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Everything posted by johnnybangkok
Yeah but it does determine what people think. Trump may have won but it was no landslide and as usual, he and the GOP benefited massively from the Electoral College. Again. An example of a landslide would have been all of you lots wet dream, Ronald Reagan. Trump won by 1.5% of the vote. Some 2 million Americans. In any other democracy it gets him a split government at best.
It’s the crowing over your own narrative that immediately paints you as MAGA. There’s no gray. There’s no middle. There’s no compromise. That’s what’s so frightening about you lot. And that’s why you get constantly compared to a cult. Everyone has failings. Everyone makes bad decisions but your lot see no fault in Trump and the continued identity politics you always play. “Your side” like it’s a football team or some other tribal following. “Your side” is your fellow Americans. People who disagree with the most egregious of what Trump says are constantly hearing that it’s going to be ok like he’s Jesus. Complete blind and utter devotion to one man rarely works out. That’s what everyone is telling you with the facts that keep getting presented to all MAGA’s but ultimately you all just follow the cult of personality and revert to sides. My side won. That’s all that matters. It’s why we think you’re blinded.
I think you are perhaps adding a few too many zero's there. 'Comer cited three “direct monthly payments to Joe Biden from Hunter Biden’s business entity” as evidence that Joe Biden profited from a deal Hunter Biden made with a Chinese energy company. But Hunter Biden’s attorney said the payments — which totaled a little over $4,000 — simply reflect Hunter Biden repaying his father, who bought him a truck while Hunter was in the throes of drug and alcohol addiction. That explanation appears to be corroborated by emails obtained from Hunter Biden’s laptop, as reported by the New York Post last year. https://www.factcheck.org/2023/12/gop-misleading-claims-in-biden-impeachment-investigation/ I will state this one last time - a GOP investigation (purposely set up to find evidence) has finally admitted there is ' still has no evidence, no crime' after literally years of trying to find some. 'Republican Rep. Don Bacon - “....at this point, there’s not a specific crime that has been committed.” https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/don-bacon-admits-no-evidence-crimes-biden-impeachment-1234997042/ But you just keep drinking the Kool Aid without putting any objective reasoning to the echo chamber you so willingly inhabit.
Thai Cabinet Rejects Proposal to Abolish Capital Punishment
johnnybangkok replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
I'm glad you are so flippant about 'maybe a innocent is being executed, but that will be very rare.' In the US alone 'Since 1973, 200 former death-row prisoners have been exonerated of all charges related to the wrongful convictions that had put them on death row. https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/policy-issues/innocence If you yourself or a member of your family was wrongfully executed, I don't think you would be quite as cavalier about this.- 28 replies
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You keep going on about Biden yet a GOP investigation found absolutely nothing to link Joe with receiving anything from the business dealings of his son - it's a broken record you all keep insisting on playing with absolutely no evidence other than hearsay and mud-slinging. Granted his son Hunter is less 'clean' but again he has been investigated and rightly convicted for his tax evasion and false statements made when trying to obtain a gun and yes, he has been controversially pardoned by his dad but who wouldn't do that for their family if given the opportunity to do so. Comparing the Bidens to the Trumps is like comparing Ghandi to Al Capone.
Elton John Speaks Out: Legalizing Cannabis is a Grave Mistake
johnnybangkok replied to Social Media's topic in World News
You make it sound like these coca farmers are aa cute bunce of local farmers all lining up to be part of the free market - they are owned and paid for by drug cartels and if they do happen to be 'independent' do you honestly think for one moment they would be allowed to remain independent after coca production is made legal? I think you're being a bit naive if I may say so. This also applies to your other points - legalising coca leaf production then means no more smuggling or the 'numerous hands' you mention but it doesn't negate the fact they will still be buying from drug cartels who will adapt VERY quickly to the new, legal model. Heroin is an opioid and therefore in the same group as fentanyl, morphine, codeine, oxycodone and hydrocodone. However, unlike the latter which are all synthetic and produced in labs, heroin cannot be easily replicated in labs (not impossible but difficult) and if you are going to produce it synthetically you would just produce fentanyl, morphine, codeine, oxycodone and hydrocodone. Now I'm no expert but I'm guessing tht since heroin is still very much alive and kicking, it must be giving you a different high to all the other, easier to produce opiods. But yet again, I don't disagree that something has to be done other than the usual failed 'war on drugs' - I just don't think it's as easy as legalising it all. https://foreignpolicy.com/2011/06/22/legalizing-drugs-wont-stop-mexicos-brutal-cartels/ -
Don't you just love the mental gymnastics of the most fervant Trump fans who just can't admit their messiah can possibly have done ANYTHING wrong. Just ask yourself this; do you think he slept with Stormy Daniels (if you don't then I have a bridge to sell you), then ask yourself, when running for office and blackmailed into paying hush-money, he paid her $130,000 to avoid the obvious negative publicity of sleeping with a porn star. Then ask yourself is it reasonable that this payment was 'disguised' as reimbursements to his lawyer Cohen (who later pleaded guilty to eight federal charges of tax evasion, fraud and campaign finance violations related to the payments to Daniels and which saw him eventually jailed?) Finally, a federal judge and a grand jury then find him guilty of 34 felonies when presented with the mountain of evidence. What part of any of this doesn't sound like Trump yet here you all are talking about it being 'politically motivated' and a 'witch-hunt', just like you Beloved Leader tells you. It's ok to be a Trump fan but if that requires you to suspend all reasoning and objective analysis then I reckon that's just too high a price to pay.
Elton John Speaks Out: Legalizing Cannabis is a Grave Mistake
johnnybangkok replied to Social Media's topic in World News
I'm not disputing that it is possible for Pharma companies to produce drugs but lets take for example cocaine where it takes over ninety days, around one hectare, and one tonne of coca leaf to produce just one and a half kilograms of coca paste. Bolivia, Peru, and Colombia already have vast tracks of land soley in use for the cultivation of the coca plant (run of course by drug cartels and supported by pliant governments). The investment by Pharma companies would have to be huge but if legal (and therefore coca plant cultivation is legal), it would make more commercial sense to just buy from those organisations already producing the coca leaf. This would then basically legitimise the very cartels legalising is suppsed to stop. It's an interesting conversation and I would again reiterate something drastic needs to be done and wholeheartedly agree with initiatives such as the Zurich example you gave, but I'd also profer it's not just as straight forward as legalising these drugs and letting the free market run amok as when you are talking this amount of money, you may just end up helping and legitimising the very people you were actually trying to stop. -
I’m not sure this is the big “gotcha” moment you think it is. The operative paragraph in your article states “These defeats occurred in over 400 competitions in 29 sports, though authors did not specify specific events, levels of competition or time periods.” Again I will reiterate that the MAIN sports that concern most people (athletics, swimming, gymnastics, cycling, rowing, tennis etc) are already covered but as I have also stated, there are still outlier sports (fencing obviously being one) that haven’t addressed the problem YET. So unless you can mention a particular sport or event, then my facts certainly support my narrative. And once again I’ll also CLEARLY state, I don’t think that trans women should be allowed to compete in women’s sports.
What I am agreeing to is the problem has been viewed, considered and in the vast majority of sports, sorted. Of course biological men shouldn't compete as women in women sports but you (like many on this forum) continue with your nonsense that 'the majority of champions in women's sports will be blokes in skirts' when that clearly isn't the case. You use the subject as some sort of imaginary hammer to get 'back at the wokes' when in reality it's a non-subject only now used as a dog-whistle to the likes of you. You are not winning any 'hearts and minds' because you agenda is so obvious as to be laughable.
Elton John Speaks Out: Legalizing Cannabis is a Grave Mistake
johnnybangkok replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Interesting argument and although I agree the war on drugs has been an expensive disaster and can never be won, I'm not sure any government would ever produce the drugs themselves (and therefore in effect be labled a drug dealer) and the question would still remain, who would then produce them? Any legalising would more likely legitimise drug cartels who would still have a firm control over production. This is obviously not ideal. A much better idea would be to follow the Portugese model and simply decriminalise drugs thus making the possession of drugs for personal use treated as an administrative offence, meaning it is no longer punishable by imprisonment and does not result in a criminal record and associated stigma. Drugs however are still confiscated and possession may result in administrative penalties such as fines or community service. Drug dealers still face prosecution but drug users are given more help than punishment. 'By ‘accepting the reality of drug use rather than eternally hoping that it will disappear as a result of repressive legislation’, Portuguese reform allows drugs to be treated as a health, rather than criminal justice, issue.' https://transformdrugs.org/blog/drug-decriminalisation-in-portugal-setting-the-record-straight There certainly needs to be some 'thinking outside of the box' and since the Portugese model has produced lower incarceration rates, lower overall usage and less valuable resources spent on petty drug users, I believe this could and should be a world-wide model. -
Absolute nonsense. This was obviously a very disturbed young man. 'The attacker had admitted during his federal trial that he planned to hold Mrs Pelosi hostage, interrogate her on camera and "break her kneecaps" if she did not admit to what he claimed were her lies.' No mention or even a thought about being his 'gay lover'. Stop making up rubbish.
If you are going to fight this battle then may I suggest you at least get your facts straight - 'The case has been widely reported in the US and elsewhere, with some reports incorrectly suggesting Burke has been jailed for not using gender-neutral pronouns.' In fact he hasn't 'spent 6 months in jail for refusing to use trans gender weird and wonderful pronouns', he 'has spent 11 days in prison for ignoring a court order to stay away from the school.' https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/sep/15/irish-teacher-jailed-contempt-of-court-after-refusing-student-pronouns You are like many on here who come on to this topic spewing absolute nonsense and false equivalences (squirrels indeed) because it fits with your miopic view on a complex and thought provoking issue. For us that live in Thailand, we see trans females all the time and it just simply isn't a problem to call them she if that's their preference because for the most part they look far more 'she' than 'he'. Live and let live I say and if it's not doing anyone any real harm (and no they shouldn't compete as women in sports) then what's the real issue other than the false indignation of people like you.
I see the usual brigade are out in droves, pearl clutching to the extremee whilst conveniently ignoring the FACT that many, many sports to include althletics, swimming, rugby, cricket, cycling, rowing and tennis already ban trans althletes. There are a few outlier sports (and I'd include fencing as outlier) that are still trying to work out what to do but I think the majority of sports where 'women who used to be men' is considered an advantage have already adressed the subject and acted appropriately. https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/transgender-athletes-ban-rules-olympics-b2529369.html
Just the same as the last time he took power, Trump will benefit from 4 years of solid Dem economics that has seen inflation (a world-wide problem) drop to 2.7% and still falling, gas prices stabalising and enviable job numbers. And just like last time, Trump will come in and cut taxes for his wealthy friends and business supporters adding even more trillions to the national debt than the $4 trillion he added the last time round ($8 trillion overall), initiate a tarriff scheme that every economist has predicted to be a world-wide disaster as well as deregulation to the detriment of the environment and public health. But as long as the stock market goes up then most of the Trump fans on here won't really care with their 'I'm alright Jack so <deleted> the rest of you' attitude.
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How the Woke Turned a Suspected Killer Into a Cultural Icon
johnnybangkok replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Exactly. Just another attempt at culture wars when the reality is that good looking killers have always got this attention irrespective of whether the devotees are left, right or centre. Case in point being https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/shadow-boxing/201910/girls-who-love-ted-bundy -
Thailand's Marriage Equality Bill to Become Law Next Month
johnnybangkok replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Again I'm not quite sure where you are coming from. Obviously we are now more enlightened than previous generations, certainly when it comes to science. Isn't the whole point of advancement that you move forward in thinking and certainly on this subject, civilisation has moved on from the puritanical thinkings of previous generations to a much more enlightened understanding of homosexuality? When you mention 'overturn millennia of understanding' I would counter there wasn't much understanding at all - only victimisation and ostracising predominateloy led by the intolerance of religion. And what exactly needs to be questioned? That being gay is ok? That it's not perverted? That's it natural and can be seen throughout the animal kingdom? Whether there is a scientific reason behind it is almost irrelevant; it's there, it happens and perhaps although some would prefer a scientific explaination, when there's nothing conclusive offered, then as I've said already, it just is. -
Thailand's Marriage Equality Bill to Become Law Next Month
johnnybangkok replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Interesting point but again the 'confusion' comes with studies in twins where a majority shared the same sexual orientation but interestingly, 35% of them didn't https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8494487/ A very good gay friend of mine has a brother who is two years older than him and as straight as they come so if it is genetic surely all that have close genetic components (especially twins) should all be the same but the reality is that many aren't. I don't have the answers and I understand it adds to the confusion but that's what the science says.