Too little too late for Canada.
They shoulda done that 25 yrs ago and stopped the money laundering in its tracks.
But no.
What you get now in places like Toronto is 50 yr-old single family homes costing $1.5 million.
Kickbacks and corruption at municipal levels?
And/Or a nefarious plan by the radical leftist wokes to destabilise middle class families and either price them out of home ownership forever or be slaves to overpriced rental units?
Why would anyone buy property in TH?
You have no rights.
Better to rent.
Better to invest in Belgium as a previous poster said or someplace like Canada or Aus where real estate can only go to the moon and you have full legal protection.
The gov't changes the visa rules so often I can't keep up. Why bother?
Other countries in the region like Kampuchea and Vietnam do less flip flop on these matters.
Young digital grifters get more bang for their buck in places like Nha Trang in Vietnam anyhow.
Universal Basic Income is coming. Won't be able to save your credits month to month though. Eating, mating and travel based on merit.
The even more useless eaters will just be euthanised.
Commie claptrap.
Have to scare the Chinese tourists into staying at home and spending $$ in China.
You can't believe a word that comes from them.
Few yrs ago it was lettermail from Canada that caused fresh infections of Corvid. 😂
...and this is but one reason why countries like the UK, Canada, Aus, NZ, Germany et al are experiencing cancerous rot of their societies. PC wokespeak has infected everything.
These problems did not exist once upon a time in those countries.
Agreed - and there is also the burning of hundreds of thousands - if not millions - of acres of forests to enable mushroom growth and harvesting for the Chinese market.
GG - what about the alarming trend of using "like" as filler in speech?
Are people terrified of dead air?
Of pauses?
Of reflection?
Is "space" in speech (or music, or visual art for that matter) best avoided?
New topic.
You're welcome.
Kind of eerie how Ms Reeves and Ms Freeland (Canada, recently resigned Finance Minister) appear to be out of their depth.
The finances of both the UK and Canada are turd bowl like at the moment.
Unlike real world 3D companies there is nothing backing up craptocurrencies but a bunch of hard drives whirring around air conditioned rooms.
Throw the book at these creeps quality tourists.