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Woke to Sounds

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Everything posted by Woke to Sounds

  1. Still a nothingburger compared to the Belarussian maniac doing karate kid moves in his underpants last month.
  2. Someone told me them guys was crisis actors buddy, don't sweat it buddy. Cheers
  3. Same old same old. Who cares anymore? Burn it all to the ground. Idiots!
  4. So Mr Biden can pardon... but Mr Trump cannot? Okay. Got it.
  5. Fauch always said to wear the mask to prevent the spread and to take the vack seen (which is safe) to prevent getting Corvid. I think he also said he knew nothing about gain of function research in Wuhan. Or if he knew about the labb in Wuhan he didn't know about gain of function. Water under the bridge. Not sure why so many people are angry at him.
  6. Isn't the YMCA song about cruising the bath house for gay sex? Mr Trump has always been a friend to Israel and he proved it again today. My mates in Canada are crying in their Tim Hortons wishing they had a Prime Minister who could ...... ah. never mind.
  7. Send it to Mars on one of Elton's Sbace Ex rockits. Or sell it to the Chinese communists to burn for heating fuel. Or dump it into the Gulf when no one's looking...
  8. Thailand has legalised weed.... ...why not expand its production? Seems a win win win.
  9. Well judging by what I saw in Kampot you do have a point here. Nonstop burning of rubbish incl plastics, leaves, paper, trees trimmings all day every day. You literally could not catch a clean breath in the 10 days I was visiting. At least draught beers were 0.50 USD!
  10. The peoples were trained on this wayyy back in 2020. #StayHome #StaySafe Remember?
  11. The Woke mind virus? And why is Cambodia deemed risky?
  12. Certainly that's the narrative being pushed by the Evil Doers. That's why they've made sure their propaganda infiltrates the school systems. My mate in Canada, who has children, told me the materials are gaslighting kids - kids! - into questioning their own sexuality. I never had that kind of nonsense in my primary school days. These creeps can't have their cake and eat it too, griping about population decrease but simultaneously encouraging it thru their own twisted propaganda. It's one thing to come to a conclusion on your own about your own sexuality, and whatever it is, it should be respected. It's quite another for the state, infiltrated by demented woke radical leftists, to gaslight your kids.
  13. That one can breathe clean air in the UK (and Norway) year round mate. Cheeers buddy
  14. Yes of course it would. But the Thai police would never admit to that would they?
  15. You sure about that? A tin of beans in the UK is about one-third the cost in TH, and you can drink out the taps in the UK. And you can breathe clean air.
  16. Would it be safe to assume for a single guy it could be 7000-8000 per/mo? Does that include beer bought at Big Cunge?
  17. I'm a broken record here but you have to add the caveat: "... is exceptional in CM, when the wilderness isn't on fire for half the year."
  18. Couldn't agree more. That ship has sailed. Now it's nothing but constant air pollution and anti-foreigner vibes. Plus - the gov't made huge mistakes legalising weed and open door visa policy for all the scum to flow in. Norway is an Alpha A+++ country. I am sure you are happy there. And the Norwegian woman are stunners.
  19. Well, at least one can die an exciting death here!
  20. And how, praytell, can you assume that? What about shark attack? I remember when my mates told me of the packs of bull sharks in the Gulf, never spoken of by the authorities ever. Thats a clear and present danger.
  21. I'm a bit concerned about this ceasefire in the middle east. Armament manufacturing is a key component of a healthy economy. How is this ceasefire going to affect my share positions? Counting on those divvies...
  22. The electrocution theory might be plausible. Bad wiring at the beach huts, ungrounded, water conducts current... If I recall correctly the young man was found in bed clutching a mobile that was plugged into the mains. If that could be the case it's easy to see why the cops want this closed asap. RIP brother, you lived life on your terms 🍺
  23. Nobody is forcing anyone to donate to the GoFundMe campaigns. People donate because they're kind hearted and they want to help. Let families beg if they have to. No one chooses to be poor.
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