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Everything posted by johnnybangkok

  1. What lies? These are established facts. She came out with a ridiculous budget, the markets acted accordingly and swiftly with a massive no- confidence vote and she was removed. Facts. And your attempts to tar anyone who criticises the Tories as Labour or leftist pretty much sums up your identity politics. I’ve voted both based on policy rather than what you always seem to do which is “Right good! Left bad!” Try a bit of critical thinking for once in your life. Democracy means choosing the best party with the best policies. Something people like yourself readily forget in your quest to install the far- right regardless of if it’s the correct thing to do.
  2. 'I do don't, nor do I know anyone "who can see no fault whatsoever with what Trump is doing"' - Really? You got Yagoda, Harrisfan and Frank83628 on 'ignore' have you? 'Biden's "green initiatives" were cancelled because they were ridiculous. Largely benefiting a few connected rich people on the backs of higher energy costs for the poor' - just not true. Like everything this is a nuanced subject where I'm sure some improvements could be made but to throw out everything smacks of revenge. ' 'There is no "war: against trans people' - well it certainly looks like it. This was already being sorted by all the major sporting governing bodies so why even jump in? It was unneccessary. Completely unneccessary. 'Biden DEI programs mandated the hiring and promotion based on skin-color and or gender.' - completely wrong. DEI initiatives ONLY stated that a person of equal skills should not be overlooked for a role based on the colour of their skin or their sexuality. Trump highjacked it to make it sound that less qualified black people were getting jobs over better qualified white people. That's not what it was. 'I do not like the rhetoric around the Ukraine war, or the Israeli war, but I'll wait to see how they pan out to render judgement.' - and in the meantime the damage to US reputation on the international arena has already been done. Expect no help in the future from traditional US partners. 'I am somewhat concerned, but not nearly as concerned as I would have been had he lost.' - he is the ONLY person talking tariffs against everyones advice. The Dems didn't even have this in mind so this is entirely of Trumps doing and he has to own the consequences. I appreciate the civil discourse though and an admission that you are not entirely indoctinated. I only hope you will stand up IF these things all go south.
  3. Well in an effort to be slightly more balanced than the Trump brigade on here (who can see no fault whatsoever with what Trump is doing), here is my tupenceworth. He gets kudos for the border policy that has seen illegal immigration fall off a cliff since he got into power but since I'm not American I don't really care about America's illegal immigrants. I think this sledgehammer approach to government is just a prelude to Project 2025 and is undisciplined and chaotic but again, I'm not American so it doesn't affect me personally. However, what does affect me is his foreign policies and his assualt on the planet. I do care about the future for my child and I would have hoped most here would be the same (unfortunately not though) but withdrawing from the Paris Agreement in favour of 'drill, baby,drill' is just regressive and unneccessary. Why having a cleaner planet for everyone isn't a good idea is beyond me but he's rescinding of all the green initiatives implimented by the Dems just because they were implimented by Biden - that just smacks of petty revenge rather than good policy. His 'war' against trans people just seems completely unneccessary and just vindictive. Most sports had already banned trans men from competing so all he acheived was getting it banned at college level. EVERYONE agrees that trans women who previously were men shouldn't compete at a high level of sport but it was being addressed and really is a non-problem magnified to keep his more rabid base engaged in identity politics. However by far my main problem with him is world politics and world economics. I absolutely don't agree with how he is handling the Ukraine war (basically handing Putin everything he wants and demonising Zelensky with obvious Russian propoganda) and his idea to clear the Gazza strip and make it into some sort of up-scale beach resort is just plain crazy. Tariffs risk the whole worlds economic health and are destined to drive inflation even higher for both the US and the world. It is ill-thought out and against almost any guidance by major economists the world over. It's early days for him and he's done some good but his direction in many other things is VERY concerning and could lead to much more problems for the world that we all live in. He gets a 'much improvement to be done' from me.
  4. You really are clueless in your efforts to support your extremist views (thankfully acknowledged by many with the laughing, sad and confused emoji's). As has been pointed out to you, Truss wasn't removed by the 'deep state' (whatever/whoever that bogeyman is). Her ridiculous 'mini-budget' spooked financial markets so much that her premiership was immediately untenable, resulting in the shortest tenure of any PM in UK history. Her 'shoot yourself in the foot' attempt to remove barriers on bankers bonuses and reducing business taxes was an absolute disaster in the middle of a cost of living crisis and her tone deaf approach of 'you're either with me or against me' showed that there were plenty against her. She was useless. Completely and utterly useless and it's no surprise she is finding favour with the equally useless but so much more dangerous Trumps administration. .
  5. “Worst president in the history of the United States”. Trump - “Hold my beer”
  6. An irrelevant politician trying desperately to keep herself in the spotlight. There was a reason she was 'Britain’s shortest-serving prime minister after a tenure of less than 50 days'. She was useless.
  7. So let's break this all down. 'On February 12, Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent met with Zelensky in Kyiv to offer a proposal granting the U.S. access to Ukraine’s mineral rights in exchange for de facto American protection.' - As the article itself states, 'Critics have likened the U.S. insistence on claiming a share of Ukraine’s mineral wealth to a “mafia shakedown' because that's exactly what it is. 'Then, on February 15, Zelensky publicly rejected the proposal at the conference, calling it “not in the interests of a sovereign Ukraine,” - Oh look, the leader of ukraine is looking out for Ukraine - what a surprise! 'The conflict escalated further on February 19 when Zelensky retaliated, accusing Trump of living in a “disinformation space.” - Trump has accused him of being a dictator, of having started the war (one of his most bizarre yet) of having a 4% approval rating and interestingly, nothing about Putin. Trump absolutely lives in the 'disinformation space'. '“It’s a sh*t sandwich,” admitted one Trump administration official' - it certainly is and the bullying tactics of Trump who is literally reading out of a Russian propaganda manual, and not even involving Ukraine in talks about it's own future (as well as ignoring America's European 'partners') is unprecidented in it's lack of worldwide diplomacy and strong-man delusions. The Art of the Deal? Isn't page 1 that you don't reveal your hand BEFORE you start negotiations, yet here we have Trump doing exactly that and toddying to Putin who he hasn't criticised even once during all of this. He calls Zelensky a dictator when there's a VERY obvious one involved in all of this. And before all you Trump fan-boys jump in, let's imagine if the shoe was on the other foot. Let's just imagine it was America that was agressively invaded instead of the Ukraine and the 'peace' negotiations mean America has to give up Hawaii, Florida and Texas as well as all it's mineral rights. How would you all feel about that? No one wants the war in Ukraine to continue but Zelensky is completely justified in his criticism of Trump.
  8. In other words, you’re even too extreme for Riclag 😂
  9. I can't buy any orange make-up. I blame Trump!
  10. Whataboutism at its finest. The subject was Musk and you’ll be hard pressed to find anyone (well perhaps Trump) who lies more.
  11. You were the one that mentioned “old and out of touch”.
  12. And at 75, she’s still 3 years younger than Trump.
  13. Well if he kept his Asperger’s nose out of everything then he wouldn’t be. He’s the one who thinks it’s his divine right (God complex much?) to insert himself into all these situations mostly though cherry picking points, misrepresenting facts and downright lying, All broadcast through one of the biggest load speakers there is. He deserves everything he gets. No sympathy at all for him.
  14. I was just about to say that. Trying to invite comparisons to the two is disingenuos at best, outright lying at worst. Trumps exact words were ''If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore' which perhaps could be seen in the same light as Warren's 'We are here to fight back.', if not for the somewhat inconvenient fact that his ganboys then actually did head to The Capitol Building, fought hand-to-hand with the security services before actually invading the building. How anyone can see these two things as being remotely similar is beyond me.
  15. Yes well done, you found the rocking horse $hit I mentioned. As has OneMoreFarang. There will always be an example to find something by someone to “corroborate “ your view but again, it’s VERY rare. If someone is truly trans, then where are they to go? Should they be forced into male changing rooms and men’s toilets where they can face more than a few hysterical women having a hissy fit? As usual, it’s a nuanced subject not helped by the VERY few examples where common sense should prevail. And the “old foggies” I was referring to are you lot.
  16. All the usual old foggies getting their knickers in a twist about complete non -events like trans using women’s bathrooms. Firstly this is as rare as rocking horse $hit, excessively amplified by the right and their quest to make identity politics the main dividing line for us all. living in Bangkok I see ladyboys using women’s toilets ALL the time (it would be more weird to see them use the men’s) and not one single time have I ever seen a women complain about it - so exactly what is the problem? Now if a 6ft brikkie walks in wearing nothing but lipstick then sure, it would be weird but again, what exactly is he going to do? Peer over the cubicles? Try and get a glimpse of a woman on the toilet? It’s just all exaggerated nonsense to get the gullible all worked up. And many of you are falling for it time and time again.
  17. Of course you dont. And I have neither the patience nor the crayons to explain it to you.
  18. It has little to do with corruption as corruption has always been endemic in Thailand and is also rampant in a lot of other SE Asian countries who are doing considerably better than Thailand. The truth is much more nuanced. Covid obviously affected the world but in 2022 the world came out the other end and in many countries there was a boom in business (2022 was one of my best years ever) but then 2023 rolled along and with it came the Thai elections and the surprising showing of The Move Forward Party. Their victory of course didn't suit the powers that be (or even Pheu Thai) so deals were done behind closed doors and Move Forward was dissolved. Notwithstanding the completely undemocratic nature of all this, the country was without leadership for at least 6 -9 months in 2023 and matters dragged into 2024 with the ousting of Thavisin. This affected business substantially as who is going to invest in Thailand or expand their business here when there is so much political turmoil going on? Companies want stability and Thailand just hasn't offered that for quite some time so why risk your business when you could just as easily go to Vietnam or Malaysia? Thailands problems are self-inflicted but can also be rectified with a coherant and forward thinking (excuse the pun) policy that addresses the very real percetion out there that thailand is now 'The Sick Man of Asia" https://world.thaipbs.or.th/detail/has-thailand-become-the-sick-man-of-asean-thailands-prolonged-political-crisis/228 There are some positive signs though (casino's, large data centres etc) that could turn things around but Thaksin is correct, 'systemic failure borne out of neglected fiscal responsibilities' is the problem so until Thailands politicians stop looking after their own interests before the country's, problems will continue for many years to come.
  19. And you MAGA brigade are so myopic in your view and so selective of your facts that you don't even know that the highest amount of illegal immigrants who committed a crime ever deported from the US was under Biden. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-deportations-rose-decade-high-fiscal-2024-outpacing-trump-years-2024-12-19/ Or that the highest number removed previous to this was under Obama at 2.5 Million between 2009 and 2015 https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/obamas-deportation-policy-numbers/story?id=41715661 Illegal immigrants who committed crimes were already being sent home long before Trump jumped on the bandwagon. He just made it sound like nothing was being done about it so that people like yourself got all riled up and voted for him. Oldest trick in the book (demonising the many because of the few) and you all fell for it.
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