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Posts posted by DM07

  1. On 4/3/2018 at 7:40 AM, henry15 said:

    This problem should be arranged by Muslimcountries  as Malaysia and Indonesia. Thailand and The Phillipies habe already enough problems with their muslim minorities. The should not repeat the European stupidities.


    On 4/3/2018 at 7:39 AM, FreddieRoyle said:

    Nobody is questioning whether the overall sentiment in ASEAN is anti-Rohingya. It is. What must be dealt with is the hows and whys this situation arose in the first place. In my humble opinion the Rohingya should start by having a serious look at their historical conduct. Have they been good neighbors to the local Buddhist communities? Did they behave peacefully and respectfully, or did they organize mass attacks against police stations and local communities? As always, once you look deeply into any perpetual victims situation, the real blame often lies with the victim's conduct. 

      I take exception to your accusation of ASEAN peoples being taught xenophobia. It is admirable that youths in Asia are taught to be proud of themselves and their countries/culture/heritage. Dismantling this national pride has led to the breakdown of peaceful society in many western nations - the Asians are right on this one.

    These people need help NOW!

    Not in a historical context, looking at what their forefathers did, not in the context of who has a "Muslim- problem"...this is a a humanitarian crisis and the world has been looking on (kind of interested) for far too long!

    This is not a religious problem, it is a HUMAN problem! 

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  2. On 5/18/2018 at 7:44 PM, JazRod said:

    If you are an idiot, of course you will be scammed. Not only Thailand but any country. In the US, my phone would ring constantly with scam crap. I lived in the Philippines where every day I was approached with morons trying to take my money with some stupid scam. Just enjoy yourself and be smart. Don't think with your pekker. Watch out for each other and respect everyone as you are in their country and must obey their rules. Be kind and do not be flashy. Dress moderately and you will be fine. I lived in the north where the people were very friendly and kind. Just remember. If it walks, looks and sounds like a duck, it probably is a duck!!

    There always has to be one!

    At least one!

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  3. 3 hours ago, KiwiKiwi said:

    Not very much, it's a basket case and ninnies like the self-appointed PM and his dim buddies are to blame.People bang on about the redshirts, especially the juntaphiles and Shin-haters, but from where I'm sitting, the yellow shirts did far more damage to Thailandand created far more turmoil.


    Now that the junta has disbanded the yellowshits, they have complete the only useful (for Thais) objective and should go. Bring in someone who has the cojones to reform the country, starting with the army, the police, the civil service and the judiciary. This is the sine qua no for Thailand.


    Do it and embrace a new world don't do it and sink beneath the waves, crying all the way to the bottom.

    The problem is: that person would have to be bullet- proof, immune to poison and basically indistructable!

    Good luck in finding him/her!

  4. Oooooh, I bet the orange idi...the American President has listened closely to all sides, got opinions from all the experts and was able to make an informed decission....





    ..and then he said "#@$% that- 'Murica Number One!" and got out of a MULTINATIONAL DEAL (yes...even if you treat it as an US- Iran Deal, that are still not the facts!), that actually could have stabilized Iran and the Middle East.

    Well done!

    Well done, indeed!


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