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Woke to Sounds

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Everything posted by Woke to Sounds

  1. It's because all the guys are jacking it to internet p0rn. Far less hassle than dealing with some broad. As for the worker replacement dilemma.......no one ever heard of A.I. and robots? Who needs people?
  2. Thailand swung the door wide open to all and sundry, and now it reaps what it sowed.
  3. These punks got no respect. I put it down to the Tik Tok videos and things like that, trying to be famous. Check their licenses and suspend if need be.
  4. Maybe, but you have to steer clear of Toronto and all the big cities ruled by the radical woke leftists. My mates in Alberta and Saskatchewan tell me that the cities in those provinces are the way to go, under the radar. No one in Candada cares about those cities. You can get away with anything.
  5. Joe was a good man, touched a lot of hair. He is right in saying not to trust Big Tech. They want to stitch robots into our brains.
  6. Why are the trees unaffected? Did the man's property have fencing with iron nails and was that fencing burnt at the nail joints? If there is a God why would God spare this man and nobody else? Hardly a merciful God then. Is this Photoshopped? (thereby rendering the above 3 questions null and void...)
  7. Special shout out to the Brotherhood. I like that. Mr Trumpf has always been a friend to Israel.
  8. Jeezus, working at Amazon seems a cake walk. Hope the Arab scumbags with French passports suck on some real justice after their unjustified violence. Cowards.
  9. Well, I prefer the inocuous 6 bars of soap in a pillow case.
  10. The CCP lifted their draconian and unreasonable lockdowns only 2 yrs ago. Plenty of resentment lingers. Plenty of time for pent up frustration to fester and explode into the violence we now see in Thailand. Not to mention the Anglo-Saxon tourists. They perhaps had the harshest lockdowns of all because they never expected it, unlike the Chinese. People were (are) angry and now that they are free to travel (until A.I. says they can't) they are gonna party like it's 1999 bruv. Cheers buddy
  11. Noodle is a businessman. And business is has been good!
  12. Well, she has that bookish, perverted librarian thing going. Where can I see the vids?
  13. Cowards. Despicable racism rears its ugly head.
  14. I'm saying maybe there's a fair share of pent up aggression b/c of the lockdowns. People did not appreciate being shackled like wild animals. People want to get out there and give 'er like it's 1999. i haven't even touched on violent videogames or the heavy mettle music. And who the hades knows what the vackseens did to some people's brains??
  15. It was a big mistake by the Thai gov't to legalise the devil's cabbage. Now you have all sorts of chavs, bogans, hillbillies and hosers flying to TH and creating chaos, esp when they mix it with the other drugs and booze.
  16. I don't think so. Pot does not trigger violence. Just ask some of the weed experts on here.
  17. As a foreigner in Thailand, you are at the mercy of the constantly changing Thai laws and the baked-in discrimination against the so called falangs. So, in effect, you have no rights - no real rights, in the end - as enjoyed in places like the US, Canada, UK, etc. You can't own land. You can only lease a structure. Anything can be taken from you at any moment, on a whim, depending on how the breeze is blowing that day in the government halls. Condo "ownership" is only available based on the percentage of Thai owners in a building. Far better to rent in Thailand. The reason property costs so much in US, Canada, UK, Aus, NZ is because all those countries are top tier alpha A++ countries. Oh - and also because of unfettered money laundering since at least year 2000 from China, Russia, etc. Why launder billions of cash into real estate in US, Canada, UK, Aus, NZ? Because those countries are top tier alpha A++ countries with a high standard of living and protections of the law (unlike China, Russia, Vietnam, Thailand etc......). And real estate in those countries only becomes more valuable, unlike in Thailand. Cheers boss
  18. Just stick to bottled beer folks. The game is getting dangerous.
  19. The poor pupps should be fostered or adopted and the drug dealer should be executed.
  20. This surprised me when I was in BKK and stayed at my usual guesthouse near Sutthisan. Every single motorbike and tuk-tuk seemed to be missing silencers/mufflers. The noise was - at times - unbearable - even for a tolerant respectful person such as I. Something changed since 2008... Respect thy neighbour?
  21. Thailand needs to get with it and legalise all drugs, hard or soft, just like the bright sparks in the UK and Canada. To do otherwise is to be discriminatory and non inclusive.
  22. More foreign idjits that wanna be Tik Tok stars. Their ballsax could've been ripped off at the exit. There could be copycats after their stupid video went "viral." Send them back on the first plane and maybe they'll get a clue. Idiotes.
  23. So are you saying the OP's link is misinfo or the narrative that "climate change" (and not arson and/or direct energy weapon) is the catalyst for the wildfires is misinfo?
  24. Yes and the hand wringing will continue about how humans are wrecking the planet by the very act of exhaling. At least carbon taxes will fix it. Remember Lahaina? ( Hint: GET OFF THE LAND )
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