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  1. well, it seems to me that the elephants were eating elsewhere before, and now they’re eating the farmers crops. So what happened? Can we assume that wherever the elephants ate before they were satisfied and didn’t have a need to move into the villages? If so., restore that condition?
  2. Let’s agree to come back and apologize if we’re wrong. By the way, I remember in the not so distant past how long it took for fake news to be real news. The future will reveal all. Be careful what you call fake. What you can’t see you can’t know.
  3. Interesting to see how well this all works as a distraction. And soon the other side will be able to exploit the Biden family troubles as another distraction. All while other injustices make these pale in comparison.
  4. Thanks for posting this. Ms Adams makes a quite clear and thorough presentation of the big picture. I understand that some of the statements made re: this development may seem quite bizarre and unbelievable. I encourage readers here to listen to her if you havent done so.
  5. The only modern day, American statesman, I know of.
  6. Geo engineering. Perhaps a report from MIT will pique your interest. https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/12/24/1066041/a-startup-says-its-begun-releasing-particles-into-the-atmosphere-in-an-effort-to-tweak-the-climate/
  7. I don’t think you watched it.
  8. Wait and see if there is an embalmer’s report? Was there any issue in pumping embalmer fluid in the body?
  9. For those of you who are not particularly aware of Geo engineering and want to know more you may wish to watch the following documentary: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/
  10. You can if you’re a Geo engineer.
  11. From what I’ve read and heard the next thing I will watch for is how well Europe survives the winter with no Russian gas. Because coal and nuclear are not possible that leaves the forests. I understand that Europe’s forests have already begun to be cut down for fuel. I wonder how much will be left by April. BASF, one of the largest if not the largest corporation in Germany, I believe has closed half its plant and is in the process of moving the other half to China. I think they produce fertilizer. So the second thing I will be looking for is to see if Europe is able to grow any food next summer. Food is also being compromised by the Netherlands government’s actions toward 3000 Netherlands farmers. I imagine Ukraine’s wheat production has suffered from the war. Also India has already reduced its wheat exports in anticipation of needing more for themselves. And whose side is China on when things really get ugly?
  12. I wonder if this is step one in learning from the Chinese point system. You may have noticed there are demonstrations is going on now in China. And if the Thai system doesn’t work this time, it will serve as a first step.
  13. Harveyg

    Covid 4th shot?

    Off mainstream there are protocols to address your situation.

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