well, with the population of a mainly "black" community, when they got stopped for no obvious reason by a mainly "white" police- force.

    Come to think about it: I assume you know, but you couldn't care less, because the one time in your live that you got stopped by a cop, you didn't bother.

    Come back, when you get stopped over and over and over again, by a cop for no obvious reason and tell me again, that it doesn't matter!

    I would ask you, to walk a mile in the shoes of an African- American, being subjected to racial profiling.

    But I guess, it makes no sense, because...racism in the US simply doesn't exist...right?!

  13. You rob a store and beat up a cop, whatever colour you are you're fair game for getting shot in my book. It's called tough titties. It was just unfortunate the perp was black. What do they want, immunity?

    a) the store- robbery was not part of the deal and you very well know it! It is just a talking point, brought up by the right-wing media (Faux Noise).

    It had nothing to do, with Michael Brown being shot, because at the moment of the shooting, Officer Willson did not know about it!

    cool.png the "beat up a cop"- part is also not 100% cleared up, so...

    Try harder!

    Huh?? Brown being involved in a robbery and assaulting the store clerk is nothing more than a "right-wing media talking point"?? Moments later Brown attacks an on duty police officer, and gets himself shot. (Faux Noise)??? Interesting post.

    It is, in the context of this case.

    Michael Brown was not stopped for robbing a store, he was stopped for jaywalking.

    There are as many witness account for an attack on the officer as there are against.

  14. You rob a store and beat up a cop, whatever colour you are you're fair game for getting shot in my book. It's called tough titties. It was just unfortunate the perp was black. What do they want, immunity?

    a) the store- robbery was not part of the deal and you very well know it! It is just a talking point, brought up by the right-wing media (Faux Noise).

    It had nothing to do, with Michael Brown being shot, because at the moment of the shooting, Officer Willson did not know about it!

    cool.png the "beat up a cop"- part is also not 100% cleared up, so...

    Try harder!

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