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Posts posted by DM07

  1. Of course they were tested at the first round (see link below), as you say, they worked at the AC bar and even admitted being near the crime scene at the beach. There was NO MATCH period! Anybody that thinks different is IMO completely out their mind. Unfortunately they were the perfect scapegoats for Captain Eureka.

    It has been pointed out here how easy it is to swap DNA samples and IMHO these B2 are 1000% not guilty. B3 said they were sleeping like babies around 5.00am, they didn't flee the island, just went on with their work the next day and had no bruises or scratches whatsoever. Not one microscopic bit of blood was found on them nor found at their room ever.

    Anybody involved in this cover up should be locked away for a very very long time and the people responsible for this crime, I expect around 3 to 4 wannabee badboys partying with Mon & Nomsod, should be locked away for-good. Free the B2, NOW!


    I think that we can safely say that no blood (from either of the victims) were found on them (presumably, they would have had showers / baths from the time of the crime till their arrest) but we do not know for sure that the RTP did not "discover" blood in their rooms.

    This could well be another piece of "evidence" that "appears strong and convincing"

    p/s: note that use of apostrophes (hope I got the spelling right) and make of them whatever you will

    Deleted...because I was too late! wink.png

  2. Motive is the elephant in the room for me. I find it very difficult to credit that two people with no apparent history of violence would together take it into their heads to suddenly commit horrific murder and rape on the spur of the moment. One person - possibly. But two? A mutual murder lust overcomes them simultaneously, and in a matter of minutes at most they agree to commit a capital crime? Drunk or not, unless both these two have some history of violence, I'm afraid I simply can't envisage it. And then when they've finished, they re-position the corpse in the most humiliating position possible? Why?

    It simply doesn't add up.

    They are from a country that is has a great deal of violence, including rape that largely goes unprosecuted. We have no idea what violence they may or may not have done in the past. Was there anyone on the island who has a history of rape and murder?

    Now THAT is a question, one should really try to answer...isn;t it?!

    digging....own grave...

  3. I see, it is a good thing, that he did that.

    What I don't get: why and how is this news- worthy?

    He returned a wallet!

    Where I come from, people do that everyday and it will not end up as headline- news!

    People do that stuff and it is nice...but only on a very slow news- day and only under outstanding circumstances, is this news!

    "Where I come from, people do that everyday and it will not end up as headline- news!"

    How do you know that? If the incidents are not reported then you would not know that they happened.

    Oh, so clever! coffee1.gif

    If a tree falls in the forest and nobody sees it...

  4. By the way: I have no problem with (almost) anyone, using a Hitler- image or the Nazi- flag and -symbols, to make a point!

    But at least, they should have some knowledge, what they are talking about.

    That is clearly not the case here and in any "Nazi- fashion- chic"!

    Well Hitler certainly isn't the devil, is he? Some think so, but that is an absurdity. What about Satanic - fashion chic? No one seems to mind the Author of Evil (regarding those who believe in such rubbish), but nevertheless, why stop at Adolph Hitler. Why not carry the battle to Satan himself? Nah. We don't want to focus the attention on the billions that Satan has claimed.

    Anyway, it is foolishness to even imagine attempting to discuss a subject with people who feel they own the editing rights to the subject, and emphatically oppose anyone who even remotely gives an indication of copyright infringement on their portrayal of the subject, or rewriting what they wrote, or what they want to be seen, read, published, spoken, written, acted out, etc.

    It's a regular industry, it is. The only one in human history that is used as the defining reason for justifying the same exact behavior that is, in kind, condemned.

    That's a showstopper if I ever heard one.

    There is no harm in using Adolph Hitler as a historical reference, and moreover I emphasize that as a historical reference, he is not owned by anyone; ...nor does anyone have copyright rights on his name or anything else about him. The measure of pure evil, hatred directed towards this man merely casts more attention on those who are directing this pure, evil hatred.

    I say pure, evil hatred simply because it is not enough for some people to purely hate this historical reference (I understand that and truly sympathize), but to carry that pure, evil hatred onto other people's rights to this historical reference, and to demonize other people for exercising their right to use this historical reference as a means to get a point across is just plain wrong.

    I have seen this kind of pure, evil hatred in my life. It is like a cancer that eats away a person's soul and turns them into the very thing they cannot get closure to, ...and move on in life. It's called crisis counseling and being able to go through the cycle of crisis to become whole again. Acceptance.

    But when people refuse to accept, and move on and mend and heal, then there is only one thing remaining: an open wound that gets infected and gangrenous and odorous. It is up to the individual and their ability get closure and acceptance, instead of drudging up the past and reminding everyone of the past and hounding people about the past, and criminalizing people if they don't agree with the past when the topic is broached again and again and again, ad nausea. That is how you create enemies.

    Most people, who are normal, get closure to crisis in their life. They go through the cycles and finally reach acceptance. This is normal. They are able to move on and when something triggers the memories, they are able to snuff out the knee-jerk reaction instantly because they have mended and healed themselves out of a desire to get back into the human race... you know what I mean... "Peace on Earth and Good Will towards All Men" and such.

    It is standard procedure to help victims to recover to the pint that they can be re-introduced into society and be healthy and happy people. It is not the norm to change society so that the victim can enter into it and with open wounds and unhealed memories that bring on narcissistic fits of paranoia and violent threats or violent complaining and such.

    The subject is about Adolph Hitler not being used in some marketing ad. Everything else has, as always, been turned into screams and cries about how evil he is (IS) and all kinds of attention being drawn to how it's going to happen again, and anyone mentioning his name without approval must be one of his followers, etc. etc. ad nausea.

    I can assure a lot of people that Adolph Hitler is dead. I can also assure people that I am not a an anti-Semite, re-incarnated Nazi from the 1930's as has been implied before.

    I can also assure people that when I consider what kind of mind can come up with such far-fetched accusations, I can only think of one that cannot think clearly, because it is so infected with pure, evil hatred; moreover it cannot distinguish the difference between simple opposition in the present and the bitter past.

    In closing, I see the OP as nothing worth mention, were it Alexander the not so Great (for conquering and murdering millions), or Genghis Khan, or any other person or persons throughout history and to this present day, who deal out pure, evil hatred.

    The world gets tired of this kind of mentality. Life gets tired of it. I am tired of it, and I submit billions are tired of it as well. When someone can't let go and move on, it simply tells me that someone is afraid to let go, and the thing they can't let go of (pure, evil hatred) will be the anchor that drags them down to the bottom of the sea. This is what every counselor, every psychologist, every psychiatrist, every person who has healed, every loving, kind hearted person will tell you.

    It's time to let go and move on, and leave people the freedom to see you for what you are today (TODAY), and not choke them with reasons from the past to justify why you are indeed sick and wounded and gangrenous and odorous and jumping out of your skin every time you hear a noise in the room.

    What Adolph Hitler did was wrong, but that has no affect on what other people think about you, as long as you are nice and good hearted towards people; no affect at all.

    Just my take on the matter.

    Maybe, I should have read on, but I couldn't get past the first few sentences?

    Are you for real?

    Do you want to know, what the difference is, between Hitler- chic and Satanic- chic?



    Satan didn't do anything to anyone, because he is just a figment of the imagination, like the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Gandalf and the Toothfairy!

    Hitler and all he did ...that really happened, you know?!

    And that is kind of important, don't you think?

    That is, why I don't give a hoot for Satan- chic!

  5. There is a balance in the Millers family statement, on the one hand they are saying that people should put off further speculation on the case but they are also highlighting the need for a fair and transparent trial along with thanking the rights groups involved in this:

    Miller Family

    The evidence collected by the Royal Thai police will be presented at court and we hope the suspects are granted a fair and transparent trial. We are thankful of the over-sight of pressure groups such as Reprieve and Amnesty.

    So what did those particular rights groups say regards this case that the Miller family are thanking them for:


    "Maya Foa from the fair trials group Reprieve, said the group extended deep sympathies to the victims’ families and “understand their desire to see that those responsible are held to account”. She added: “We also share their desire to see a fair and transparent trial process. At the moment, however, this does not seem to be happening.


    “The Thai authorities must initiate an independent, effective and transparent investigation into mounting allegations of torture and other ill-treatment by police,” said Richard Bennett, Amnesty International’s Asia-Pacific Programme director.

    “The pressure to be seen to be solving an appalling crime that has garnered considerable attention should not result in the violation of rights, including to a fair trial.”

    The way things are presently the likelihood of a fair and transparent trial look more remote as each day passes.

    You noticeably left out the balance you say is there. What did they say about the evidence against the defendants?

    The Miller's Said,


    "From what we have seen, the suspects have a difficult case to answer. The evidence against them appears to be powerful and convincing. They must respond to these charges, and their arguments must be considered with the same scrutiny as those of the prosecution.

    Lets not confuse their views on human rights with their view on the guilt of these suspects. Same, just because the police threatened or abused them into confessing, doesn't mean they are innocent, it just means in Thailand and most lessor developed nations accused or convicted are generally not treated to the same standard we like to see in our home countries.

    Bottom line, based on the family statements, they both seem like very good hearted and rational people who clearly have more insight and info into this case than any of and their motives for wanting to see the right people convicted should be above question.

    Sorry...I hope I have your permission to alter the font in your original post and...WHAAAAAAAAAT???

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  6. A triumph of bigotry and prejudice, what's next guys? Setting Buddhist temples on fire for their worship of Nazi symbols?

    Much better, to have some heads explode in outrage, over a Punk-singer wearing a saffron robe or a company printing Buddha- images on the outside of toilets, half a world away!

    Funny, how outrage in the minds of the Thais (and those, Thai'er than Thai) is always justified, when something is offending Thais.

    One could also hint to a specific law...

    Talking about bigotry!

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  7. I don't blame the defendants for trying to wring sympathy out of people wherever they can. However, there really is nothing ASSK can do. This is just media hype.

    As I don't blame you for making such a silly comment. you have to state your point every time. But when someone wants to state theirs, you ask them to stop. Prove to me that this is a hype and stop spreading rumors.

    Not a hype when two lives are involved. This is about saving humanity.

    I have not asked people to stop posting. 2 lives have been lost and it is likely the defendants are guilty.

    ...in a galaxy far, far away...

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