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Everything posted by johnnybangkok
Daft things your Mrs believes in?
johnnybangkok replied to proton's topic in ASEAN NOW Community Pub
Lighten up Kenny Killjoy -
Advice/help without judgement *please* - Black magic?
johnnybangkok replied to JamesR7's topic in ASEAN NOW Community Pub
There is no such thing as black magic, supernatural beings, ghosts or the likes. Don't just take my word for it though:- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Million_Dollar_Paranormal_Challenge -
Daft things your Mrs believes in?
johnnybangkok replied to proton's topic in ASEAN NOW Community Pub
Ghosts. If I hear one more daft story about her mother's next door neighbours cousin's house being haunted I'll probably end up killing her. Then we'll see who was right. -
Not really sure what point you are trying to make here but you certainly shouldn't be using the word 'equal' with that statement. If you are trying to say they look different to you then the sentance should read 'But they don't look the same, they have a different skin color.' The word 'equal' means being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value so your statement reads 'But they are not the same in quantity, size, degree, or value, they have a different skin color' Which is racist.
The first thing you need to do is have a discussion with him and find out if he knew he was being xenaphobic. You mentioned his English isn't great and having had many different nationalities work from me in the past, this could be the thing; he genuinely didn't mean it the way it came out. Equally though he could be very aware of what he was saying and therefore appropriate action needs to be taken. However, the one that would really concern me is the part about hitting on all the females, especially in the environment you have mentioned. It is highly inappropropiate for ANYONE to being doing this in a work environment let alone a military set-up with female ranking officers so this needs to be addressed immediately. Have the discussion, make your thoughts clearly known and let him know he is getting a verbal warning (it probably doesn't constitute a written one at this stage). Give him a clear timeline for improvement and let him know that the next time it happens will result in either a written warning or if severe, instant dismissal. Even though this is a verbal warning, it can still be recorded and if you want it to be rock-solid, have someone else present (HR or the likes) whilst you are having the discussion. The procedures for this should all be in your employee manual so make sure you follow it to avoid employment tribunials and the likes. Best of luck and let us know how it goes.
No Problems from Cannabis Legalization: Health Minister
johnnybangkok replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
The article itself is telling you it's a non-problem but you just couldn't resist the fear mongering could you? No one is denying that is some severe cases, it may exacerbate mental illness and most certainly shouldn't be taken by 'young and still developing brains' but this is well documented stuff and still only accounts for a very small percentage of overall users. As so eloquently put by Songlaw, there's pros and cons with all drugs (to include alcohol) and so far, the pros are vastly outweighing the cons as far as cannabis is concerned. -
Since mask wearing is no longer compulsory, those that still choose to do so are excercising their individual right to choose to wear a mask. I see no issue in that. Some people are all ok without a mask, others (mostly the older generation) are still very wary and will continue to wear masks probably for a long time to come. I don't think the optics for this are a concern. Most people understand Covid now (we've lived with it for long enough) and I doubt it will put people off if they still see a lot of mask wearing going on. As long as it's not compulsory, tourists will be ok.
No one is saying Covid isn't still around and still poses a problem for some but the economic pitfalls of keeping bars closed and the likes is just too much to ignore. If you are double vaxed and boostered up then you should feel relatively safe (and if you're not then that's your look-out) and there's always the option of just not going to these places. Thailand needs to start treating people like adults again and giving people a choice. Just like so many other countries have been doing for many, many months.
POLITICS Trump says FBI raiding his Mar-a-Lago home
johnnybangkok replied to Scott's topic in World News
Just a suggestion but how about you stop pouring kerosine over everything you touch? If this is true (and it's a big if) then why now? He has had months to return the materials in question, yet did nothing. He had a chance to show the warrant but chose not to. He could have not pointed the finger at the FBI thus putting agents lives at risk amid unprecedented threats to them and their families. He could have chosen not to insinuate 'planting' of evidence, but that's exactly what he did. Any concilitory tone now reeks of self-preservation and that's if you are blind enough to see it that way as you could just as easily see this as a thinly veiled threat along the lines of 'you better back off as I'm the only one who can calm my rabid followers.' He's running scared and it's beginning to show. -
POLITICS Trump says FBI raiding his Mar-a-Lago home
johnnybangkok replied to Scott's topic in World News
From the artcile you posted:- 'COVID-19 deaths rose in 2021 — to more than 415,000, up from 351,000 the year before — as new coronavirus variants emerged and an unexpectedly large numbers of Americans refused to get vaccinated or were hesitant to wear masks, experts said' Total deaths in USA 1.03 M, meaning there was 615,000 under the Trump administration. Also as suggested in your article, the 2021 number was due to 'unexpectedly large numbers of Americans (who) refused to get vaccinated or were hesitant to wear masks'. Now as much as Trump personally wasn't responsible for this (to his credit), Conservatives made up the VAST majority of unvaccinated and non-mask wearing individuals in the US, fuleled by right-wing media and the politicisisation of the matter by the GOP. https://www.vox.com/22947498/partisan-pandemic-polarization-coronavirus-vaccine I don't want to debate this any more in the knowledge this could be going off-topic but the point being that the original potser was trying to paint a picture of everything so much better under Trump when it clearly wasn't. -
POLITICS Trump says FBI raiding his Mar-a-Lago home
johnnybangkok replied to Scott's topic in World News
Well then I say just lets all forget it! I mean it's only the law of the land after all and 'special' people should always be exempt from the law. -
POLITICS Trump says FBI raiding his Mar-a-Lago home
johnnybangkok replied to Scott's topic in World News
Maybe you should say that to the relatives and loved ones of the over 1 million Americans who have died of Covid (the vast majority of which was under the Trump administration). I'm sure they might not agree. -
POLITICS Trump says FBI raiding his Mar-a-Lago home
johnnybangkok replied to Scott's topic in World News
Well that's some mental gymnastics there for sure. Firstly 'sensitive material' isn't just 'left around at the White House'. It's kept at the National Archives building in Washington https://www.archives.gov/publications/general-info-leaflets/1-about-archives.html Secondly, there is actually no 'bigger concern' than an ex-President who has publicly courted despots and dicatators; who has denied a fair and free election and who instigated the Jan 6th insurection. I think I know where i'd rather the information be held. -
POLITICS Trump says FBI raiding his Mar-a-Lago home
johnnybangkok replied to Scott's topic in World News
And there we have it! Everything we need to know about you and where you are coming from in one uranium loaded sentence. -
POLITICS Trump says FBI raiding his Mar-a-Lago home
johnnybangkok replied to Scott's topic in World News
This point has already been debated but since you are late to the party, let's clear this one up for you. You would do a raid over a subpoena IF you thought a subpoenau would only be allowing the person to either destroy the evidence, change the eveidence or somehow 'lose' the evidence. This was obviously a distinct possibility with Trump, hence the raid. -
POLITICS Trump says FBI raiding his Mar-a-Lago home
johnnybangkok replied to Scott's topic in World News
Allow me to assist using your own defination. You CANNOT call yourself neutral when you only argue one side of a debate. Which you do. Constantly. -
POLITICS Trump says FBI raiding his Mar-a-Lago home
johnnybangkok replied to Scott's topic in World News
Neutral “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” -Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride. -
POLITICS Trump says FBI raiding his Mar-a-Lago home
johnnybangkok replied to Scott's topic in World News
And you are assuming this is political. Both Biden and the White House have already come out and said they knew nothing about the raid and had nothing to do with it's instigation. Could it actually just simply be law enforcement doing their job? Being the only POTUS ever to have been raided by law enforcement, the DOJ and FBI will no doubt have been super careful that this was the right thing to do so to say this is 'state agencies harassing political rivals' is a very long stretch indeed. The guy's a proven crook so don't look for alternative reasons other than him just being his usual crooked self. -
POLITICS Trump says FBI raiding his Mar-a-Lago home
johnnybangkok replied to Scott's topic in World News
Have you noticed how Trump fans are particularly prone to histronics? 'Most persecuted human being alive'. Give me a break. -
POLITICS Trump says FBI raiding his Mar-a-Lago home
johnnybangkok replied to Scott's topic in World News
This isn't an episode of Sherlock Holmes and the FBI aren't wizards out of Harry Potter; things take time and this is only at the beginning. As has been mentioned many times before, the documents will need to be logged and assessed. Archives will need to be involved and will report on what is there that he shouldn't have (which sounds like everything but I won't jump to concusions). In other words, the evidence needs to be accumulated and then the process of charging will follow. This is an ex-POTUS so I can imagine these guys will be somewhat thorough in all this, knowing that the likes of Kevin McCarthy have already threatened a full investigation IF they get Congress https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/3593582-mccarthy-threatens-to-probe-garland-after-trump-fbi-raid/ -
POLITICS Trump says FBI raiding his Mar-a-Lago home
johnnybangkok replied to Scott's topic in World News
This is the first time you have said Trump should be investigated for this matter so it's good to see you are coming round to what is the right thing to do. And by the way, not a single person has labelled you as far right but you are being labelled as a Trump supporter as only Trump supporters have the audacity to defend this man as much as they do. -
POLITICS Trump says FBI raiding his Mar-a-Lago home
johnnybangkok replied to Scott's topic in World News
Enough of the pearl clutching pleeeeeese!. You can't come on a forum, cr&pping on about the 'radical left', Antifa and 'but...... but...... Hunters laptop' and then try and plead the victim. We understand neutrality extremely well and is why you are being accused of being the complete opposite of neutral because in not one of your posts have you acknowledged that Trump tried to steal the election, has been in denial about it ever since (and is amassing a cohort of other election deniers for important government posts) and that the FBI would not be raiding his home without LOTS of probable cause. As has been pointed out to you many, many times before, he took confidential documents he wasn't suppose to take. The National Archives asked for them back but he only returned 15 boxes. They want the rest back (to include records of foreign gifts given to Trump and Pence in 2020) and he hasn't done that. As Eric Loh pointed out earlier, the willfull removal or destruction of these records maybe subjected to fines or up to 3 years of imprisonment. Individuals with possession or control of records reflecting national defense information who permit their removal, loss, or destruction are subjected to fines or imprisonment of not more than 10 years. All of this has been reported to the FBI and the FBI have done their duty in going to get them Now if you were indeed neutral you would acknowledge there is at least something that needs to be investigated and the FBI are only doing the job they have been asked to do. You're not neutral hence the continuous deflections to the radical left, Antifa and Hunter Biden. And now some classic pearl clutching. -
POLITICS Trump says FBI raiding his Mar-a-Lago home
johnnybangkok replied to Scott's topic in World News
Obviously he's been a model POTUS who will be admired for his honesty, inclusiveness and his ability to bring the country together. I don't know what those pesky Dems have against him. -
POLITICS Trump says FBI raiding his Mar-a-Lago home
johnnybangkok replied to Scott's topic in World News
The January 6th enquiry is brand new as is this information about the removal of documents. His constant refusal to accept the election result is also relatively new as is the information he tried to manipulate states into 'finding' votes for him. Current 'houndings' are justified as you can't simply ignore what he has done. Alsxo, you can only bring investigations and the likes to the fore when the evidence is gathered and despite what the Trump fans here will say, no DOJ or FBI are going to take action against a former POTUS without concrete evidence. This takes time.