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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 6 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Keep your hair on !!

    I like them too and as I said I’ve posted 2 or 3 of their videos on here already !!
    I like Zeppelin also and just wish they would go off in their own direction.

    But it seems you can’t cope with any comments that don’t comply completely with your wishes !!

    Do try and grow up !!

    I’m done !!!

    Wow...someone's in a good mood tonight!

  2. 41 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    I’ve listened to some of their stuff ( and posted a few on this thread ).
    They are pretty good IMO but have a reputation of ripping off Led Zep !! ( especially the singer )
    If they can produce some material with their own trademark sounds then they will go far they certainly have the talent .

    Come on guys...doesn't it give you hope, that 3 teenagers pick up REAL instruments and make real music!?

    Asking all that are not intolerant <deleted> on here!)

    I like them!

    Yeah...they sound a bit Zep'linish!

    So what?

    Want them to sound like Pitbull or Bieber?

  3. The BTS is a disgrace!

    2 boys and old man from Outer Mongolia and their three legged donkey could set up a better public transport!


    It is totally overcrowded at Rush Hour (maybe it would help, if there were more than 4 coaches and someone could think of a way, to get rid of that #$@%^& eye of a needle, that is Saphan Taksin!), the constant blaring of the commercials annoys the #$@% out of me, the idiots, who have to squeeze into the coach, because there is not another one coming in 5 minutes...it just makes me super aggressive!


  4. I am now officially outing myself: I love the wild and wet Songkhran!


    Hear me out!


    1) I love it for one day!

    The 13th!

    I really enjoy the mayhem, the party, the beer...all of that!

    I will have a few cold ones myself, start the party at 2pm on Silom and usually am back home by 8, slightly drunk and kind of exhausted!

    2) After that, it is not my thing anymore!

    I stay home, on the balcony or at the pool of the condo, with a book and relax!

    3) If I have to leave the house -which I try to avoid at all costs- I am prepared to be soaked and I will not whine about it! It is, what it is and who am I to tell other (Thai) people, how to celebrate!

    4) I wish everybody a Happy New Year, no matter how they care to celebrate- again: none of my business!

    I do it my way, you do it yours!

    5) Do I wish, police would do more control on drunk drivers, idiots on speeding motorbikes, no helmets, gropings or rapes...?

    Hell yeah! 

    Will it happen?


    But I don't blame the death toll on Songkhran per se!

    I blame it on the non- enforcement of laws and rules!

    End of!


    Sawasdee pee mai!

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  5. I have been to the Samui Zoo, years ago and it was a shocker.

    But there are actually some examples, that are not horrific!

    If you can actually embrace the idea of a zoo...and I can, for the biggest part!

    Here is why: if you want to make children interested in the plight of animals, I think you kind of have to show these animals to them- and not only on film, mind you!

    Do all zoos do that?


    Do all visitors understand, what a zoo could be?


    But Dusit Zoo and the Siam Oceanworld are  examples of exhibits that (for the most part) look and seem fine!

    I do not say, I have insights on what is going on behind the scene, but on the outside, things look okay to me!


    Luckily zoos nowadays understand more and more about how to cater to animals and their needs, instead of just presenting them on a silver plate!

    I recently have been back home and paid a visit to the big zoo in my hometown.

    They used to have a tiger enclosure, that was really small.

    They quadrupled in in size and now...if you come there to see the tiger and the tiger doesn't want to be seen...sad day for you!

    You either bring the patience (which also includes a learning curve) or not!


    But as long, as (Thai) people get fed the kind of BS, that made the Tiger Temple a profitable business, that has nothing to do with learning or conservation and eat it up by the spoonful, things will never change!  



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  6. 17 hours ago, captspectre said:

    what's the matter? can't conduct a conversation without using profanity or derogatory terms? that's what a dictionary is for!




    And where exactly did I use profanity?

    I avoided it, as you can clearly see!

    But...well...you post is such rubbish - f.e. implying, it is okay to harass women, if they are dressed in a certain way, because they kind of ask for it!

    Got it now?

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