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Woke to Sounds

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Everything posted by Woke to Sounds

  1. But we are not talking about the Thai language buddy... this was reported in the Daily Mail, an English language tabloid. Thai language references are moot buddy.
  2. I call BS on the whole thing. Lots of symbolism here, not to mention no CCTV footage on a major street, and motive is clearly irrational. The guy is 33 (highly symbolic number) and his name is Sangwine (aka Sanguine) which means, among other things, bloody/bloodthirsty...blood red....florid/ruddy...optimistic/positive.
  3. Most people do not understand (or are suffering from woke virus so cannot contemplate) that the CCP cannot - and should not - be trusted on anything.
  4. American companies betrayed their employees by moving to communist China in the first place. Any action to get manufacturing back in the USA is a good move. Trump has a special dislike for Canada, more likely for PM Trudeau (rather than the country) whom Trump once called "very weak and very dishonest." Trudes cut his teeth at the W-E-F bootcamps... might have something to do with it? (unaligned with American policy)
  5. There are way too many Chavs in Spain who think they own the place ... they have ruined it for the best behaving Brits. Kudos to the Spanish govt for efforts to keep the windows clean and the floor swept.
  6. A horrible tragedy and a terribly unlucky day for those who were killed in the air and on the ground. RIP But why do Philly news channel have to keep replaying dash cam footage of the crash ad infinitum? Are they not increasing the chances of PTSD in their viewership? Reminds me of 9-11... same sort of replays...over and over and over again.... planes crashing. And what for, other than to terrify and traumatise viewers? And then another question arises: Was it actually a plane that impacted?
  7. Did Boeing drink the DEI / extreme wokeness Kool Aid?
  8. My mate in Vancouver Canada tells me it's similar there. Bust up a shop, steal whatever you want, walk out the front door, security can't do a damned thing - and neither can the police. Both country's govts ... what's the common thread?
  9. Bloke on the far left looks out of place.
  10. The CCP is not to be trusted when it comes to northern shipping routes. They have already gained a foothold in Canada in the last 10 yrs which sets a dangerous precedent. No wonder the USA is concerned and wants to nip this in the bud.
  11. Another fine example of society off the hinges since the Corvid days.
  12. I may have to sink some shekels into funding one of these call center scams. Imagine the revenue!
  13. Meh.... been done before.... Thailand has inured itself to this sort of behavior
  14. Fine, jail and lifetime ban from Thailand. There are too many of these stories involving drugs. Drugs cause way too much damage to society to treat these incidents with kid gloves.
  15. Call centre scams ... trending! Brown envelopes delayed? Throw the book at these entrepreneurs and seriously rethink open door visa policy.
  16. Driver was probably just hopped up on cheap cigarettes and M-150s and a bit hasty with the accelerator.
  17. They most certainly want you to give up your steaks and air travel and possessions... while they carry on and enjoy it all themselves. Evil hypocrites.
  18. I believe this soft on crime approach is still thriving in the UK, Aus, NZ and Canada. In fact I know it is still happening in Canada 'cause my mates tell me about the thrown away needles in the parks and rubbish everywhere. You can get a fresh injection of whatever hard drug you want easier than a hot meal in those countries. Well done radical leftists!
  19. If you actually believe anything coming out of communist China, well ... nothing more to be said. Cheers buddy
  20. Bad crack, yabba, methamphetamine or maybe PCP laced marijuana?
  21. Yes, catch and release is alive and well in Canada my mates tell me. And if you question the practise you are accused of hate speech and discrimination.
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