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Posts posted by DM07

  1. ooooookay...let me get that straight!


    a) all booths will be manned...as opposed to normal days, where this is clearly not the case?!

    The mind boggles!

    b ) 45 seconds per customer? Let's assume for a second, this is reality....how does that amass to 3 hours waiting, especially, if all booths are manned?

    c) can you stop this BS about this #$@&(ING soap- opera already?

    No one except the sheep inside this country is watching that crap and no one will travel to Thailand, because of that!

    Unless you invent time- travel of course and can teleport people back to this fake and made up period in this dreamed up history of Thailand! 

    But I guess that is next, after you cured AIDS and Ebola already and will host the World Cup and a F1- race within the next 2 years!



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  2. Based on what?

    It is a3rd world country, with a corrupt police force, almost no rule of law, putting any tourist behind any Thai-citizen in any kind of dispute, it has a military junta leading and no freedom of speech (making it dangerous for anyone who is not sensible enough to shut his/her mouth, when talking about certain people), there are little to no safety standards on any boats or other vehicles....the list of potential dangers is endless!

    How can anyone with 2 working braincells come up with such a blanket statement?

    ...oh...yeah...I see...I said 2 braincells....my bad!

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  3. On 4/1/2018 at 1:27 PM, geriatrickid said:

    The cameras became detached during the struggle did they not? 

    When you use the expression "innocent kid" what do you mean? Innocent of what, as he was a convicted felon on parole. Do you think the young girls he pimped would call him innocent? How about the women he beat up? Or how about the victims of his armed robberies?  Don't call him "innocent" when the reality was that he was a violent thug who preyed on society's weak. If he was  killed without justification, it will be up to the court to  address the case, not a screaming mob  who ignore the man's violent activities.

    None of the past cases matter in this one, though!

    In this case he was "an innocent kid", no?!

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