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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 16 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    You are quite right.... a woman dresses as she pleases and it 'should' NOT trigger the animal in anyone...


    I'd like to apply a healthy dose of reality to the topic: Some animals are unable to control themselves, thus, when offering advice to anyone it is not unreasonable to be realistic for the world is not made up of perfectly well-behaved people. 



    She still doesn"t have it coming!

  2. 34 minutes ago, JOC said:

    Wow....A 63 year old with a brain of a 12 year old (being polite here)....

    So the highlight of your boring life is to spray water and have a few beers....how very exciting (thanks for sharing)

    But each to his own...

    The problem here is, that your childish games effect a lot of people, who don't share your playfulness...

    So please limit your "fun" to just one day, and respect people who are not participants in the games...


    Where did he say, it was the highlight of anything, Mr. Condescending?


    • Like 2
  3. I can't hear this BS anymore: it's all the foreigners' fault.

    If it wasn't for all the bad farang, Thais would celebrate Sonhgkran quiet and in the traditional way!

    Yeah right!

    Because noise and party and drinking are soooooooo un- Thai!

    All you miserable grumpy old men: lock yourself in for a week- you won't be missed!

    Everybody else: have fun, get wild, get wet and stay safe!

    Happy new year!

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  4. 11 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    Clearly you understand little about Thais and their culture. Higher standards of public behavior are expected here than in the West. Hopefully, you won't have to learn this lesson the hard way.

    Keep your condescending BS to yourself, please!

    The world is turning- slower inside Thailand for sure!

    But it is turning and if I hear one more sentence about Thai culture and higher standards, I will throw up!

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  5. 44 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

    I know you are being tongue in cheek, but it's a fact that respectable Thai women dress pretty conservatively in public. For example, the beaches, even those in tourist towns, aren't exactly awash with local girls wearing bikinis. 


    Most of the girls who flash their flesh during Songkran work in bars, massage parlours etc and the amount they display is a rough guide their status in Thai society.


    Yes, I know it's blatant hypocrisy, but that's Thainess for you.

    Welcome to the 21st century! 
    I know a bunch (as in more then a hand full) women with "respectable" jobs and they like to dress sexy (at times) or like to wear bikinis.

    To think, that all these women are hookers or sluts, doe really show a certain mindset and you, bringing that up on this thread, makes you no better!

    The times they are a changin'!

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