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Woke to Sounds

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Everything posted by Woke to Sounds

  1. Hmmm... that's funny because my mate in Canada said he was in his city's public library, in the mens' washroom, and there was a tampon dispenser! Not kidding. I guess in Canada men can have periods.
  2. Bingo. Divide and conquer. Discourage male/female union and thus procreation. Mr Bill Gates of Hell should stick to software.
  3. Finally the Chinese tourists are upping their game. Fine and deport this vandal. Chiang Mai is not a blank canvas to go about decorating.
  4. Because I'd rather know what makes a psychopath tick than not know.
  5. Brother Number One (Pol Pot) by David Chandler.
  6. The main attraction of Cambodia vs Thailand is the easy hassle free visa options, esp if you're 55 and older. One downside, having spent nearly 2 mos there, is the near constant air pollution and rubbish everywere at the roadside. Worrying is the surging CCP influence/investment. It is not necessarily a cheaper option overall; however, beer is cheaper than in Thailand. Some expats might be deluding themselves thinking that Cambo is a much cheaper place to live than Thailand?
  7. The guy's voice is irritating.
  8. More radical leftist agendas based on fairy dust. Wikipedia is far from unbiased. Anyone remember their first gambit at this lunacy during the early Corvid years when they were gung ho to ban pets because they spread Corvid? Thought not.
  9. Wait a minute.... after millions of ordinary Chinese protested the nonsensical lockdowns that just wouldn't end in Jan 2023, the CCP said the Corvid p(l)andemic was conquered! But... is it actually so that Corvid never really went away and the govt is lying? How long till fresh lockdowns buddy?
  10. That scenario could be the final nail in the coffin for Canada. Another globalist takes over. I heard a universal basic income would not be off the table, especially if the tariffs are destructive for long. The Liberal Party had 10 yrs to grow and diversify Canada's wealth but instead obsessed about pronouns and menstruation for men.
  11. Why would he want to speak to Trudes? Mr Trump thinks of Mr Trudeau as "very weak and very dishonest." The Liberal Party of Canada has been a disaster for average working Canadians since 2015. Too focused on putting tampons into men's washrooms and pronouns instead of considering consequences of overimmigration and limited affordable housing supply, esp in the bigger cities.
  12. Booing the star spangled banner is just incredibly bad manners. Shame on Canadians for stooping so low. Take the high road you idiots. Boo with your wallets. Buy stuff made in Canada. Idiots!
  13. Yep... and during the Corvid lockdowns that dragged on senselessly till Chinese citizens took to the streets. And then all of a sudden Corvid had been defeated. Victory! 😂 Anyone trusts a word from these guys has sand for brains.
  14. Google is blocked in Communist China. You will need a VPN to access Google, Gmail, FB, WhatsApp, Dropbox, Instagram and anything non Microsoft. A royal pain in the arse.
  15. The devil rice wine strikes again, though I think yabba could be implicated too. Would account for the machetes. The tackling officer is lucky he didn't get sliced.
  16. Once people get the microchip embedded in their skull the problems will be solved buddy. Cheers
  17. Cash is still KING buddy. Untraceable. No data mining. Cheers buddy
  18. A Ponzi scheme at best, and very clever one at that, backed by nothing but hot air, literally, all those CPU fans buzzing in air conditioned rooms... But off you go mate. I'd rather throw my shekels into tangible companies that actually make things!
  19. Depends. Northern food is the best. Northerners, once you get past the tough outer shell are friendly. Shanghainese like to stare at your wiener in public toilets and are a bit paranoid... consider the recent brickbats from Beijing - the Corvid p(l)andemic and maybe good reason? WeChat can SUCK it. Data mining crapola. Do not trust anyone in gov't there. China's gov't is not the brilliant Chinese culture. Chinese tea cannot be beat.
  20. Avoid at all costs. The CCP can SUCK it. I love Chinese culture - their inventions, their written language, Chinese tea, Chinese food, etc - but those have absolutely nothing to do with the toxic, paranoid, control freaking CCP. Cancel your trip.
  21. ...and perhaps the irony is that The Guess Who are from Winnipeg (Canada) commenting on the disgusting state of things in the USA way back in 1970... Fast forward to 2025 ----> North American female brains have long since been corrupted by woke toxic feminism, ideologies that belittle men, champion abortion and promote destruction of the nuclear family - all without them being cognisant of it. They hate men but don't know why.
  22. Wait a minute... this reeks of nonsense... is he parroting what Mr Trump said? Or is The Telegraph full of A.I. bullship? Why is he posing for a photo for The Telegraph? President Trump said those exact words a day (or so) ago: "You want to hire the best and the brightest..." So is this kid just a parrot or is this just more A.I. nonsense designed to shape opinion?
  23. A.I. images? Are those selfies? So if he wanted to disappear ... he sent selfies home? Reverse Nike swoosh is a nice touch...
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