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Everything posted by johnnybangkok

  1. We all know it's a hearing. We all know it'll be allegations that come out of this rather than prosecutions. We all know it then goes to the DOJ who decide on prosecuting or not and then if they do, it goes to trial. And we certainly know that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Not seeing why you need to keep making this point when all anyone is doing is giving their OPINION he is guilty.
  2. it's a hearing NOT a trial. If after the hearing the DOJ thinks there's enough evidence presented to then prosecute then he goes to trial where he can call witnesses, have a defence lawyer, cross-examine and due all the things you are talking about.
  3. 'If you are not a scientist, and you disagree with scientists about science, it's actually not a disagreement. You're just wrong. Science is not truth. Science is finding the truth. When science changes it's opinion, it didn't lie to you. It learned more.' Anonymous poster FB
  4. Again with the anecdotes. I would suggest that your “friends” who are having problems should quit, much like I would suggest an alcoholic should give up the booze or a heroin addict should get off the smack. There are numerous studies that prove that cannabis is much healthier than alcohol, opioids, coke and many other of similar ilk, but like everything , it’s not for everyone and when it becomes a problem it should be stopped. And although there are some studies that it “change your brain slowly”, it’s universally accepted that this is long term, very heavy usage and to infer this is what will happen for the majority is just scaremongering nonsense.
  5. Anecdotal nonsense at its finest. it is well documented that individuals with underlying mental problems should stay away from cannabis as should younger people who’s brains haven’t fully formed. Its also very true that, like alcohol and other drugs, some people just can’t handle it (a whitey isn’t much fun). This doesnt mean the vast majority of people who partake or are thinking of trying it shouldn’t because for the vast majority it relaxes them, helps them sleep better and of course has major health benefits. Like alcohol, cannabis isn’t for everyone but unlike alcohol it doesn’t come with the violence and destruction we seem to see every Friday night in our home towns. And I would suggest that was filling up your emergency room much more than any person on cannabis.
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