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Posts posted by DM07

  1. Read line three of my response. Get me in touch with them and I will.

    As for appropriate, this whole campaign is inappropriate.

    Started by cowards too scared to politely point out to the tourists what they were doing wrong.

    You don't need to be confrontational to do this.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but no one at the Wat said anything did they? Wasn't it a cowardly INTERNET warrior much like yourself who saw the photos posted in Facebook and got bent out of shape?

    Look on Facebook to get in touch with them. Any one can find them in a minute.

    I very much doubt this guy is literate. Thai bashers seldom are.

    Bit on a high horse, much?!

    Get a grip, will ya'?

    Two people doing Yoga OUTSIDE a temple!

    What is the world coming to, huh?!

    It has nothing to do with "bashing", if one asks for the same "tolerance" Thais ask of "us", when they promote Nazi- chic without even thinking about eg. not having a clue!

    • Like 1
  2. A Frenchman called, Dmitri?

    It appears that in Thailand deaths of farangs is a suicide until proven otherwise.

    Sadly I very much doubt that how and why this person died will be established and this is the last we will hear of this case. Just another mystery death to add to the lists. But it does seem that the proportion of farang deaths here in Thailand is exceptionally high and rather scary. The question being, WHY?

    These are the names of some French international footballers! Abdelkader Ben Bouali, Maryan Wisnieski Zinedine Zidane, Samir Nasri, Hatem Ben Arfa and Youri Djorkaeff. Will you all get over the name, please!?

  3. Darwinism at it's finest.


    Please think before making some kinda attempt at humour, which is really racism in disguise.

    Have you any idea how many innocent people are killed or injured because of drunk drivers?

    Everybody knows that!

    But you do also know, that in this country no one gives a hoot for traffic laws or the enforcement!

    What about those innocent - or anyone for that matter- speaking up and demanding better protection and not just lip- service, 5 days before the next festival of carnage!?

    Oh, right: mai bpen rai!

  4. If AleG thinks that he knows so much and we are all wrong then he should back up his claims with evidence of dates of when and how Nomsod travelled to from the island prior to and after the murders evidence of flight information would also help.

    You are making the claim that he was on the island and he is connected with the murders, the burden of proof is on you to support the claim with evidence.

    If you don't understand that I suggest you leave the solving crimes stuff to people who do.

    Well...that one is not even so difficult!

    Just look at the back and forth and fumbling and stumblin' of people, close and connected to said person, who made comments on his whereabouts (and those of other people)! His father, his girlfriend, his co-students, the RTP....

    "He was in Bangkok..."

    "He was on the island..."

    "He was studying..." (well...)

    "He was with me..." (...but you were somewhere else, than you claimed to be, so...)

    On the other hand, look at the "final" statement(s) of the RTP (an organisation, known to be corrupt to the core)!

    Both are not really solid evidence, but which makes you think "Well...that is interesting!"?

    IMHO I'll have a look at the above statements, differing from each other!

    If it proves nothing else, at least it proves, that no one can really be sure, about where he was!

    That is good enough for me, to put him under very strict observation, it would make me look very closely at his alibi (phone records etc.)

    So, I have a bunch of conflicting testimonies and you have the word of the RTP....

    You loose, I win!

  5. Would our beloved leader be so kind to explain what he considers Thainess, there seems to be quite a bit of confusement.

    Our community here seems to have quite a different interpretation, except Costas of course.

    I guess, you might get a good idea from his 12 ...rules for children, or whatever that cr@p was!

  6. The hypocrites are out in full force blaming the villagers for being greedy and heartless, but guess what, if their own wallets would be affected, they would have voted for eviction just the same!

    I - for one- couldn't care less!

    But hey....I have some humanity left in me, so ...please...speak only for yourself!

  7. at the get-together. . . .

    If there's a guitar in the room, I could play some renditions of....

    'Only You' (Platters)

    'Under My Thumb' (R.Stones)

    'I'm an Apeman' (Kinks)

    'Teenage Wasteland' (Who)

    'Midnight Rambler' (Stones)

    'I'll Be Watching You' (Police)

    . . . . . sing-alongs, ok.

    Since I put the angle grinder through my left hand a couple of years ago you may well be short a Bass player.

    Anything Rod Stewart sang I could play, plus meatloaf and many 80's bands...

    Could even do Smokie!!!!

    If ANY of that happened, I would have a bloody guitar in my hands by the end of the evening!

  8. "Not sure of you read the forums here but I don't think i've seen anybody seriously imply that sean was a killer."

    Actually, he has been accused of being the killer, under some ridiculous gay jealously rampage theory, both by a policeman at some point, and by some posters here in TV still. Even on this very thread page you have Stephen Terry making the accusation (before retracting it because it's so easy to mistake a murderer with a witness to a murder rolleyes.gif ).

    "If that was indeed the case then why didn't the moustachioed cop pick up his radio and call for backup, cuff sean and take him away if they were so convinced he was the killer"

    I don't know, do you know? How do you know he had a radio?

    My guess is, as I said, that the two were two hot heads acting on what they "knew".

    "And correct me if i'm wrong but Mon is not a police officer, an investigator or a judge. So why exactly does he have any business chasing down innocent people and supposedly threatening them? Care to explain that one away?"

    About the same business as some people here fantasizing about chasing down the "real murderers", for example, none.

    Ridiculous, eh?

    There was a poster here before who was the first person I noticed who firmly believed that the RTP had got the right guys and that the 2 Burmese lads are guilty. He believed it so firmly that he seemed to be dedicated to shouting down any suggestion from any other posters that anyone but the 2 Burmese lads could have done it. So active was he with his posting on these Koh Tao threads that it seemed to me his intent was not to actually convince anyone of the Burmese lads guilt, but to stifle open and free discussion about who may be involved if in fact the 2 Burmese lads are innocent, as many believe. Perhaps he theorized that if the focus was kept purely on debating the pros and cons of the case against the B2 no one would shine the spotlight on any person or persons unknown. and it seemed to me that his efforts were intended to protect this person or persons unknown from coming under suspicion. The poster in question is openly gay, and I believe he is a keen diver who frequents Koh Tao. When it was suggested that perhaps there was a gay connection to the murders, he packed up his keyboard and moved on. Maybe he didn't think it was quite so ridiculous.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with people being gay, and I'm not a homophobe. What I do have a problem with is the prospect of anyone deliberately claiming they believe in the guilt of the B2 in order to protect others of the same sexuality who may have been involved in the murders. What I find particularly reprehensible about this is not only the prospect of 2 young lads who may well be innocent being given the death penalty, but also the fact that if they are innocent then there is a violent, dangerous and probably psychotic person or persons out there who will no doubt be overflowing with confidence right now due to the fact that he/she/they is most likely getting away with murder. If such a person or persons exist there is no guarantee that they are not still on Koh Tao. Just what you don't need - a psychotic with a swagger on a small island with a regular turnover of young men and women who almost exactly match the profile of last victims, poor David & Hannah.

    What I also have a problem with is the prospect of a parent somewhere who, after reading these threads mistakenly believes that based on the sheer volume of posts the majority of people on this site are of the opinion that the B2 are guilty and the killers are locked up, when in fact it is only the view of a handful of posters and the vast majority do not believe this. That parent may feel that all the people who think the killer is locked up seem intelligent and articulate individuals and everyone else must be a crazy conspiracy theorist as claimed, and so decides to give approval to their son or daughter's planned trip to Thailand that includes a visit to Koh Tao. That prospect disturbs me.

    Yes, ridiculous, as you post clearly demonstrates, for example with outrageous claims like this:

    "What I do have a problem with is the prospect of anyone deliberately claiming they believe in the guilt of the B2 in order to protect others of the same sexuality who may have been involved in the murders."

    Good thing you are not a homophone though. rolleyes.gif

    What is a homophone?

  9. Defense lawyers 4 Zaw Lin(Koh Tao accused)charged illegal entry/stay in Thailand, just produced his passport in court


    Zaw Lin's passport clearly rebuts prosecutor charge illegal stay in Thailand, he was lawfully residing in Thailand at time of his arrest

    Priceless! They can't even get THAT right?!

    I am 100% convinced now, that all the other claims are airtight and water- and bulletproof!


  10. A truly horrific event for those that died and for those that survived and are still traumatised 10 years on.

    As an atheist, I ask again, as I have many times to those spouting religion at me, if there really is a God, in whatever form, why did he/she/they decide it was warranted to kill 235,000? A sensible answer as to why has as yet to be forthcoming from anyone, high or low.

    That said, I don't want to get into a debate about religion. I don't try and convince those that believe to stop doing so, I only want others that do to stop trying to make me do so.

    All that said, one man's meat.....

    You mentioned religion, so I'll add a follow-up. Looking at the tsunami, and the mega destruction it caused for our one species - would be a strong indication that God does not exist. If God existed, then He would be a wrathful God, to unleash so much destruction and death on the one species which resembled his only Son.

    However, deists have grabbed on tight to their myths, so no amount of logic or sense would get them to waver. It's akin to a group of people who firmly stick with believing in Santa Claus, despite proofs there is not abearded man dressed in red and white who slinks down every chimney in the world in the span of a few hours.

    Deists insist on saying "Oh my God" (or 'Allah Akbar') when very good or coincidental things happen, and they say the same when very bad things happen. God, for them, is a shape-shifter who can adapt to every situation. If it makes a person feel warm and fuzzy to believe in a God, then ok, go ahead. But please don't harm the planet or living things in the course of your beliefs.

    10 Years on!

    Never forget: Mother Nature is a beautiful, mysterious woman who can be a nasty, evil bitch sometimes.

    Never forget!

    Nature isn't evil. Nature just is. Geological processes have no intent, good or bad. If you were on this planet when a similar sized protoplanet bashed in to it, about 3 billion years ago, you might think that was the ultimate evil. But it was a physical process, and it begat our lone moon. Without a moon, this planet would be extremely windy, and not an easy place for life to eke out an existence.

    Yeah ...also, if I get Alzheimers, I might forget...

    I was speaking in metaphors! coffee1.gif

  11. well, he is on a train, and offers his seat to a lady. Then he moves about, searching for an alternate seat, sees the monk who is ccupying two seats, in a sleeping position.

    Would YOU wake the monk ?

    IMO, I would not. Not in Thailand. Live and let live.

    I wouldn't ever mind this monk occupying any two seats, or maybe three, or maybe more. Leave him alone I would think.

    It 's very impolite to wake up sleeping people and point out that the seat next to them must be cleared.

    I would however, act so in any western country. Because in these places, we have a f...g right to a seat. The train

    personell will agree with you.

    Not so in accordance with the culture here.

    You might consider monks being scum, useless, beggars and lazy guys trying to avoid work, pretending to pray for the goodness of us all, but Thais think very differently of them. You are guests here and are asked to respect the cultural roles

    Maybe the seats were reserved for monks, like they are on riverboat taxis in Bangkok, amnd in buses. The Video doesn't clearly show any signs but maybe this seat was reserved for monks

    ...but it no way impolite for anyone to take 3 seats sleeping, as others have to remain standing?

    Monk or not, there should be some logic to any persons....oh...TIT!

  12. So here is my question to the Fab4: if -according to you and your favorites in the BIB- the case against the B2 is so totally clear and safe...why would ANYONE be fearing repercussions from anyone else?

    Who do you belong to , the Fab5 that keep this thread warm with theories all the time ? I do not belong to anyone , I look at it from both sides of the coin.

    If it's true that the Burmese workers on the island are already back in their home country, they do not have to fear anyone , and I am sure they will cooperate as witnesses if necessary . IF they have something to add to this case, most of them were probably asleep that night.

    The defence team working for B2 can express anything they want , its their opinion .

    What we need is facts, not speculations that you guys are involved in.


    a ) I asked a simple question- if you want to answer it: go ahead!

    b ) Mentioning the Fab4, but not mentioning any names...and you spring into action! Wear the shoe if it fits!

    c ) I belong to the people, who see major flaws in the investigation and to those, who do not believe the RTP- narrative...for some good reasons!

    But: yes- I would see this subject stay alive, for as long as the people who I believe are innocent are alive ...and beyond that, if necessary.

    • Like 1
  13. The most interesting part of the DNA-testing (and all the fumbling, misinformation and shameful theater of the RTP in unison with the headman's family): when asked, why the headman's family was able to refuse the DNA-testing, some (of the many) policemen (who can not keep their mouth shut, when a microphone pops up) said, it was their "human right to do so"!

    Just a few words: 200 odd Myanmar- workers on the island got rounded up and got their DNA tested (some twice, if we are to believe the totally effed up narrative)!

    Human rights, much???

  14. maybe if parents stopped buying their kids expensive toys it wouldnt happen but then I suppose they would lose face not having the best around, same applies to motor bikes/scooters they buy for their under aged kids too then bitch when they are killed or injured riding it illegally, tit.

    So...ahm...that is your justification or excuse?

    It is the fault of the parents of the victim?

    Some people....

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