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Posts posted by DM07

  1. How many more of these idiotic non-stories, do we have to read?


    These costumes are NOT traditional, unless you believe a very specific history to be "the truth"!

    And what are young people to achieve, by asking their elders for "Thai- history"?

    They will hear a bunch of glorified fairytales, that have NOTHING to do with reality!


    This is soooooo damn annoying!


    • Like 2
  2. 6 hours ago, captspectre said:

    what about the falang tourist idiots who wear tank tops, and shorts, and walk around like a bunch of drunken fools  throwing water on everyone? what about the drunk females who wear next to nothing yet take offense when someone grabs their butt?


    I'd really like to answer this and tell you, what I think about your post...but I like my posting rights!

  3. On Wednesday, April 04, 2018 at 7:49 PM, geriatrickid said:

    Educate yourself then. It is you who shows disrespect to the Thai people because you are ignorant of their history and their struggles and the advances made. Those advances came with some national sacrifice.

    Until the mid 1800's, the life of the Thai peasant was similar to that of a serf in the 1200's of Europe. That's when the concept of land ownership as we know it, started to be applied with the introduction of the chanote. Learn about the concept of nai/phrai and what it meant. Until King Rama V, all land belonged to the King. There is a reason why the Chakri  Reformation was so important to the nation of Thailand and why Rama V is so revered.


    Are you even aware that as recently as 1986,  2/3rds of Thailand lived below the poverty line? The Thaksin era was a  turning point and it coincided with a time when poverty rates  fell dramatically. Today, about 11% live below the poverty line with another 10% or so just above it. The people you claim had money for their "Sunday best" barely had enough to feed their families let alone clothe themselves. The historical garb of Thailand's poor who were the vast majority of the country's population  until very recently was nothing like the imitation silk colourful polyester blend outfits. Few people could afford silk garments. It's high time foreigners like you were obliged to take a course in the history of Thailand before  being allowed to stay. 

    The problem with your closing sentiment, of course, would be: what history?

    The official, rose tinted one?

    Because I really doubt, anyone here would teach any foreigner (or Thai, for that matter) accurate history!

    • Like 2
  4. 15 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    It is dumb ignorant tourists that are fueling the trades in animal cruelty for entertainment purposes.


    Many of these animals perform out of fear, they are hit, beaten and even drugged into submission. I never visit those places and never will. Very easy, no tourists, no money and then these places go out of business. What`s so difficult to understand about that?

    Yeah...ahm...how about responsibility of the locals?

    Oh...i forgot: they are Thai and can not do any wrong, by definition!


  5. 1 hour ago, jak2002003 said:

    Without her consent.... maybe men should go around with a paper and pen so they can get her written consent and signature to say what they are allowed to touch.  


    As for the 'properly' dressed women... that is a same for them and not right.  Please know there are also properly dressed men who also get groped and touched by drunk women, or are you OK with males being sexually assaulted but not women?  Many women can not control their urges either.


    Lost count of the number of times Thai women have touched me without my consent, including several at one time trying to drag me into a bar.  You OK with that?





    Was it a hard day at the office?

    1) maybe men should just not touch women! It is quiet simple, isn't it! If a woman wants you to touch her, I think she is mostly quiet able to let you know! But if YOU are not otherwise under control: yeah...maybe you should get written consent! 

    2) where did I say, I am okay with men being groped? But since the OP is about women, I addressed that subject!

    Do I also have to state, that I am against cruelty to animals...just in case, you want to cover that subject as well? 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    Do you live in the southern Thai provinces?

    I'm sure the insurgency would appreciate a personal audience with you.

    Please...go back and read the mail, I was reacting to.

    Here is a part "most Muslims nowadays are too radicalized"...


    There are Billions of Muslim in the world and maybe 10% of them are said to be "radicalized"!

    Although that maybe a really high number: in what universe does 10% equal "most"?

    And even "the southern Thai provinces" does not equal "most"... probably not even in Thailand!

    • Like 1
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  7. 28 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

    Perfect post and the most intelligent answer to the problem so far.


    Women have to take care of themselves and not dress like they are advertising free sexual pleasures in these situations if they want to avoid unwanted sexual attention. 


    Same as me not walking around alone late at night in a known rough part of town wearing huge amounts of expensive gold, or, keeping my life savings sitting on my garden wall every day and night with no protection.  


    The photo of the women in the bar wearing a thong.... why is she dressed like that?  It's not to look beautiful, smart or sophisticated.  It's not for comfort or practicality.  It's not for fashion or religious reasons.  It is to make her a sexual object.  She wants men to lust over her sexy body.  Nothing wrong with that at all.  But if she gets her bottom felt or has men eyeing her body she has no excuse to feel sexually assaulted or try to say he is an innocent victim of perverted men.




    "But if she gets her bottom felt or has men eyeing her body she has no excuse to feel sexually assaulted or try to say he is an innocent victim of perverted men."


    If someone looks at her...so what?!

    But no one - I repeat: NO ONE- is allowed to touch her, without her consent!

    There is no ambiguity!

    If she invites you to touch her butt...gives consent to you doing it...there is no problem!

    But even if she were butt- naked (pun intended) and you would touch her assets against her will...YOU are to blame and not her!


    ...and stop, making up silly stories of walking around in a rough part of town, covered in jewelery or leaving your car running and the doors open!

    There are plenty of women out on Songkhran, who dress "properly", as you might say, and still getting groped, because some braindead idiot can not control his urges, when he sees a woman in shorts or a short skirt!


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